Chuck Baldwin (2021)
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    Christian Zionist Pastor John MacArthur Joins Antichrist Zionist Jew Ben Shapiro In Promoting Genocide In Gaza

    Published: Thursday, July 11, 2024

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    I must admit that this report is one of the most nauseating news accounts of a Christian pastor that I have ever encountered. I would count it as one of the most egregious betrayals of Christ’s New Covenant by a “Christian minister” that I have ever witnessed. The Scripture tells us, Ye that love the LORD, hate evil. (Psalm 97:10). Well, this is pure evil.

    Chris Menahan has the report:

    "It wasn't until the Persians completely wiped out the Amalekites that God's will was fulfilled in that judgment," Pastor John MacArthur told Shapiro. "Now, you might not like the fact that God is a judge but when God determines that I'm going to protect my People Israel and you're going to attack My People Israel, I have a plan for My People Israel, as the New Testament says, so all Israel will be saved, there's coming a kingdom he will fulfill every promise he ever gave ... God is going to preserve that people and if you are a threat to that people, historically speaking, God says you need to be removed."

    "I think about that story so often when I think about this is like the modern version of Amalek and until they are wiped out this is just going to go on and on," MacArthur continued. "I know I don't want to be callous about things but God has in his sovereignty made a decision for the preservation of Israel into the future into the Kingdom of Messiah -- that's his plan, that's his promise."

    "You can be a part of that by coming to the Messiah and being a part of his kingdom but if you attempt to destroy the very people that are the heart and soul of God's plan, then you come under the Judgment of God and I think Israel is acting -- even though they're, you know, a secular nation in the large sense because salvation is individual not national -- I think their desire to protect and preserve them and to fight in a really, a Terminal Way, against those who would destroy them follows the divine pattern of God for the preservation of that people until he fulfills his plan for them," MacArthur added.

    "You also know in the Old Testament, God said to the children of Israel when you go into the land destroy the Amalekites, destroy them, because I'm bringing judgment down on their heads for their sins -- I mean they're like a cancer in the world," MacArthur responded.

    Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu opened the war by labeling the Palestinians "Amalek" and other Israeli officials followed.

    In this interview, MacArthur proves to the world that he is almost totally void of the understanding of Christ’s New Covenant—as are ALL Premillennial Dispensationalists. They are still living in the Old Covenant—a covenant that was completely abolished by Christ’s death on the Cross.

    Ephesians 2:13 – 18: But now in Christ Jesus ye who sometimes were far off [Gentiles] are made nigh by the blood of Christ. For he is our peace, who hath made both [Jews and Gentiles] one, and hath broken down the middle wall of partition between us; Having abolished in his flesh the enmity, even the law of [Jewish] commandments contained in [Jewish] ordinances; for to make in himself of twain [Jews and Gentiles] one new man [the Body of Christ; the Church], so making peace; And that he might reconcile both [Jews and Gentiles] unto God in one body [the Church] by the cross, having slain the enmity [the law of Jewish commandments and ordinances] thereby: And came and preached peace to you which were afar off [Gentiles], and to them that were nigh [Jews]. For through him [Christ] we both [Jews and Gentiles] have access by one Spirit unto the Father. [Emphasis added]

    Comparing today’s Palestinians to the Tribe of Amalek during the times of Moses, Saul and David is beyond scriptural ignorance; it is scriptural absurdity to the highest degree. And if MacArthur truly doesn’t understand that, he is as cognitively impaired as Joe Biden.

    In the first place, Benjamin Netanyahu is NOT Moses—or David! He saw no burning bush. He didn’t speak with God “face to face.” (Exodus 33:11) He was not anointed by God to do anything. Netanyahu doesn’t even know God. He is a pagan idolater who rejects the God of Abraham, which is proven by his blasphemous rejection of the Lord Jesus Christ.

