Chuck Baldwin (2021)
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    Kanye Touched The “Third Rail”—Now He Must Be Destroyed

    Published: Thursday, November 10, 2022

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    In this column of October 6, I covered several under-reported news stories showing the immense power and influence of the Israeli lobby over U.S. politics. The title of that column was They Don’t Call Israel The “Third Rail” Of Politics For Nothing! 

    Well now, a month later, we see that not only is Israel the “third rail” of politics; it is the “third rail” of entertainment—and everything else: sports, journalism, movies, television, news broadcasting, religion, ad infinitum.

    Before going into the story, let me lay some very important groundwork.

    Any “conservative” or “Christian” writer, analyst, blogger, pundit, researcher, etc., that is not warning you about the clear and present danger of Zionism is failing you, our country and Freedom itself. And the reason that most of these “good” men are failing us is because they are scared to death of touching the “third rail.”

    They can talk about Russia, China, North Korea, Iran, the “Deep State” and anything else they want to talk about with barely any repercussions. It takes ZERO courage to talk about any of the above. But if you talk about Israel and Zionism, there will be hell to pay.

    If you don’t believe me, just ask Kanye West.

    The far-left Anti-Defamation League has ordered advertisers to “pause Twitter spending” after accusing the platform’s users, and its new owner Elon Musk, of “antisemitism” and “hate” amidst a surge in free speech.

    After a week of back and forth between Elon Musk and the ADL regarding free speech on the Twitter platform, the far-left pressure group that’s increasingly seen as being a Jewish supremacist organization authored a long tweet thread calling on advertisers to ditch the platform.

    Allowing free speech, the ADL claimed in the thread, is not only “toxic,” but part of a “hate for profit” scheme.

    “Today, we are joining dozens of other groups to ask advertisers to pause Twitter spending because we are profoundly concerned about antisemitism and hate on the platform,” reads the ADL’s initial tweet, authored Friday, November 4th.

    The ADL’s call for collectively multi-billion dollar advertising sponsors to leave Twitter high and dry came just days after Elon Musk was slammed for groveling to the anti-speech group that threatened “dire consequences” for allowing free speech and re-instating accounts they don’t like.

    The ADL claimed in their tweet thread, “Musk permitted @KanyeWest to start posting again,” which, apparently, is a grave offense.

    Among Ye’s tweets that the ADL is most vehemently opposed to is his sharing of Holy Bible verse John 19:19, something the ADL claims is equivalent to posting “antisemitic conspiracy theories.”

    As punishment, the ADL is calling on Twitter’s sponsors to drop all affiliations with them, effectively using financial blackmail to enforce their anti-free speech agenda.

    It didn’t take long for Ye’s major corporate sponsors to begin implementing the wishes of their masters at the ADL.

    An episode of YouTube talk show The Shop featuring rapper Kanye West has been axed over the celebrity’s allegedly offensive comments, show runner Maverick Carter told Andscape website on Tuesday. 

    West “used The Shop to reiterate more hate speech and extremely dangerous stereotypes,” Carter said, adding that unlike Fox News – which merely edited out West’s more inflammatory remarks from a Tucker Carlson interview with the rapper that aired last week – The Shop had opted not to publish any of his remarks.


    YouTube was just the beginning. Ye has also lost the following corporate sponsors: Gap, Instagram, JPMorgan Chase, Def Jam, Balenciaga, CAA, MRC, Adidas, Foot Locker, Jaylen Brown and Aaron Donald / Donda Sports, Peloton, TJ Maxx, Donda Academy and Madame Tussauds London.

    For all intents and purposes, Ye’s career is over. He will probably wind up declaring bankruptcy. His crime? He touched the “third rail,” and he must be destroyed.

    At the same time, major corporations such as Nike are marching in lockstep with this Zionist-led purge by dropping its support for NBA star Kyrie Irving for also touching the “third rail.”

    Nike has ended its business partnership with professional basketball player Kyrie Irving, saying it does not tolerate “hate speech” after the athlete promoted a film widely condemned as anti-Semitic. 

