Chuck Baldwin (2021)
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    Conservatives Offer No Hope

    Published: Tuesday, March 11, 2008

    Over the past several months, I have been privileged to attend (and sometimes endure) several significant gatherings of a variety of conservatives. Some of the meetings were large; others were small. The meetings sometimes featured mostly grassroots activists and sometimes very high-profile and notable conservative icons. In some of these meetings, I was allowed a platform to speak; in others, I was merely a spectator. In most of the meetings, there was a large percentage of Christian conservatives present. The meetings occurred in locations all over the country.

    After witnessing the philosophizing, postulating, and pontificating of the various conservative speakers (or those to whom I spoke in private conversation), I am left with the very profound and distinct impression that the so-called conservative movement is dead. It is not dying: it is dead. Totally and thoroughly dead.

    Oh, the spokesmen (and women) of the various conservative organizations will strongly argue that the conservative movement is as alive and vibrant as ever. They are either delusional or in denial. The truth is, there is no conservative movement in America today.

    Most conservatives--even Christian conservatives--have embraced philosophies and ideals that are antithetical to genuine conservatism. In fact, my experience with these people leads me to the conclusion that today's conservatives do not even know what true conservatism is--or was.

    For example, I could not tell you how many times I have listened as speaker after speaker praised and promoted the candidacy of the "conservative" John McCain. These are the same people, mind you, that in 2004 properly identified McCain as the conservative phony that he was--and still is. Many of the same conservative organizations that rejected and repudiated McCain's 2004 candidacy now boldly extol its virtues. But it is not John McCain that has changed: it is today's conservatives.

    The reason for this reversal of "convictions" is that this time John McCain is the presumptive Republican Presidential nominee. And if today's conservatives believe in anything, they believe in the Republican Party. They might turn their backs on their best friends; they might forsake their pastor and church; they might even divorce their wife or husband; but, one thing they will not do is forsake the Republican Party. This rabid devotion to the GOP has made mincemeat out of a once-great movement.

    Of course, there are modern-day prophets. Men such as Alan Keyes, Judge Roy Moore, and Ron Paul, for example. For the most part, however, America's conservatives--including Christian conservatives--have dismissed these "voices in the wilderness" with either utter contempt or wholesale indifference. These prophets are about as welcome as an outbreak of influenza.

    Even as a pastor, I am not immune to the odious attitudes and actions of Christian brethren. I have seen people I thought were my closest friends--people I have helped in untold ways--turn and walk away, without so much as a goodbye. I have watched as my own dear wife and children have been subjected to insults, tongue-lashings, and even obscene gestures by these "loving" Christian brothers and sisters. I have witnessed my preacher brethren refuse to even "reason together" over the omnipresent threats to our liberty and independence.

    The beginning of the end came when Christian conservatives began idolizing President George W. Bush. They have done this to the point that they have come to accept just about any and all abuses against the Constitution, Bill of Rights, Declaration principles, and even our very way of life. Furthermore, they have become robotic foot soldiers for universal and everlasting war. At the same time, however, they see no harm in the decimation of individual liberties, as long as it is a Republican who is stealing them. But these same Christians will cry and wail--to the point of almost cutting themselves--against the thought of a Democrat doing the same thing. But, pray tell me, since when does it matter what the brand name is on the tyrant's sword? Are not our liberties just as dead?

    But look at how our modern prophets have been treated. Alan Keyes has been forcibly removed from debate platforms, only to be released in remote, crime infested neighborhoods at night by Republican Party operatives. Roy Moore was lampooned and utterly destroyed by Republican Party operatives (including those within George W. Bush's White House) in his attempt to become Alabama's governor. And, in his recent Presidential campaign, Ron Paul has been subjected to the most insidious attacks by Republican Party operatives that I have ever witnessed.

    Regardless of how the Republican Party has compromised, capitulated, and castrated genuine conservative principles, conservatives--including Christian conservatives--continue to refer to the GOP as "God's Own Party," and other such nonsense. In fact, the current lapdog performance of modern conservatives to the candidacy of John McCain demonstrates just how far down the road of destruction they will go in order to grovel before the Republican Party.

    National Right to Life even had the gall to say that it is "grateful" for John McCain's "strong pro-life" record. What balderdash! McCain has repeatedly voted to spend Title X tax dollars to underwrite the nation's largest abortion provider, Planned Parenthood. He publicly supports killing unborn babies conceived via rape or incest. And he continues to lie to the American people about killing babies "to save the life of the mother," which almost any OB/GYN doctor will tell you almost NEVER occurs. According to the OB/GYN physicians that I have spoken to, the only pregnancies that pose a legitimate health risk to the mother are those where the unborn baby has already perished.

    How can National Right to Life--an organization that once vociferously opposed Senator McCain--now compromise the life issue in such an egregious manner and support the corrupt candidacy of John McCain? I'll tell you how: NRL is bought and paid for by Republican donors. And that is the problem with the vast majority of our "conservative" organizations today. As the old saying goes, "He who pays the piper calls the tune."

    In fact, I will say it straight out: there is no hope for America within today's conservative--even Christian conservative--movement. None. Zero. Zilch.

    The closest movement to reclaiming America's freedom and independence was the recent Presidential campaign of Congressman Ron Paul. With Congressman Paul effectively neutered and neutralized (by a hostile media and mercenary Republican hierarchy), the only hope is in America's churches and a burgeoning independent movement.

    I only wish I could expect today's pastors and churches to stand in the gap for our nation. They have the power to thwart the forces of globalism, corporatism, elitism, and liberalism that are destroying America. So far, however, this has been nothing but wishful fantasy. Most of our beloved Christian leaders are as beholden to the same Republican donors as are the previously mentioned conservative organizations. And just as impotent.

    That leaves The Constitution Party as the only political party with the courage and convictions to set the ship of state aright. With someone such as Judge Roy Moore at the helm, true Christians and constitutionalists would at least have an opportunity to vote for someone in November without being forced to hold their noses and surrender their principles.

    After attending numerous meetings of conservative activists, I am more convinced than ever that, ultimately, the survival of liberty in America does not depend upon political parties, special interest groups, or corporations. In these United States of America, God has put the destiny of the country squarely in the hands of "We the people." It will not be conservatives or liberals, Republicans or Democrats, Christians or unbelievers that restore America. It will be individuals from all walks of life, all backgrounds, and all political persuasions who love liberty enough to fight to maintain it. Ultimately, of course, all nations--just like all individuals--must give an account to our Creator for how we protected the freedoms and liberties that He gave us. Right now, we are not doing a very good job.

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