Chuck Baldwin (2021)
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    Good Bill or Bad? One Dozen Questions To Ask Before You Vote, By Roger Koopman

    Published: Wednesday, December 14, 2022

    Good Bill or Bad? One Dozen Questions To Ask Before You Vote
    By Roger Koopman

    1. Does the bill increase or decrease the presence of gov’t. in our lives?
    2. Does the bill increase or decrease dependency on government?
    3. Does the bill increase or decrease the size or cost of government?
    4. Does the bill increase or decrease the power of government?
    5. Does the bill increase or decrease individual responsibility?
    6. Does the bill increase or decrease liberty and personal freedom?
    7. Does the bill increase or decrease competition and free choice?
    8. Does the bill increase or decrease governmental accountability?
    9. Does the bill increase or decrease state bureaucracy & rulemaking?
    10. Does the bill treat people as individuals or as members of groups?
    11. Does the bill reflect justice, or favoritism and wealth redistribution?
    12. Is the bill based on a true, Constitutional role of government?

    Most of all, trust and follow your own conscience.  Stand for principle, not political expedience or the desire to “fit in.”  Do not be pressured or persuaded to vote a certain way simply because your party “leadership” instructs you to.  Listen to their arguments, but do not be controlled by them.  Also do not determine the merits of a bill based on what the sponsor’s name or party is.  Have the integrity and personal autonomy to listen to all sides and to think for yourself. Avoid the shifting of your peer group from your constituents and trusted counselors to the flattering lobbyists and the Helena Establishment.  Guard against the “head trips” of self-importance.  Be a statesman, who thinks of the next generation more than the next election.  Always put duty and principle ahead of politics.

    (Montana Conservative Alliance, 811 S. Tracy Ave., Bozeman, MT  59715)



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