Chuck Baldwin (2021)
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    Is Trump Trying To Lose The Election?

    Published: Thursday, August 22, 2024

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    Trump’s election in November should be a walk in the park. The Joe Biden/Kamala Harris White House was among the least popular president/vice president tandems in U.S. history, with Harris’ poll numbers sinking below Biden’s.

    America is in the midst of an undeclared recession. Most of the American people are fed up with Biden’s proxy war with Russia in Ukraine. And, believe it or not, most Americans do NOT want the U.S. fighting a war in defense of Israel. A large percentage of the U.S. population is opposed to Biden’s military assistance of Israel’s genocidal war against the Palestinians in Gaza. Most Americans are thoroughly disgusted with Biden’s open-borders policy that has facilitated the invasion of tens of millions of illegal aliens and tens of thousands of violent criminal illegals into our country.

    Plus, Donald Trump survived an assassination attempt, giving him victimhood status, which in today’s America is a very desirable commodity. At the time of the assassination attempt, he gave the appearance of strength and leadership that reminded many Americans of Ronald Reagan. And remember that Reagan won two landslide elections.

    Trump is a shoo-in, right? He should be, but he’s not. He does what Trump does best: He makes people hate him. He can’t help it; it’s just the way narcissistic people who think they are God affect folks.

    Faithful readers of this column know I don’t like Trump. Call me what you want, but I speak and write with honesty and sincerity. And I honestly have zero respect for the Orange Man. But, then again, I have zero respect for Joe Biden and Kamala Harris. They are all disgustingly revolting to me—down to my core.

    So, I don’t have a dog in this fight. Therefore, the topic about which I am writing today is as objective and unbiased as it can possibly be.

    Trump should win the November election in a landslide, but he won’t. He might win, but he might lose. And if he does lose, it will be his own fault.

    This column was written before Kamala’s acceptance speech today, so I am not privy to what she will say or how she will say it. It wouldn’t matter though, because I wouldn’t watch it anyway. And, no, I didn’t watch the Republican National Convention either. As far as I’m concerned, time would be better spent watching reruns of Bozo’s Circus

    Here is a sample of what I’m talking about:

    Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump fixated on Vice President Kamala Harris’s appearance in terms he acknowledged were offensive, rejecting pressure from GOP allies to emphasize policy differences over personal attacks.

    He appeared to take exception to a Wall Street Journal column that listed Harris’s appearance as one of her political assets, saying, “I am much better looking than her. I’m a better-looking person than Kamala.”

    In other recent remarks, Trump suggested Harris’s appearance would undermine her with world leaders, saying they would view her as a “play toy” and declining to specify why.

    Trump’s continued focus on Harris’s gender and race comes as the Democrat has opened a gaping lead with female voters. A new New York Times-Siena poll found Harris ahead of Trump by 14 percentage points with women in the swing states of Arizona, Georgia and Nevada, where Trump and President Joe Biden were tied among women in May. In Pennsylvania, women backed Harris 54 percent to 41 percent, while men supported Trump, 49 percent to 42 percent, according to a Quinnipiac University poll this month.

    Trump has a long history of insulting the appearance of female rivals and critics, including 2016 Republican candidate Carly Fiorina and Stormy Daniels, an adult-film actress who has said she had a sexual encounter with him. A New York jury convicted Trump in May of covering up hush money payments to Daniels. [That’s the one charge we all know Trump was guilty of.]

    Trump repeatedly described Harris as a “lunatic” and mocked her laugh. “As soon as she laughs, the election’s over,” he said. 


    That’s classic Trump. All he knows to do is attack the person who opposes him. Do Floridians remember the personally insulting things Trump said about Governor Ron DeSantis? With Trump, it’s never about ideas; it’s always about him and whoever the person is that opposes him. It doesn’t matter if they are Republicans or Democrats, whites or blacks, males or females—although his misogynistic nature makes his personal attacks against women especially abusive.

    But Trump knows almost nothing about ideas; and he doesn’t care that he doesn’t know. He has the attention span of a gnat. With Trump, it’s ALWAYS about personalities.

    If Trump had any sense of humanity and humility, he would simply tell the truth about Harris’ track record and earn his victory with her own words and actions, the way Tulsi Gabbard defeated her in the Democratic primaries in 2020. He would talk about her laxity of the law as a prosecutor in San Francisco. He would talk about her extreme woke agenda. He would talk about her extreme opposition to the Second Amendment and support for gun confiscation and her opposition to the right to life. He would talk about her total failure in her role as America’s Border Czar under Biden. 