    The clothing corporation issued a statement on Friday declaring it would no longer work with Irving, noting that it would not be releasing an upcoming signature shoe design, the Kyrie 8.


    Furthermore, NBA general managers are already saying that Irving’s professional basketball career is over. All because he touched the “third rail.”

    ANY entity that has this much power is intrinsically a threat to Liberty.

    Name any other entity that has the power to galvanize the entire news media, entertainment industry, sports world and national political establishment against someone—ANYONE—at a moment’s notice and absolutely destroy their lives.

    Name them! They do not exist. The ONLY entity with that kind of ubiquitous and totally destructive power is Zionism. 

    And 99.9% of conservative writers, analysts, bloggers and pundits refuse to even mention it.

    A major reason for this dereliction of duty is the fact that the subject of Israel and Zionism is first and foremost a spiritual/biblical issue. And most conservatives and Christians are woefully ignorant of the spiritual/biblical truth of Israel. They have been thoroughly brainwashed by 100 years of the false teachings of Christian Zionism. Therefore, they are incapable of seeing—much less understanding—the threat posed by this invisible (to them) monster.

    Did you notice the ADL “order” closely?

    The Zionist ADL ordered corporate sponsors to abandon Musk’s Twitter because Ye’s tweet included a reference to John 19:19, which the ADL said is “antisemitic conspiracy theories.” 

    That’s right! Zionists at the ADL regard the Gospel of John (and the rest of the New Testament, for that matter) as “hate speech” and “antisemitic conspiracy theories.”

    If that doesn’t awaken evangelicals to the wretched evil of Zionism, I doubt that anything will. (Of course, it won’t.)

    If I understand Ye’s theological position on the subject of Israel, I do not agree with him. But that is neither here nor there. The fact that his religious belief exposes the spiritual fraud of the Kabbalah teaching regarding the racial superiority of Ashkenazi Jews makes him a target for destruction by the ADL and its fellow travelers.

    It seems that Ye has bought into a teaching of some sort of Black Jewry, which, if so, is similar to the false teaching of British Israelism that has been around for a long time. 

    Under the New Covenant, everyone—regardless of race—who comes to faith in Christ is the spiritual seed of Abraham. (See Romans 2:28, 29; Galatians 3:16, 26, 28, 29.)

    I have tasted some of what Ye is tasting now.

    When I first began teaching the messages contained in the Israel Packages, I was called every dirty name in the book by Christian Zionists all over America. They tried to destroy my reputation and my livelihood, just as Jewish Zionists are trying to destroy Ye’s.

    And now that I am systematically dismantling the false prophecy doctrines of Scofield Futurism in my current Prophecy Series, the attacks against me have resumed.

    Here’s the real issue: The spiritual false doctrines of Christian Zionism form the cornerstone for most of the social, cultural, religious and political evils now being perpetrated against North America and Western Europe. Correct spiritual error, and most social, cultural, religious and political errors will be corrected.

    If you want to see an example of how Biblical truth regarding Israel—with NO mixture of Scofield’s Zionism—corrects error, frees people’s minds and hearts and releases the power of righteousness, I encourage you to watch my two latest Prophecy Messages.

    They are:

    The One Hundred And Forty-Four Thousand (Revelation 7)


    The Four Horsemen Of The Apocalypse And The First Six Seals (Revelation 6)

    If evangelical churches across America were all preaching the Gospel of the New Covenant instead of the devilish Prosperity gospel, Feel Good gospel, Entertainment gospel, Motivational gospel, etc., Kanye West would not have to fear the destructive reprisal of Zionism, because the New Covenant Gospel breaks the chains that binds both individuals and countries—just as it did for 1st-century Christians in Jerusalem and Judea, 16th-century Christians in Europe and 18th-century Christians in America. 

    Kanye West touched the “third rail” and had to be destroyed. That any religious, political or social entity would have the power to do that is an unmitigated reproach on the Church.

    If Christians were faithful to New Covenant truth, the pathetic rhetoric of the free speech haters at the ADL would be tantamount to a Chihuahua barking at a Great Dane.

    © Chuck Baldwin 

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