Chuck Baldwin (2021)
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    What Local Governments Can Do About Illegal Immigration

    Published: Wednesday, April 19, 2006

    It should be painfully obvious to most all of us that our federal government has no intention of stopping or even reducing illegal immigration. It seems all too clear that we have a president and congress that are willing to allow foreign lawbreakers to invade our country and live off taxpayer welfare with total impunity. But there is something that local governments can do. And, thankfully, several local governments around the country are already doing it.

    An April 14, 2006 New York Times report stated, "While lawmakers in Washington debate whether to forgive illegal immigrants their trespasses, a small but increasing number of local and state law enforcement officials are taking it upon themselves to pursue deportation cases against people who are here illegally.

    "In more than a dozen jurisdictions, officials have invoked a little- used 1996 federal law to seek special federal training in immigration enforcement for their officers.

    "In other places, the local authorities are flagging some illegal immigrants who are caught up in the criminal justice system, sometimes for minor offenses, and are alerting immigration officials to their illegal status so that they can be deported."

    Well, amen! Local and state governments are beginning to see the light (and are probably feeling the heat as well). And for good reason.

    The brunt of the burden caused by illegal immigration is born by local and state governments. It is local communities who feel the strain of overcrowded classrooms, congested highways, packed emergency rooms, and stuffed jail cells. It is local citizens who must bear the burden of higher taxes to support the skyrocketing costs of health care, education, criminal justice, and transportation. Rest assured, President Bush and his fellow elitists in Congress feel the burden of illegal immigration no more than retiring Exxon chairman Lee Raymond feels the burden of increased gas prices.

    However, imagine what would happen if a majority of local and state governments began a concerted effort to arrest and arrange deportation for every illegal alien they discover! Well, my friends, many local officials have begun doing just that. Now, each of us should demand that all our local officials follow suit!

    Each of us should call our local sheriff, police chief, city manager, county administrator, mayor, councilman, and commissioner. We should demand that they enforce the law by arresting and arranging for deportation every illegal alien that they discover.

    Furthermore, there are already laws on the books that punish employers for hiring illegal aliens. We must insist that those laws be upheld and those employers be punished!

    Remember, the law is on the side of the American citizen. Illegal aliens are lawless violators and must be treated as such. When American citizens break the law, they are expected to pay the price. Are illegal aliens above the law? President Bush and Congress may think so, but local and state governments have the power to say otherwise.

    If the American people will aggressively communicate with their local and state officials and insist that they put their foot down on illegal immigration, they will respond!

    So, what are you waiting for? Start calling now!

    © Chuck Baldwin

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