Chuck Baldwin (2021)
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    More (CIA) Myths About Ukraine

    Published: Thursday, April 21, 2022

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    We should call the Ukraine conflict Covid-22, because the same propagandists that created the phony Covid-19 narrative have now created the phony Ukraine narrative.

    I’ll get right to Lew Rockwell’s excellent treatise:

    All rational Americans agree that we shouldn’t get involved in the Russia-Ukraine War. The neocon warmongers with brain dead Biden as their figurehead want to destroy Russia, and they are willing to risk nuclear war to do it. But this doesn’t negate what I’ve just said. These monsters are anything but rational. But speaking of monsters leads to another question. Everybody knows John Quincy Adams’s line: “America goes not abroad in search of monsters to destroy.” Is this the reason we should stay out of the Ukraine war? Is Putin a monster, bringing death and destruction to innocent people, but someone whose actions we have to ignore because it’s too dangerous to act against him? People who say this don’t get what’s happening. Putin is a rational statesman, with legitimate security interests and the supposed hero Zelensky is a dubious character.

    Why do people think otherwise? One reason is the charges of Russian atrocities in Bucha. These charges are just that “charges”. Fake atrocity claims have often been a way to inflame people to support war, and the Bucha accusations are the latest example. Christopher Roche, who isn’t pro-Putin, explains why we shouldn’t fall for it: “The reports and photographs showing an apparent massacre in Bucha, Ukraine, are truly terrible. They are reminiscent of the atrocities used to galvanize Western opinion during Yugoslav Wars of the 1990s, when the Srebrenica Massacre and the Siege of Sarajevo were seared into Western consciousness.

    Of course, pictures do not always tell the whole story. For example, to determine whether a war crime took place we must know who did the killing, why, and how. After all, the United States killed many thousands of Iraqis and Afghans, frequently by accident, in the course of those wars. Few in the United States or Europe would call those actions war crimes. This all became apparent after the United States exonerated itself for the annihilation of an Afghan family via a missile strike during the withdrawal of U.S. forces last summer. Oops.

    If civilians were shot and purposefully killed in Bucha, it undoubtedly would be a war crime and a terrible thing. But there are credible reasons to believe the so-called Bucha Massacre was not the doing of the Russian Forces, but rather of the Ukrainians—either local militia or SBU or some combination thereof—as part of brutal reprisals against ‘saboteurs’ and ‘Russian collaborators.’

    First, this fits with a pattern of Ukrainian forces violating the rules of war, as evidenced by numerous videos showing the shooting of prisoners, torturing civilians, and the like. Unlike the still photos in Bucha, these videos show the actions themselves, as well as the perpetrators, which even the New York Times recently acknowledged.

    Second, Ukrainian President Voldomyr Zelenskyy has given numerous speeches calling for the punishment of ‘saboteurs’ and ‘traitors,’ saying the war will ultimately end with the ‘de-Russification’ of Ukraine. These are tough words, which clearly would tend to inflame and encourage the more extremist elements.

    Three, the atmosphere in Ukraine is ripe for war crimes. While U.S. Second Amendment supporters were understandably heartened by the Ukrainian government’s weapons giveaway, some of those weapons ended up in the hands of criminals and undisciplined characters. This was not a mere oversight; Ukraine deliberately freed prisoners with combat experience in order to allow them to fight. One would not expect this group to be scrupulous adherents to the laws of war.

    There are also many documented accounts of Ukrainians killing one another out of paranoia about spies and saboteurs. It is easy enough to see why. There is a hair’s breadth of difference between Ukrainians and Russians, and many in the East only speak Russian, have supported Russia, or at least have a less-than-enthusiastic attitude about the Ukraine regime. This fuels the possibility of internecine violence, which will be rationalized after the fact as the clearing out of traitors and fifth columnists.

    Four, the timeline of reports creates real doubts about whether Russia perpetrated the Bucha Massacre. It is widely acknowledged that Russian forces left Bucha on March 30. Then, Bucha’s mayor happily announced their withdrawal on March 31 without any mention of massacres, bodies in the streets, or other war crimes. Finally, the Ukrainian SBU said it was moving into Bucha on April 2 to conduct a ‘cleansing’ operation against saboteurs and traitors.

    The photos of the dead only appeared on April 2, and Zelenskyy soon appeared in order to give international journalists a tour. Reuters and the New York Times have also posted Maxar satellite images apparently showing bodies in the streets earlier on March 19. This is not as compelling as it might otherwise be; bodies left outside for two weeks would not be in the condition seen in the April 2 photos, but instead would be significantly decomposed. If there were bodies on the street earlier in March—whether combatants or civilians—they had to be different people than the dead civilians on display from April 2.

    Rather, it’s a question of whether atrocity stories will lead to U.S. involvement in another war that does not advance America’s national interests. Whether it was the Rape of Belgium alleged in World War I, genocide in Kosovo, or Iraqi troops ‘removing babies from incubators’ in Kuwait, lurid and false atrocity stories have been used before to encourage Western involvement in unnecessary wars. As with ordinary criminal investigations, it is always worth asking if the source has a motive to lie about culpability.