    But what does Trump do? He mocks Harris’ race and ethnicity. He says, “She’s stupid.” Whether she is or isn’t stupid is not the issue. You don’t win over undecided voters by publicly calling your opponent stupid. Trump calling Harris stupid IS STUPID. Plus, a true gentleman would not display egregiously disrespectful diatribes against a woman personally, regardless of their political differences. But Trump is anything but a gentleman. (That’s another mark of America’s demise: the absence of chivalry.) 

    And, as far as Kamala’s laugh goes, yes, some people do find it irritating. (However, I’m not sure it’s the laugh itself or the way she uses laughter to deflect questions that she doesn’t want to answer.) But here’s a news flash, Donald: By laughing (however it sounds), Harris is showing people a very likable human trait. I don’t believe I have ever seen Trump laugh. The man barely even smiles.

    This election—as are all national elections—will not be decided by Democrats or Republicans. It will be decided by the independents, the non-aligned, the uncommitted. That’s the group of people that are going to decide the November presidential election. And if Trump continues his personal insulting attacks against Harris and fails to show the American people the REAL Kamala Harris: the anti-law enforcement Harris, the anti-Second Amendment Harris, the anti-border protection Harris, the anti-peace Harris, the anti-free economics Harris, the anti-religious freedom Harris, the anti-national sovereignty Harris, the anti-parents’ rights Harris, the anti-freedom of speech Harris, the anti-unborn baby's right to life Harris, the anti-Constitution Harris, the anti-Bill of Rights Harris, etc., Trump is going to lose in November.

    As I have tried to remind readers repeatedly, the only Democrat Trump has beaten is Hillary Clinton, who was the most hated politician in America and, perhaps, the only person in the country who was naturally more unlikable than Donald Trump. If Trump thinks he’s going to beat Kamala in a personality contest, he is thoroughly self-deceived. But, again, that’s a mark of a genuine narcissist.

    And there is one more thing that Trump could do to undermine Harris’ campaign: He could actively court the millions of people in this country (most of them non-Republicans) who are justly angry at Israel’s ongoing massacre of the Palestinian people in Gaza. There are hundreds of thousands of Democrats and Independents who, at this moment, are not going to vote for the Democratic ticket in November, because of the Biden/Harris partnership with Netanyahu’s genocidal slaughter of innocent men, women, children and babies in Gaza. Trump has an opportunity to pick up many of those voters by showing a little compassion for the Palestinian victims.

    But what is Trump doing? He continues to vociferously support Israel’s ethnic cleansing and genocide of the Palestinian people. Rah-rahing Israel’s war in Gaza might sell well with Republican audiences, but those people are not going to put Trump back in the White House by themselves.

    I expect Harris to make some kind of overture to the pro-Palestinian Democrats and Independents in an attempt to gain their support. I’m not sure she’ll be able to do it, however. She is just as controlled by the Zionist lobby as Biden, Trump, Schumer, Johnson and all the rest of the corrupt politicians inside the Beltway.

    So, what could easily happen in November is that thousands of voters—who usually vote Democratic—will just sit out this election. But if GOP strategists think that those folks sitting out will be sufficient to toss Trump the election, they are taking a huge gamble.

    Add to Trump’s enslavement to his own ego and narcissism events like this:

    Former First Lady Melania Trump has hosted her first major 2024 presidential campaign event on behalf of her husband, Donald J. Trump, at the couple’s Mar-a-Lago resort residence, raising over $1 million for the pro-LGBT GOP group Log Cabin Republicans.    

    Like their woke neo-Marxist Democrat counterparts, the Log Cabin Republicans declare on their website “that being a member of the LGTBQ community is something that should be celebrated.” 

    Whether wittingly or not, by including themselves within that powerful, divisive political “LGTBQ community” identity, the Log Cabin Republicans and their supporters – including Former President Donald and Melania Trump – are aligning themselves with Marxist political power.  


    The business world—including Harley-Davidson—has already discovered that going woke means going broke. Of course, politicians don’t have to worry about going broke as long as they have the Israeli lobby footing the bill. 

    Does Trump really believe that he is going to gain enough woke enthusiasts to overbalance the number of conservative Republicans who are repulsed by such actions? Trump must be assuming that Republicans will vote for him no matter what he does. And on that point, he might be right. 

    But some constitutional conservatives won’t forget that Donald Trump appointed more CFR/Bilderbergers to his administration than Joe Biden or Barack Obama.

    Usually, when the economy of the country is in as bad of shape as ours is now, the incumbent party loses a presidential election, war or no war. That’s why I said at the beginning of this column, this election should be a landslide win for Trump. And if Robert Kennedy decides to end his campaign and endorse Trump, which is being reported he will do, that would be a significant boost to Trump’s election chances. 

    Again, this election is Trump’s to lose. But if he keeps trying hard enough, he just might do it. 

    © Chuck Baldwin

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