Chuck Baldwin (2021)
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    Is Trump Aiming To Replace The United Nations With The Organization Of 70 Nations?

    Published: Thursday, March 13, 2025

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    Constitutionalists universally have had disdain for the United Nations (U.N.), as it has been the bane of American sovereignty from the beginning of its existence. I am on record as saying, and I still believe, that the U.N. was created primarily for the purpose of being the birth canal for the Zionist State of Israel. Over time, however, perpetual ethnic cleansing and genocide by the Zionist state against its Palestinian neighbors caused the U.N. to become increasingly critical of Israel’s behavior. Now, with Donald Trump as president, conservatives are cheering the prospect that he might take the U.S. out of the U.N.

    Such anticipation was given a symbolic boost when Trump announced that he would not resume funding for the U.N. Human Rights Council based in Geneva. I say symbolic, because his predecessor, Joe Biden, had already discontinued U.S. funding for that U.N. agency. But anti-U.N. conservatives take this as a sign that Trump will remove the U.S from the U.N. altogether.

    Of course, Trump’s motive for making this decision (his announcement coinciding with Israel’s Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s visit to the White House) is that this is the agency that provides humanitarian aid for Palestinian refugees. And as a secret Jewish Chabadist, Trump hates all things Palestinian including the Palestinian people.

    Trump is such an arrogant Zionist (the arrogance of Zionists stems from their deep-seated belief that they are superior to everyone else) that he is now targeting Rep. Thomas Massie (R-KY) for removal from office, vowing to support a Republican primary challenger in the next election. It is no coincidence that Massie is the GOP congressman in Washington, D.C., who is the most critical of Zionist Israel (and supportive of the Palestinian people) and who refuses to accept bribes from the Israeli lobby or kowtow to their demands.

    Whether Trump will actually separate the U.S. from the U.N. is yet to be seen. But if he does make such a move, it won’t be for the same reasons that members of the John Birch Society have been talking about for so long. If he makes such a move, it will be for his desire to fulfill his campaign pledge to “make Israel great again.”

    On February 12, 2025, the Jewish Sanhedrin in Jerusalem sent a congratulatory letter to President Trump. I quote in part:

    We extend our heartfelt gratitude for bringing faith to the forefront of American and global culture through the establishment of the Faith Office in the White House. Your recognition of the importance of religion in public life is a step toward restoring moral values and spiritual leadership in the world.

    When Hashem gave the Children of Israel the Torah, He provided an ethical standard for the entire world. This standard is known as the Seven Commandments of Noah, which form the basis of universal morality. When a person accepts the Seven Noahide Laws, they receive divine blessings.

    You will not find the “Seven Noahide Laws” anywhere in the Books of Moses or anywhere else in the Old Testament, for that matter. The “Seven Noahide Laws” are the invention of the Jewish Talmud. When the Sanhedrin speaks of the “Torah,” they are speaking of the Talmud, NOT the Old Testament Pentateuch.

    In 2017, the Nascent Sanhedrin minted a special coin featuring your image on one side and Cyrus the Great on the other. This symbolized your historic role, likened to that of Cyrus, who was chosen by Hashem to fulfill a divine mission.

    You have been elected, as Cyrus was in his time, to fulfill a heavenly mission: To unite all believers in God and foster ethical cooperation across all spheres of human activity. A Call to Establish an International Divine Court – IDC.

    We invite you to meet with the Sanhedrin Court Rabbis in Jerusalem to discuss the establishment of an International Divine Court (IDC) for all nations. This court would be based on the seven universal commandments given to Noah and reaffirmed at Mount Sinai—a foundation for global peace and divine justice.

    The Sanhedrin’s “International Divine Court” necessitates the Sanhedrin’s plan to institute the “Organization of 70 Nations” to replace the United Nations.

    On March 8 of this year, my friend Steven Bennun at Israeli News Live hosted a podcast entitled The Seven Noahide Laws – Just the Facts. I quote segments of this extremely enlightening broadcast:

    I don't know of any time in the bedrock of society that we ever have any evidence where they were known as the Seven Noahide Laws. But that is where the Revolution was done at, and of course, they're doing it through education. Now they just do it through education the way they're doing it here. And we thought they were going to try to institute this as a law of the United States, but they're going to make it an international law. This is why, by the way, the ICC court found Netanyahu guilty of violating war crimes for the murder and genocide of the Palestinian people, and rightfully so. 

    But then what did Trump do? Put sanctions on the ICC. Just like Nikki Haley went against the United Nations years ago, right? So, all these things are being done, set up, to be able to set your new global system, this new world order.

    So, they're setting the world up for this. And they're going to get rid of the United Nations and the ICC, and they're going to replace it with the Sanhedrin.

    Also, too, in the website, Not Just Seven Noahide Mitzvot, an interview with Rabbi Oury Cherki. But it says here, “In Parashat Noach, Hashem commands Noach and his children to fulfill certain commandments known as the seven Noahide mitzvot, Rav Oury Cherki, however, explains that these seven mitzvot are just the beginning. The larger goal, he says, is to glorify the name of Hashem in the world and transmit Judaism’s universal message to all nations.” 