    Russia has called for an independent investigation of these events through the U.N. Security Council, but the current chair, the United Kingdom, apparently refused to convene the council. Why? Wouldn’t an independent investigation be the best way to determine what happened? Of course, the truth here is secondary, and neither Ukraine nor the West would have any interest in uncovering the extent of Ukrainian war crimes. Rather, it is clear the United States and the EU are invested in prolonging the war in order to weaken and punish Russia, even though the next phase appears likely to be much worse for everyone involved, with the Kiev government calling for the mass evacuation of the East in its most recent communications.

    For all the ink spilled in condemning what is being called the Bucha Massacre, one wonders if the calls for war crimes trials and claims that the responsible government is illegitimate would be withdrawn if it turns out not Vladimir Putin and Russia, but Voldomyr Zelenskyy and Ukraine, were responsible for whatever took place in Bucha. The question answers itself.

    The real atrocities are being committed by Zelensky’s forces, which include neo-Nazis. Russians remember the horrors of the German invasion during World War II and don’t want them repeated. Hence Putin’s demand that the Ukrainian government purge the Nazi elements in its government, especially to be found in the Azov Regiment. As Joe Lauria says. “Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky has been making a virtual world tour with video hookups to parliaments around the globe, as well as to the Grammy Awards and the U.N. Security Council, sometimes with troublesome results.”

    Let’s heed the wisdom of the great Dr. Ron Paul, who warns us about getting into war through CIA atrocity falsehoods: “Last week an extraordinary article appeared in, of all places, NBC News, reporting that the US intelligence community is knowingly feeding information it does not believe accurate to the US mainstream media for the American audience to consume.

    In other words, the article reports that the US ‘deep state’ admits to being actively engaged in lying to the American people in the hopes that it can manipulate public opinion.

    I delved into the subject of CIA lying—including the NBC admission—in this column last week.

    Why does the U.S. government insist on prolonging and exacerbating this conflict? I think Rockwell is right: War profiteers in Washington, D.C., WANT a war with Russia. In the first place, there has never been a war that DC’s ensconced War Party didn’t love—and helped instigate.

    In the second place, Joe Biden and the rest of those criminals inside the Beltway know that the U.S. economy is in a “bad and badder” spiral—and they know that they are responsible for it. War is the perfect distraction that will turn the attention of the American people away from their own economic woes caused by their own political leaders and give them a foreign “monster” to hate.

    I’ll repeat what I’ve been saying for at least twenty-five years: We have more to fear from the miserable miscreants in Washington D.C., than from anyone else. If you want to find monsters, you don’t have to look overseas to find one; just look at that putrid cesspool by the Potomac, and you’ll find hundreds of them.

    Putin’s demands are reasonable. Ukraine has no business being in NATO. Plus, the neo-Nazis of the Ukrainian Azov mercenary militia are the true war criminals. They have been committing mass murder and genocide against the Russian-speaking people in the Donbass for years. Russia’s defense of these innocent victims against the Ukrainian Nazi oppressors is more than justified—especially after the people of the Donbass legally separated from the Ukrainian government and appealed to Russia for protection.

    The land of the Khazars (Ukraine) has been filled with corruption, barbarity, murder and war since the 6th century. It is a land that has never understood or appreciated civility and law. The lawless rulers of Ukraine have joined with virtually every tyrant and despot (and thug and gangster) that came along—including and especially Adolf Hitler. To call Zelensky and his bloodthirsty band of Nazi mercenaries “heroes” and to risk World War III to defend these Hitler wannabe’s is the height of insanity.

    Please read this report about one infamous Ukrainian Nazi mercenary. 

    CIA-created myths have led America into virtually every war we’ve been engaged in since the agency was created in 1947: from Korea to Vietnam to the Gulf War to Somalia to Haiti to Bosnia to Kosovo to Lebanon to Afghanistan to Iraq to Yemen to Pakistan to Kenya to Libya to Uganda and Syria.

    And now it looks like CIA myths are leading America into war with Russia.

    How long will Almighty God let the United States survive its own stupidity?

    P.S. This is the third announcement that we have just released my latest message DVD in my prophecy series. The title of the message is: Why Ezekiel's Gog And Magog Prophecy Is NOT Identifying Russia.

    Most evangelicals are supporting the Deep State’s puppet government of Ukraine because they believe that Russia is the fulfillment of Ezekiel’s Gog and Magog prophecy. It isn’t! 

    This message is a detailed explanation of Ezekiel's Gog and Magog prophecy found in chapters 38 and 39. I use supporting Scriptures to show very clearly who and what Gog and Magog represent: And, again, it's NOT Russia! 

    I also explain how the myth that Gog and Magog represent Russia—expounded by the vast majority of evangelicals—originated.

    And I also expose the devilish purposes that are accomplished by the way today's Scofield Futurists sensationalize prophecy—by outlandishly applying prophetic Scripture to whatever news headlines happen to be prominent at the moment—at the cost of sound New Covenant doctrine.

    Find my brand new message DVD Why Ezekiel's Gog And Magog Prophecy Is NOT Identifying Russia here.

    © Chuck Baldwin

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