Chuck Baldwin (2021)
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    Dubai Company Takes Over 9 U.S. Military Facilities

    Published: Friday, May 5, 2006

    s I warned earlier in this column, a United Arab Emirates company has been given control of some 9 U.S. military facilities. The deal is now official.

    According to an AP report that ran in my hometown newspaper, The Pensacola News Journal, on Saturday, April 29, 2006, "President Bush has approved the takeover by a Dubai-owned company of American plants that make parts for jets and tanks after a review that seems to have satisfied lawmakers who helped block an earlier Dubai deal." The AP report also said, "Initial reaction from Capitol Hill was favorable."

    Specifically, the Dubai company takes over control of at least nine factories, including military production facilities in Connecticut and Georgia. Dubai settled the deal for $1.2 billion.

    Therefore, Dubai will now take over operations of factories that produce engine components and turbine blades for military platforms. Clients include Boeing, General Electric, Honeywell, and Pratt and Whitney. Please understand that when we talk about a Dubai company we are talking about a foreign government!

    Unlike the private British companies that formerly held these contracts, the Dubai company is a state owned company. Yes, Martha, that means that a foreign government, a government that has direct ties to terrorists, is now in charge of several U.S. military facilities! And the reaction to this foreign takeover on Capitol Hill was "favorable."

    Not only was this Dubai deal received favorably in Washington, D.C., the mainstream media has virtually ignored the story. Be honest. How many of you even knew this happened? The story to which I alluded at the top of this column came from page 8C of my local newspaper. That's right. Page 8C. No front page or even second, third, or fourth page news for this one.

    Does anyone smell a rat?

    If the American people truly understood the depth and degree to which America's big business and political leaders are mired in international commercial activities, it would probably scare us half to death!

    No wonder the Bush administration and members of Congress allow and even encourage illegal immigration. No wonder virtually everything we buy anymore is made outside the United States. No wonder America's factories are almost all closed down. No wonder it doesn't matter to a tinker's dam how many letters we write or phone calls we make to our lawmakers in Washington. No wonder our congressmen take frequent "fact finding" trips overseas (at taxpayer expense, no less). No wonder un-American trade deals such as NAFTA, GATT, and soon-to-come FTAA sail through the halls of Congress no matter how unpopular they are with the American people.

    Let's face it: for the most part, America's business and political leaders have sold America down the old proverbial river! In my opinion, they are no better than Benedict Arnold!

    Now we have a Middle Eastern nation, which has direct ties to international terrorism, running several U.S. factories (on U.S. soil) responsible for producing sophisticated military hardware, and barely anyone in Washington, D.C., gives it a second thought!

    Of course, while the President and Congress put out the welcome mat for the UAE (and for illegal aliens of every stripe), they continue to pass legislation (or worse, don't even worry about legality) creating a Big Brother society for the American citizenry.

    Believe me, the American people are constantly under Big Brother's microscope, and if you don't believe it, just try purchasing something over $5,000 with cash and see what happens to you. In the meantime, these same politicians, CEOs, CFOs, international bankers, and media moguls make billion dollar business deals with virtually every socialist dictator, Marxist government, and rogue regime on earth on a daily basis! Until the American people shake off their infatuation with the two- party system and begin holding their elected representatives accountable to the U.S. Constitution, there will be no change in the direction of the country. Big money interests control both major parties, which is why nothing changes no matter who is elected.

    So, in the meantime, the United Arab Emirates begins its takeover of 9 U.S. military facilities.

    In addition, if you share the lackadaisical attitude of Congress, you might not want to read a Washington Times report stating that there are so many foreign companies controlling American facilities that we cannot even count them all.

    © 2006 Chuck Baldwin - All Rights Reserved

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