    Jesus forever set the record straight about the Pharisaical/Talmudic likes of Netanyahu:

    John 8:39 – 44: They answered and said unto him, Abraham is our father. Jesus saith unto them, If ye were Abraham's children, ye would do the works of Abraham. But now ye seek to kill me, a man that hath told you the truth, which I have heard of God: this did not Abraham. Ye do the deeds of your father. Then said they to him, We be not born of fornication [intimating Jesus was born out of fornication]; we have one Father, even God. Jesus said unto them, If God were your Father, ye would love me: for I proceeded forth and came from God; neither came I of myself, but he sent me. Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar, and the father of it.

    Furthermore, Benjamin Netanyahu has no Abrahamic blood flowing through his veins. In truth, the Palestinians can trace their ties to the land for up to one thousand years. Only a few Sephardic Jews could even do that. Netanyahu’s roots trace back to the Khazars in Europe (Ukraine). He is an Ashkenazi (European) “Jew.” The “Jews” in Palestine are mostly atheistic in belief, and none of them can prove an intact Hebrew bloodline. Not one!

    All of this talk about modern “Jews” being “God’s Chosen People” by bloodline is complete balderdash! There is not a “Jew” on earth that can trace their bloodline to Abraham. The only “Israel of God” (Galatians 6:16) under Christ’s New Covenant are the spiritual children of Abraham (Romans 2:28, 29), who, regardless of race, have come to faith in Jesus Christ (Galatians 3:26, 29).

    MacArthur butchers the meaning of “all Israel shall be saved” in Romans chapter eleven (as do all Premillennial Dispensationalists), applying it, again, to the physical, literal twelve tribes of Israel, of which the ten northern tribes were forever destroyed by the Assyrians around 722 BC and the two remaining tribes of Judah and Benjamin were forever destroyed when Rome destroyed Jerusalem in 70 AD.

    At this point, I STRONGLY urge readers to watch my third Prophecy Message entitled God’s Chosen People, The Children Of Promise, The Israel Of God And Romans Chapter Eleven.

    In the second place, MacArthur betrays his ignorance of Christ’s New Covenant by saying that the Israelites “are the heart and soul of God’s plan.” That is classic Premillennial Dispensational hogwash. I was taught that false doctrine in the two Bible colleges I attended.

    Premillennial Dispensationalists (aka Christian Zionists, Scofield Futurists, etc.) actually believe that the great overriding plan of God for mankind is that Old Testament Israel (the original twelve tribes) be given an earthly kingdom—a resurrected earthly Davidic kingdom.

    I can still remember one of my Bible professors saying, “The Church Age is merely a parenthesis of time until God finishes giving Israel its earthly kingdom.” In other words, Old Covenant Israel is God’s eternal Plan A. The salvation of Gentiles during the Church Age is merely a secondary plan, inferior to the Great Plan of an earthly Israelite kingdom.

    That’s exactly what MacArthur is saying when he says that the Israelites “are the heart and soul of God’s plan.”

    In the third place, the fact that MacArthur would align himself under the Old Covenant umbrella with the likes of an arrogant and avowed antichrist such as Ben Shapiro demonstrates a complete lack of spiritual discernment.

    Some time ago in an interview with Joe Rogan, Shapiro had the following exchange:

    Shapiro: You know, from a Jewish point of view, we don’t believe in the divinity of Christ. There you can make an argument that the Gospels, which are written, signif…

    Rogan: He was just a prophet…

    Shapiro: No, no, no. We don’t even believe he was a prophet.

    Rogan: What do you think He was? What do you guys think He was?

    Shapiro: I mean, what I, what do I think he was historically? I think he was a Jew who tried to lead a revolt against the Romans and got killed for his trouble. Just like a lot of other Jews at that time who were crucified for trying to lead revolts against the Romans and got killed for their trouble.

    Rogan: So, He became a legend and story and became a bigger and bigger deal as time went on.

    Shapiro: Yeah, you get a group of followers, and then that gradually grew, and then there was…

    Rogan: Do you think He was resurrected?

    Shapiro: No, that’s not a Jewish belief.

    What utter blasphemy!

    Shapiro denies Christ’s deity, denies He was even a Prophet, accuses Him of being a criminal who “got killed for his trouble.” He denies the vicarious death of Christ for our sins. He rejects Christ as Israel’s Messiah. He denies Jesus’ resurrection. He speaks of Jesus in the most vile, loathsome terms—and THIS is the antichrist that John MacArthur joins with to justify the mass murder and genocide of the Palestinian people?

