Chuck Baldwin (2021)
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    Why Global War Is Closer Now Than Before Syria Fell

    Published: Friday, December 27, 2024

    Sunday, December 15, 2024

    I want to say just a few words about the potential for global war as a result of the fall of Syria.

    I hear evangelicals, “conservatives,” all over that are just giddy about the fall of Damascus. They are jumping up and down in the streets. They think this is such a marvelous wonderful achievement.

    It’s hard to express how out of touch with reality that the evangelical world in the United States has become today. They are so caught up with Zionism and the misinterpretation of Israel and End Time prophecies, etc., that they cannot see reality when it's sitting right in front of them.

    The truth is: The collapse of the Syrian government makes global war much more likely and much more imminent.

    Israel is led by a demon-possessed, murderous, genocidal madman: Benjamin Netanyahu. This man and his radical Zionists view the fall of Syria as their opportunity to conquer the entire Middle East. And that is their goal. Make no mistake about it. This is not about defending Israel. This is about defeating and conquering the entire Middle East. That is what Israel is all about. That is their agenda: The Greater Israel Project. They view this as an open door for them to conquer the Middle East, which means Iran is in their sights.

    They are taking advantage of the lame duck presidency of Joe Biden to do things that they normally would not be allowed to do. But because of the timing of all of this, being at the end of Biden’s administration but before Donald Trump is inaugurated, they have more latitude to do things militarily, and they know it.

    It would not surprise me at all if Israel launched a major attack against Iran before the end of the year. Next week would be a golden opportunity for Netanyahu, as it would be the Christmas week around the West. People will be focused on Christmas and the birth of Christ and related activities. It would provide them with an opportunity to launch a surprise attack that would catch the West off guard.

    Here’s the problem. Well, there’s a lot of problems. But here’s one of the biggest problems. Iran is fully capable of taking care of itself. They have an offensive and defensive capability that Israel cannot match. Israel is filled (Netanyahu specifically) with all kinds hubris about how strong they are. They perceive Iran to be weak, that they can do whatever they want. Syria has toppled.

    Oh, by the way, just a quick note on that. The main force that overthrew the Syrian government was a modern derivative of ISIS, al-Nusra and al-Qaeda. The guy who is the head of this jihadist group, HTS for short, had a $10 million bounty on his head placed by the US State Dept. He was considered one of the top 10 terrorists in the world by the US government. This guy is a head chopper. He is a jihadist radical extremist. This group—trained by Turkey, by the CIA, by MI6, by the Israeli Massad—are the same jihadist terrorists that the US government launched the War on Terror against back in 2003. We have been against these Muslim jihadists radicals ever since.

    Now, again, the same people, the Muslim jihadist terrorists—not just Muslims in general, we’re talking about terror groups, jihadists, head choppers, murderous thugs that have been the enemies of the United States. Have you ever noticed that al-Nusra and ISIS and al-Qaeda have never once attacked Israel? They’ve never attacked Israel, because Israel and ISIS have always worked together against the United States and against other nations in the Middle East, such as Syria.

    So, these are the radical, murderous monsters that we declared the War on Terror against. Now the US government has financed, equipped, clothed, trained, given arms to and is now in bed with those same terrorists in helping them defeat the government of Syria. 

    How many Americans lost their lives in the War on Terror? Thousands and thousands of our young men and women lost their lives at the behest of their government, fighting the war on terror against the very people that our government is now financing and supporting in Syria.

    Turkey is a chief benefactor of these terrorists in Syria. You’ve got a couple of things here going on. Erdogan in Turkey sees himself as the one destined to resurrect the Ottoman Empire. He’s looking at extending Turkey’s borders to the days of glory under the Ottomans. 

    Now you’ve got Israel looking to conquer the Middle East in the name of The Greater Israel.

    So, you’ve got Turkey and Israel allying themselves together to defeat Syria, which they have done. They are not fighting for the same cause. They’re each fighting for their own cause. Erdogan is fighting for the Ottoman Empire to return. Netanyahu is fighting for The Greater Israel. They both want the same territory for themselves. This is a major conflict in the making between Turkey and Israel. This is inevitable at some point. 

    In the meantime, Israel believes now is the time to destroy Iran. Iran has strong alliances with China and Russia. Those two major powers will not allow Iran to be defeated by Israel. They will not allow it to happen.

    But the truth of the matter is Iran might not even need their help, because Iran has the technology, offensively and defensively, that Israel cannot match. If Netanyahu orders jets to take out Iran’s nuclear facilities, its oil fields, energy fields, communication centers, radars, etc., they will be shot down out of the skies. They will not prevail.

    If such an attack was launched, there is no question Iran would retaliate. They have hypersonic missiles that the Iron Dome cannot defeat. They have missile technology that the US aircraft carriers in the Mediterranean cannot defeat. They could by themselves, Iran, utterly destroy the country of Israel if it was willing to do so. And if they were attacked in a major way, as I believe is very possible, that would be the straw that breaks the camel’s back for them, and they would retaliate accordingly.

    What I’m saying to you, because if that happened, Netanyahu would pick up the phone, he would call Biden and Blinken and Sullivan and all these Israeli lackeys in the US government. He would call the Israeli lobbyists on Capitol Hill. They would all go to work on our Congressmen and the White House and the message would be, “America, you’ve got to come, and you’ve got to bail us out, and you’ve got to help us defeat Iran.” If America comes in full force, then, at that point, Russia and China would respond, and we would be looking at global nuclear war.

    So, we are closer to global war since the fall of Syria than we have ever been before Syria fell.

    While we are commemorating our Lord’s birth next week, it could be the launching pad of a war that we cannot imagine. Certainly, it could happen before Mr. Trump comes into office. And once he is in office, things do not get better. Sorry to tell you that.

    Donald Trump is a Zionist hawk who has already threatened to bomb Iran during his campaign. So, this is a man who is predisposed to destroying Iran, which, again, would bring in China and Russia and the other powers in the Middle East.

    Right now, the United States and Israel stand alone among the nations of the world in condoning the genocide and mass murder of the Palestinians in Gaza, the West Bank and Lebanon, committed by Israel. We stand alone. The rest of the world’s conscience is sickened by what they’ve seen Israel do. Only the United States is without conscience. Only Israel is without conscience. Only the evangelical Zionists who support Israel are without conscience. The rest of the world is sickened, and they want it to stop. 

    We need to be praying for God to intervene in the affairs of government on Capitol Hill and in Washington, D.C., because I tell you the truth: We are on the verge of major global war. Please, church, please, Liberty Fellowship family, pray for the peace of the United States of America.


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