Chuck Baldwin (2021)
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    Almost No One Else Will Say It, So I Must

    Published: Thursday, November 12, 2020

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    I will refrain from making comments about the presidential election itself until after it has been officially decided.

    In the meantime, however, there is much to be said about how we got here. And, once again, it is left to me to say what almost no one else is willing to say.

    First, had Donald Trump followed through with his promise to drain the swamp, we would not even be in this fix. Trump had four years to take care of the Clinton/Biden criminal cartel, and he did absolutely NOTHING.

    Instead, Trump surrounded himself with the same old establishment Deep State CFR globalists as did his predecessors Bush I, Clinton, Bush II and Obama. In fact, Trump appointed more globalist fellow travelers during his first term in office than did his predecessors in a comparable period.

    In other words, we can thank Donald Trump himself for the current crisis unfolding in Washington, D.C. We wouldn’t even be thinking about Creepy Biden had Trump kept his promise to drain the swamp. And it’s maddening that evangelicals and conservatives can’t seem to figure that out.

    Second, while conservatives are rightly concerned about Kamala Harris, almost none of them seem to know the real reason why she is so worrisome.

    Let me lay a foundation with this report:

    Well, firstly there’s Biden’s age to consider. He’ll be 82 at the end of his first term and it’s widely predicted he’ll call it quits then. Sources close to him suggested so last year, and CNN’s Anderson Cooper and Obama’s former campaign manager David Axelrod have both expressed this view in the past few days. In that scenario, Harris would be a front-runner to take over.

    It is particularly telling that Axelrod has spoken out, as he is incredibly well-connected inside the Democrat apparatus.

    Harris is being positioned now to take over in 2024 and win again in 2028. She’s just turned 56, so her age is not an issue, and she is being groomed to appear presidential. How else would someone go from being a basket case of a candidate to a highly-respected national figure in a matter of months?

    You can see the behind the scenes string-pulling, like how her husband Douglas Emhoff is being hailed as the first Jewish second gentleman; no Jew has ever been part of America’s first or second couples.

    But the real focus should be on Emhoff’s job. He works for multinational law firm DLA Piper in Washington, which also undertakes lobbying work. The couple are reported to comfortably be millionaires, and are very much part of the establishment. 

    The Democratic establishment know she is one of them and are plotting her course, and we can expect to see her afforded a higher profile than other VPs over the next four years. 

    Because Kamala Harris is being lined up as the 47th President of the United States.

    The Zionist Connection

    Harris’ husband is a mega-wealthy lobbyist and litigator who made his fortune promoting and defending the socialist/Marxist agenda within the entertainment and media industries, which we all know are dominated by Zionists.

    Here is the big disconnect among evangelical Christians and conservatives: They don’t understand that socialism, Marxism, communism and Zionism are one and the same. I repeat: They are one and the same. (And all of it depends on the undergirding financial assistance from their mega-rich partners of crony capitalists.) 

    Karl Marx was a Zionist. Joseph Stalin was a Zionist. Vladimir Lenin was a Zionist. The communist revolution in Russia was a Zionist-led revolution. And the push for Marxism in America today is being facilitated by powerful Zionist toadies such as Kamala Harris’ husband, Douglas Emhoff.

    As for Donald Trump, he did more to promote Zionism than any other president in U.S. history. Behind the scenes, Trump's Zionist daughter Ivanka and Zionist son-in-law Jared Kushner constantly pushed the Zionist agenda in Trump’s foreign and domestic policies.

    So where is God’s blessing on America now for all of Trump’s blessings on Israel? 

    For four years, Christians have been saying that Donald Trump was a John the Baptist-type figure—a forerunner of Christ. They had it half right. He was a forerunner alright: not for Christ but for the antichrist figures within the Harris family. 

    Maybe that’s why, when the entire country was emotionally embroiled (to put it mildly) in the most divisive presidential election in history, Trump was casually playing golf last weekend. He knows the plan (and the planners) and his part in it.

    Until Christians and conservatives come to understand that by supporting the Zionist State of Israel they are supporting the Marxist takeover of America, that takeover will continue unabated.