    Shapiro often cites Maimonides, who is Shapiro’s biggest hero (he quotes him constantly). Maimonides was a 12th-century Jewish rabbi; his writings are regarded as canonical to the Talmud. He said that Christians are idolaters and pagans.

    In his interpretation of the Mishnah, Tractate Avodah Zarah 1:3, Maimonides writes:

    Know that this Christian nation, who are making the claim of a messiah, with all their many different sects, are all idol worshippers and all their holidays are forbidden, and we deal with them regarding religious issues as we would pagans.

    And he adds:

    Therefore one must know that in every one of the Christian nation’s cities which has an altar, meaning their house of worship, it is a pagan house of idolatry without any doubt.

    Maimonides also said:

    The Christians are idol worshipers and Sunday is their religious holiday, therefore we may not trade with them on Thursday and Friday of every week, and needless to say on Sunday, which is forbidden everywhere.

    Maimonides, Shapiro and Netanyahu are all Talmudists. When they speak of the “Torah,” they are not speaking of the five books of Moses; they are speaking of the Talmud. Have you done any research into what the Talmud teaches about Jesus?

    Sanhedrin 106a says Mary was a whore: "She who was the descendant of princes and governors played the harlot with carpenters." Also, in footnote #2 to Shabbat 104b of the Soncino edition, it is stated that in the "uncensored" text of the Talmud it is written that Jesus' mother, "Miriam the hairdresser," had sex with many men.

    Gittin 57a refers to Jesus as being boiled in "hot excrement."

    This is the kind of blasphemer that MacArthur wants to unite with against the Palestinian people?

    In the middle of MacArthur’s statements to Shapiro, he contradicted his entire Old Covenant premise of the Palestinians being “Amalekites” and the Israelis being “God’s Chosen People” when he slipped out this admission: “. . . even though they're, you know, a secular nation in the large sense because salvation is individual not national.”

    You can’t have it both ways, John! Either salvation is individual, regardless of race, through faith in Christ, or it is strictly by race nationally. At the very least, MacArthur is a very conflicted individual. He has one foot in the New Covenant and the other foot in the Old Covenant. He is a blind man leading the blind.

    Is MacArthur not even aware that thousands of Palestinians that are being slaughtered by the atheist/blasphemer Benjamin Netanyahu are born again, New Covenant Christians? These Palestinian believers worship the New Covenant Jesus; they believe the New Covenant Gospel; they are part of Christ’s New Covenant Kingdom.

    And “Christian” Pastor John MacArthur calls them “Amalekites” and says faux Israel should “wipe them out.”

    John MacArthur published a regurgitated version of the Scofield Reference Bible, which has sold over one million copies. His study notes are replete with the tenets of Christian Zionism. In fact, the vast majority of comprehensive study Bibles on the market today are nothing more than regurgitated versions of Scofield’s original Zionist-inspired study Bible published at the beginning of the twentieth century.

    All these study Bibles do is help to obfuscate the truth of Christ’s New Covenant, keep believers in bondage to the Old Covenant and indoctrinate Christian people into the blasphemies of Christian Zionism.

    This is why the ONLY comprehensive study Bible that I carry in our online store is the Matthew Henry Study Bible. It is the only comprehensive study Bible that I am aware of that does NOT promote Christian Zionism in the notes.

    So, what is the belief system that unites Christian Zionists? It’s not the doctrine of Christ. It’s not the doctrine of Christ’s New Covenant. It’s not the New Covenant Gospel or Kingdom. The faith system that unites Premillennial Dispensationalists such as John MacArthur is ZIONIST ISRAEL. MacArthur unites with antichrists to help murder Christian Palestinians, while smugly, callously and coldly having the audacity to call our Palestinian brothers and sisters “Amalekites.”

    The “tie that binds” Christian Zionists is faux Israel—NOT Christ. And John MacArthur is a prime example of that fact.

    © Chuck Baldwin

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