Chuck Baldwin (2021)
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    Hooray For Jerry Corsi

    Published: Tuesday, August 19, 2008

    Dr. Jerome Corsi is probably the most controversial man in America these days. His blockbuster new book, The Obama Nation, is currently the New York Times Number One Bestseller, and media talking heads are having a hissy fit. They are incensed that there is someone of Corsi's intelligence and credentials who is willing to tell the truth about the presumptive Democratic Presidential nominee, Barack Obama.

    You see, the national media have elevated Obama to a position beyond sainthood: they view him as the fourth member of the Godhead. He can do no wrong. He is America's--no, check that, he is the world's--savior. How dare Dr. Corsi spoil the sacrosanct candidacy--and the media's universal anointing--of Obama?

    The fact is, however, Jerry Corsi is a rare breed these days: he is an honest and objective journalist whose commitment to truth outweighs his desire for popularity. I will go even further: Jerry Corsi is what the rest of the national media should be, but aren't.

    Benjamin Franklin and the other Founding Fathers believed that the First Amendment protection of the freedom of the press was necessary, because they assumed the press would serve as an independent, unbiased, and truthful check and balance to the propensities of government toward subterfuge and duplicity. And for many years, this goal was more or less fulfilled. No more.

    For the most part, the national media today are nothing more than lap dogs for both major parties, but especially for the Democratic Party. We have not seen a sincere effort by the major media to circumvent the machinations of the party in power (Democrat or Republican) since the days of the Watergate investigations. The major media--especially the television media--have accommodated and even facilitated George W. Bush's corruption as much as they did Bill Clinton's--maybe more. With few exceptions, they have become nothing more than pathetic panderers of power.

    Therefore, when a fellow journalist--especially one with the credentials of Jerry Corsi--writes a thoroughly researched and well-documented exposé of one of the media's darlings, packs of attack dogs descend with bloodlust. In fact, Dr. Corsi has received more intensive scrutiny from the national media in one week than Barack Obama has received since he became a candidate for President.

    I say, Hooray for Jerry Corsi. And, yes, I very much appreciate the fact that he endorsed my candidacy for President by saying in his book, "I intend to vote in 2008 for Chuck Baldwin." However, readers should know that I admired Jerry Corsi and his brilliant investigative reports long before I became a candidate for President with the Constitution Party and long before he wrote his latest masterpiece. Dr. Corsi also made it clear that his book The Obama Nation was in no way intended "to be an argument for Chuck Baldwin [his quote]."

    For balance, every person in America should read Dr. Corsi's book The Late Great USA. This book just might be the most important book written in this young twenty-first century. Jerry's exposure of President George W. Bush's (and his fellow travelers at the Council on Foreign Relations) globalist schemes in The Late Great USA is beyond masterful: it is a blueprint for America's survival as a free and independent republic. Therefore, no one can honestly claim that Corsi's exposé on Obama is somehow politically biased, because he has exposed the shenanigans of both Republicans and Democrats.

    I just wish that Jerry had time to write an exposé on John McCain, because no one else among America's national journalists has the intention (much less the integrity) of doing it, and McCain is certainly equally deserving.

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    *Disclaimer: I am currently a candidate for President of the United States on the Constitution Party ticket. My official campaign web site is located at:

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