    Zionism is not a race; neither is it a nationality nor a religion. Zionism is a political philosophy—the philosophy of atheistic collectivism. The Zionist state in Palestine is an elaborate stratagem that provides a convenient shield against criticism. Any critique of Zionism—even when it comes from Jewish rabbis—is labeled as “anti-Semitism.” 

    From the days of the Bolshevik Revolution in Russia, Zionists (communists) have used political upheaval, chaos, disorder, violence, hatred, division, historical and cultural cleansing, etc., to accomplish their takeovers of countries.

    Had Trump been genuine about wanting to rid America of the swamp creatures in Washington, D.C., and had he used the immense power of his office to bring the known criminals such as Joe Biden and Hillary Clinton (and the myriad support staff in their criminal network) to justice, there would have been no Joe Biden to run against, and he would have easily won a second term in a landslide election.

    Wake up, folks! Donald Trump brought this on himself. We can debate all day long whether he did it wittingly or unwittingly, but there is no denying the fact that by his refusal to drain the swamp, he brought this on himself—and on the rest of us.

    By the way, under cover of a heated presidential election, the State of Israel continued to push forward with its ethnic cleansing (now called “annexation”) of Palestine.

    Here is the report of how Israel wiped an entire Palestinian community off the map. Israel has annihilated hundreds of Palestinian towns, villages, districts and communities since 1948. 

    That’s why Benjamin Netanyahu already congratulated Joe Biden on an election victory—even before the election was firmly decided. He is keenly aware of the exponential rise in Zionist power and influence that accompanies the Harris family rise to the White House.

    Amazingly, many evangelicals continue to stupidly believe that Netanyahu (and Zionism itself) is a friend of the United States and a friend of Christianity. What dupes!

    In a real sense, the rise of the Marxist attack against America, personified in Kamala Harris, can be, at least partially, attributed to the misguided support for Zionism among our evangelical churches.

    As I said, almost no one else will say it, so I must. 

    P.S. I again urge readers to get the Must-Read book entitled The Ethnic Cleansing Of Palestine, by Ilan Pappe

    This is the true story of how Israel became a state off the blood, rape and ethnic cleansing of the Palestinian people—an ethnic cleansing that continues today, as I reported in this column.

    The State of Israel loves to play the role of victim on the world stage, but the truth is, since WWII, Israel is one of the most murderous aggressor/terror states in the world. Had any other nation on earth committed the atrocities you will find documented in this book, the entire world—especially the United States—would hold it up to global condemnation. But you have likely read or heard absolutely nothing about it. The truth of Israel's murderous conquest of Palestine is even hidden from the people of Israel themselves.

    Evangelical Christians who are enamored with the modern State of Israel, believing it to be a fulfillment of Biblical prophecy, need to take a close, hard look at the brutal history of the Zionist state. Reading this book is the best place to begin.

    Order The Ethnic Cleansing Of Palestine by Ilan Pappe here. 

    P.S.S. Plus, I want to again announce that we are now shipping the Matthew Henry Study Bible.

    For years, people who watch my online messages have been asking me to recommend a study Bible. This I was not able to do, because every comprehensive study Bible I knew of taught the false doctrines of Christian Zionism. The only study Bible I knew of that was NOT Zionist-based was the Matthew Henry Study Bible.

    Well, the new printing of the Matthew Henry Study Bible has just arrived, and they are NOW AVAILABLE. 

    If somehow the Church could extricate itself from the false doctrines of Christian Zionism, I truly believe God would restore both Liberty and Revival to our land. The Bible commentaries of Matthew Henry and other pre-Scofield Bible scholars in bygone centuries gave birth to the patriot pastors and preachers of Colonial America that brought a Great Awakening—and then a revival of Liberty—to this country. 

    Ask yourself: What has one hundred years of our pastors and churches preaching the false doctrines of Christian Zionism (what an oxymoron!) done for America? Do you think there is a connection between the increase of this false teaching and the decrease of true Christianity in this country? I do! 

    These Bibles are very reasonably priced and are selling quickly.

    If you want a Matthew Henry Study Bible for yourself or for gifts this Christmas, I strongly suggest you order SOON.

    Order The Matthew Henry Study Bible here. 

    © Chuck Baldwin

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