Chuck Baldwin (2021)
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    My Radio Interview On Crosstalk Now Online

    Published: Thursday, March 1, 2007

    Once again, my fine staff has uploaded two brand new features to my web site at

    The first is my interview with Vic Eliason on his nationally syndicated Crosstalk radio broadcast. The main subject of our discussion was the importance of protecting and defending America's borders and how our national leaders seem to be sacrificing our borders on the altar of a global economy. We talked about President Bush's push for a North American Union and the NAFTA superhighway. We also discussed the rush to grant amnesty to illegal aliens and where the major presidential aspirants come down on this issue. It was a lively discussion, to say the least.

    To access my radio interview with Vic Eliason, go to

    As always, there is no charge to play or view our audios or videos. One may access these files using either a high speed or dial up modem. They may also be downloaded as an MP3 file for use in one's IPOD.

    My staff has also uploaded the video of one of my latest sermons. The message is entitled "Let God Show Himself Strong For You." This video may be accessed at

    Please feel free to share this video with as many people as you wish. And, once again, thank you for reading my commentaries.

    © Chuck Baldwin

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