    Listen [to the rabbi]:

    Rabbi Yisroel Goldstein, former director of the Chabad of Poway: And the rabbi pleaded if only the United Nations will go back to the basics and empower their nation to adopt the Seven Noahide laws, then this world would be a very different world, and perhaps we wouldn't have lost 150 million lives that we have lost in the last 200 years. So, I ask every nation that's here, everyone that's listening: Consider taking the Seven Noahide laws back to the basics and apply it to real daily life, and we will see a world difference.

    So, as I mentioned to you, Nikki Haley is to be the honorary president of the organization of the 70 Nations, that was what they were pushing for.

    And so, Nikki Haley definitely doesn't like the United Nations. They're going to replace this [the U.N.] eventually. That's going to happen.

    Rabbi Mizrachi, here he is right here on the Seven Noahide Laws. Let's listen to a little bit of what he says, what he says about the Noahide Laws.

    Rabbi Mizrachi: You have 6 billion idol worshippers who make God angry every second of their life: Indian, Chinese, Japanese, Tibet, Nepal, Thailand, so many. India alone is 500 million; China is 2 billion, so many; 2 billion Christians which are idol worshippers. Between Chinese, India, Hindus, Buddhist and Christian, at least 6, 6 and a half billion people are idol worshippers that, according to the Torah, do not have the right to live. Idol worshiper, goy. It's [the] death penalty.

    There you go. You have it right there.

    Steve and Jana Bennun have a great podcast and put out much-needed information regarding all things Jewish/Israeli.

    A few years ago, I delivered a message entitled The Talmud, Chabadism And Noahide Laws. (This is my second most requested and most viewed of all of my messages, by the way.) I now quote from this address:

    Every president since Jimmy Carter in 1978, including Donald Trump, has signed this public law instating Noahide Laws and Chabadism in the United States.

    Jewish Noahide Law calls for the death of anyone practicing idolatry (anyone who worships the Lord Jesus Christ is an idolater according to Noahide Law), blasphemy (this was the charge the Sanhedrin used against Christ), sexual immorality (according to Talmudic law) and stealing (from Jews—but it is perfectly permissible for Jews to steal from the Goyim); it also obligates non-Jews to set up courts to carry out these Talmudic executions.

    Rabbi Schneerson, whose birth is commemorated, stated that, according to Jewish law, non-Jews have no other purpose than to serve Jews who are the reason for creation.

    Trump's daughter Ivanka is a Chabad-Lubavitch cultist (as is her husband Jared Kushner), she prays at Rabbi Schneerson's grave and has been blessed by Rabbis who demand non-Jews (Goy) follow the Noahide Laws and refer to them as "animals."

    As a closet Chabadist, Donald Trump follows the laws of Maimonides by constantly not paying back loans and investments. He declared bankruptcy 7 times and each time was bailed out by fellow Chabadists.

    I concluded with a summary:

    Noahide Laws are Jewish Laws that apply to all non-Jews of the world, which forbid forms of worship not approved by Judaism, blasphemy of the Jewish gods, sexual relations which are not approved by the Judaic religion and require that non-Jews must set up courts to enforce these laws.

    American Public Law 102-14 states that these laws are the foundation of American civilization (NOT TRUE), that it is our responsibility to transmit them to the next generation, and every president since Jimmy Carter has signed an international scroll along with other heads of state pledging to use education to put the world under the Noahide Laws.

    Jewish legal groups who advocate for the Noahide Laws are promoting capital punishment that complies with the Talmudic form of execution, namely decapitation, be established.

    There are non-Jews (including Christian Zionists) who are willingly complying with this agenda, and they are working with the Sanhedrin in Israel to promote the Noahide Laws.

    Pastors, Christians and churches that support Zionism, Chabadism, Talmudism, etc., are blaspheming God by supporting an antichrist agenda that attempts to:

    *Deny the deity, Messiahship and Saviorhood of Jesus Christ.

    *Deny His completed work on the Cross for our sins.

    *Deny the New Covenant, the Body of Christ, the Church.

    *Deny the New Testament doctrines of grace.

    And to establish:

    *A global Talmudic order.

    *The enforcement of Talmudic law by capital punishment.

    *A global religion of works salvation based upon Talmudic law.

    *A global political union based upon the doctrines of Zionism.

    This is the down and dirty reality of what Trump’s pro-Israel agenda is all about. And this is what Christian Zionists in America are supporting.

    Therefore, should President Trump decide to separate from the United Nations, you can be assured that the Jewish Organization of 70 Nations will take its place. And if you thought the U.N. was bad, you ain’t seen nothin’ yet!

    P.S. THIS SUNDAY, March 16, I will bring the first message in a series of messages entitled By What Authority Does Zionist Israel Commit Mass Murder Against Women And Children? A Clinical Study Of The Destruction Of The Amalekites And Old Testament Warfare.

    I feel constrained to bring this series of messages in which I will examine what the Old Covenant laws of war actually were, the destruction of the Amalekites and the seven Canaanite nations and how this compares to the wars of Zionist Israel today.

    Are evangelicals justified by the Old Testament Law in condoning Israel’s wars against Gaza, the West Bank, Lebanon, etc.? 

    I believe these messages are vitally important to a Christian generation in this New Covenant age that is filled with scripturally inappropriate devotion to a godless warmongering state (Israel) and scripturally repugnant indifference or even hatred for Israel’s victims, the Palestinian people.  

    I encourage readers to watch the first message in this series THIS SUNDAY, March 16, at approximately 2:30pm Mountain Time here.

    © Chuck Baldwin

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