Chuck Baldwin (2021)
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    Dr. Baldwin's 5/15/2020 Interview with John Shuck on the Progressive Spirit Show

    Published: Monday, May 18, 2020

    Dr. Chuck Baldwin is pastor of Liberty Fellowship Church in Kalispell, Montana. He has extensive biography that you can find on the church’s website

    I started following Pastor Baldwin on Facebook when another Facebook friend told me that Pastor Baldwin talked about things like the 9/11 deception and other crimes against humanity. The church’s bookstore has Christopher Bollyn’s book, The War on Terror: The Plot to Rule the Middle East for sale. Pastor Baldwin has spoken out about the perpetual “war on terror” and the damage it has inflicted in the Middle East and in America. 

    In this interview I speak with Dr. Chuck Baldwin about this COVID Operation, PSYOP, Movie, whatever we’ll call it. It is not about a virus, in my opinion. It is about something else. We will hear Dr. Chuck Baldwin’s insights about the lockdown.

    Listen to the interview here.


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