Chuck Baldwin (2021)
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    The Two Gravest Threats To Our Liberties

    Published: Thursday, June 30, 2022

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    No! Russia is not one of the two gravest threats to our liberties. In fact, a Russian threat is not even in the top ten—or twenty. If anything, the way the War Party in Washington, D.C., and other Western capitals are exacerbating and extending the conflict in Ukraine, we can thank them for the risk of global conflict. 

    The two gravest threats to our liberties today are 1) The Covid tyranny, and 2) Red Flag gun confiscation laws. 

    The most serious attacks against our liberties ALWAYS come from within our own government. 

    I’ve spoken and written copiously regarding the Covid tyranny. Today I'm focused on the burgeoning Red Flag gun confiscation laws.

    While the U.S. Supreme Court last week handed down two laudable—and constitutionally powerful—rulings, overturning Roe v Wade and affirming the absolute right of the people to keep and bear arms by overturning New York State’s tyrannical gun control law forbidding New Yorkers from bearing arms, the U.S. Senate, with the assistance of 15 neocon Republicans, passed the most draconian gun control bill in decades: a bill that in effect creates a national Red Flag gun confiscation law. 

    Not only does the bill infringe upon the freedom of 18 – 20-year-olds to purchase and own a firearm without excessive government restriction, it provides millions of taxpayer dollars to BRIBE states to enact Red Flag laws. 

    Make no mistake about it: This is backdoor gun control of the most nefarious kind.

    This law allows police personnel to raid your house and seize your firearms without you being accused of a crime, without you threatening to commit a crime, without you committing a crime, without an investigation as to why your firearms are being seized, without legal representation and without due process. 

    All that is needed to precipitate the confiscation of one’s firearms is an ACCUSATION. An unverified, unproven, unconfirmed ACCUSATION by almost anyone who doesn’t like you—or your guns. And once those firearms are seized by the State, you will have a  better chance of winning the lottery than ever seeing those guns again. And if they are returned, don’t expect them to be in the same condition and working order that they were in when they were stolen from you by government agents. 

    Please understand that this law is about MUCH MORE than firearms. This law infringes on the entire Bill of Rights. This is about Due Process. This is about the right to legal counsel. This is about a man being innocent until proven guilty. This bill attacks the very heart of American Liberty and Jurisprudence and is the beginning of an Orwellian pre-crime society where a man is presumed guilty until proven innocent.

    And never forget that since this law authorizes police to raid and confiscate guns from innocent people, the criteria determining such a raid is totally subjective to the local authorities who authorized the raid.

    This means the criteria could be anything. It could include some kind of a social media “score” for expressing politically incorrect ideas; it could include your association with unpopular groups or organizations; it could include the personal anti-gun bias of local judges or police officials; it could include personal or political vendettas.  

    Take the case of a 60-year-old Anne Arundel County, Maryland, man, Gary Willis, who was accused by a relative of being unstable. That prompted police being sent to confiscate his firearms under a Red Flag law—despite the fact that the man had committed no crime, had threatened no one or had never been charged with a crime and by all accounts was a threat to no one—and when the man resisted having his guns seized (with no intent of harming the officers), police shot him five times and killed him.

    If Gary Willis was wrong to resist a tyrannical raid on his home by authorities set on seizing his guns, so were the men on Lexington Green. 

    And, of course, the killer cops were never charged with a crime or reprimanded in any way.

    Here are the 15 Commie Republican senators who have given license to Gestapo-minded cops to raid your home and seize your guns without you having done anything wrong:

    1. Mitch McConnell of Kentucky, Senate minority leader 

    2. Roy Blunt of Missouri (retiring at the end of his term) 

    3. Richard Burr of North Carolina (retiring at the end of his term) 

    4. Shelley Moore Capito of West Virginia 

    5. Bill Cassidy of Louisiana 

    6. Susan Collins of Maine 

    7. John Cornyn of Texas 

    8. Joni Ernst of Iowa 

    9. Lindsey Graham of South Carolina 

    10. Lisa Murkowski of Alaska (up for re-election this November) 

    11. Rob Portman of Ohio (retiring at the end of his term) 

    12. Mitt Romney of Utah 

    13. Thom Tillis of North Carolina 

    14. Pat Toomey of Pennsylvania (retiring at the end of his term) 

    15. Todd Young of Indiana (up for re-election this November) 

    Here are the 19 states that have already passed Red Flag gun confiscation laws, thanks in part to President Donald Trump’s enthusiastic endorsement of these tyrannical laws: 

    California, Colorado, Connecticut, Delaware, Florida, Hawaii, Illinois, Indiana, Maryland, Massachusetts, Nevada, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, Oregon, Rhode Island, Vermont, Virginia and Washington.  

    Now, the rest of the states are going to be bribed with millions of dollars from Washington, D.C., to enact Red Flag gun confiscation laws of their own. 

    Every freedom-loving citizen in the 31 states that have not enacted Red Flag laws must let their GOP legislators, senators and governors know in no uncertain terms that they will NOT TOLERATE any attempt to pass a Red Flag gun confiscation law in their State.

    If we have to defend our freedom ONE HOUSE AT A TIME, our politicians—and especially our local law enforcement personnel—need to know that that is exactly what we will do 

    And if your GOP senator—or in the case of North Carolina, BOTH senators—was on the list above who voted for this tyrannical bill, you should make it part of your life’s mission to make sure that that senator is never re-elected to political office again. 

    Here is a 7-minute YouTube video of my assessment and warning of this monstrously tyrannical gun confiscation bill. Please share this video with everyone you can. While conservatives are busy rejoicing over the Roe decision, they are mostly oblivious to the danger of this new gun confiscation bill passed by the Senate and soon to be signed into law by Joe Biden.

    What good is a law that “protects” your right to keep and bear arms if the government can confiscate them—even though you have done nothing wrong—whenever they are deviously inclined to do so? 

    I’m telling you: Along with the Covid tyranny (that is still very active), this national Red Flag gun confiscation law is one of the gravest threats to our liberties—ever in our lifetimes! 

    P.S. I have spent over eight years teaching and preaching the Biblical truth regarding Israel, which forms the foundation of the proper understanding of Bible eschatology. Plus, I have already released the first set of my Prophecy Package.

    But before launching the remainder of my prophecy sermons—which will delve deeply into the Book of Revelation—I feel it is absolutely imperative that people first watch both the Prophecy Package and THE TOP THREE MESSAGES INTRODUCING THE BOOK OF REVELATION

    I strongly believe that the three messages contained on this brand new DVD should be watched BEFORE I continue my Prophecy Series and begin delving into the Book of Revelation. 

    Again, these are THE TOP THREE MESSAGES INTRODUCING THE BOOK OF REVELATION. And they are now available on one DVD. 

    The three messages are:

    1. The Destruction of Jerusalem

    2. God’s Chosen People, The Children Of Promise, The Israel Of God And Romans Chapter Eleven

    3. When Did John Write The Book Of Revelation? 

    Again, these are the TOP THREE messages introducing the Book of Revelation, and they are now available on ONE DVD at a huge discount. 

    Find the DVD here.

    © Chuck Baldwin

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