Chuck Baldwin (2021)
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    Meet Me In Greenville, South Carolina

    Published: Tuesday, June 12, 2007

    Recent speaking engagements have taken me to New Hampshire, Utah, and Idaho. And in just a few days, I will be speaking in the beautiful city of Greenville, South Carolina.

    The event is the Upcountry Freedom Conference in conjunction with the News Radio 1330AM WORD Speaker Series. The dates are Wednesday, June 20 through Friday, June 22 at 7pm each night. The location is the Greenville Hilton, located off I-385 at Haywood Road in Greenville. This conference is being sponsored in cooperation with South Pointe Baptist Church, The Times Examiner newspaper, and News Radio 1330AM.

    In addition, I will also have copies of THE FREEDOM DOCUMENTS available each night of the conference. This book contains 50 of America's most significant historical documents. It is the only such volume available in which all of these great documents can be found under one title.

    For more information regarding details of my speaking engagement in Greenville, call Tony Romo at 864-269-1443 or 864-905-6052. If you want to make hotel reservations at the Greenville Hilton, the phone number there is 864-232-4747. For the News Radio online link for this event, go to

    If you live within driving distance of Greenville, South Carolina, I would love to meet you. Please join me June 20-22 at the Greenville Hilton for the Upcountry Freedom Conference. I'm told seating is limited, so it would be good to get to the meeting early.

    I plan to address illegal immigration, and the emerging North American Union, as well as the Biblical roots of our Constitution, Bill of Rights, and Declaration of Independence. I also plan to address the issue of the separation of church and state, and why Christians should support constitutional government. In addition, I want to discuss the GOP's track record on abortion and also give a Christian perspective regarding the war in Iraq. I understand that there will be time set aside for Q & A during the meeting as well.

    I look forward to seeing many of you in Greenville, South Carolina June 20-22 at the Greenville Hilton.

    © Chuck Baldwin

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