Chuck Baldwin (2021)
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    The Resurrected Christ: Central To America

    Published: Thursday, April 13, 2006

    The resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead separates our Lord from all the world's messiahs and separates Christianity from all the world's religions. In addition, the resurrection of Christ Jesus also separates the United States of America from every other nation on earth.

    Therefore, it is no accident that the Easter story (along with the Christmas story) incurs the wrath and revulsion of Christ-rejecters as no other. The "god of this world" is relentless in his attacks against all those who even remotely seek to honor the work of Christ on the cross and His subsequent resurrection from the grave.

    Furthermore, the hatred and animosity against the Gospel reveals deeper motives within the hearts of those who attempt to attack the founding principles of our beloved republic. Yes, Martha, you will find that the same people who hate our Christ also hate our country!

    After all, the United States of America was a nation established in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and for His glory. The founders of this country were emphatic about that! Therefore, the imprint and influence of the Savior are seen and felt throughout the length and breadth of this nation. And it is that same imprint and influence that the secularists are feverishly attempting to expunge.

    However, the resurrection of Jesus from the dead also seals the doom of God's enemies! Try as they will, they are a defeated foe! The empty tomb has secured their fate.

    Therefore, if America wishes to remain a free and independent republic, if this nation truly desires future peace and prosperity, and if we genuinely aspire to remain a blessed and protected land, we must quickly throw off this foolish infatuation with multiculturalism, which is nothing more than an attempt to de- Christianize our country, and humbly return to the God of our fathers!

    After all, it wasn't a dead and deteriorated false god upon which America received its vision and hope; it was the crucified and resurrected God-man, the Lord Jesus Christ!

    © Chuck Baldwin

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