Chuck Baldwin (2021)
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    My Articles Of Impeachment Against Donald Trump

    Published: Thursday, January 2, 2020

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    As Donald Trump enters 2020, he faces two articles of impeachment: 1) Abuse of power, and 2) Obstruction of Congress. 

    Judge Andrew Napolitano is quoted here:

    "High crimes and misdemeanors is a basis for impeachment, the constitutional remedy for presidential behavior that subverts our democratic institutions," Napolitano wrote. "In Mr. Trump's case, we have undisputed evidence that he abused his power by inviting a foreign government to interfere in the 2020 presidential election and then compounded this by directing subordinates to refrain from giving congressionally commanded evidence of his behavior."

    "All three DOJ reports agreed that if the president's behavior, though uncharged, nevertheless amounted to 'high crimes and misdemeanors,' he should be impeached," Napolitano wrote.

    Trump's withholding of military aid to Ukraine until the quid pro quo of Ukraine's announcement of a criminal investigation into former vice president Joe Biden was, according to Napolitano, a "shakedown."

    "In the language of the streets, this is a shakedown," wrote Napolitano. "It sought to enhance Mr. Trump's personal political needs and bears no relationship to American foreign policy."

    Napolitano further said that Trump's refusal to cooperate with the initial investigation that led to the impeachment proceedings have left charges against him "essentially uncontested."

    "Because Mr. Trump declined to participate in the House investigation that resulted in the construction of the articles of impeachment against him—except for his tweets and bluster and the Republicans' personal attacks on House Democratic committee chairs—the facts underlying the charges against Mr. Trump are essentially uncontested," Napolitano wrote.

    "Everyone who believes in the rule of law should be terrified of a president who thinks and behaves as if it does not apply to him," Napolitano added. "As the DOJ has stated repeatedly, impeachment is the proper constitutional remedy for that."

    Harvard law professor Laurence Tribe succinctly stated, “If this isn’t impeachable, as many have said, then nothing is.”

    You and I both know that if these charges—and the evidence prompting them—were being made against Barack Obama or any other Democrat, virtually every conservative pundit, commentator, newscaster, podcaster, preacher, etc., would absolutely and positively be supporting these articles of impeachment. And every liberal pundit, commentator, newscaster, podcaster, preacher, etc., would be opposing them. Almost no one from either side of the aisle cares a tinker’s dam about truth, justice or constitutional government: It’s ALL about partisan politics.

    But in my mind, not only should Trump be impeached for the two articles in which he has been impeached, he should be impeached on many more charges.

    Herein are my articles of impeachment against Donald Trump: 

    1. Bribing prostitutes to keep silent during his presidential campaign in 2016 as a way of influencing the outcome of the election



    2. Dropping over 110,000 bombs and killing tens of thousands of innocent people without the approbation of Congress or a Declaration of War


    3. Using the bully pulpit of the presidency to call for “red flag” gun confiscation laws, which has emboldened gun grabbers across the country to enact these Orwellian gun confiscation laws


    4. Enacting additional gun control, e.g., a national “bump stock” ban via executive order


    5. Using the U.S. Justice Department to establish a national “pre-crime” law enforcement agency with the authority to arrest and confiscate the firearms of innocent American citizens on the basis that they “might” commit a crime in the future



    6. Passing an executive order that prohibits First Amendment freedom of speech and religion on college campuses, elevates Zionistic Judaism to de facto state religion status, makes every Christian and non-Jew in America second-class citizens and prohibits any criticism of all things Israel on college campuses—which by implication prohibits the reading of the New Testament



    7. Supporting Israel’s illegal and immoral apartheid “settlement” atrocities in the West Bank that are universally recognized as war crimes and a gross violation of international law


    8. Pardoning war criminals, which makes Donald Trump complicit in their war crimes



    9. Violating the emoluments clause of the U.S. Constitution (Article.1. Section.9. Clause.8.)


    10. Continuing and expanding America’s unconstitutional foreign wars



    11. Signing legislation that continues and expands the federal government’s spying on the American people


    12. Enacting a Declaration of Emergency to circumvent Congress and authorize federal spending not authorized by Congress


    13. Ceding the autonomy and independence of the United States to international government via the USMCA


    14. Using billions of taxpayer dollars to fund abortion providers



    15. Providing trillions of taxpayer dollars to foreign governments—many of them hostile to the United States (such as Israel, Turkey and Saudi Arabia) 



    16. Sending U.S. troops to seize and possess the oil fields of an independent sovereign nation


    17. Exponentially increasing the national debt and deficit spending



    18. Signing legislation that funds gun control


    In my book, Donald Trump should face not two but at least twenty articles of impeachment. And the truth is, many of these charges could have been made against every president, Democrat and Republican, in modern memory. 

    The fact is, the American people (including Christians and conservatives) have not demanded fidelity to constitutional government from their president (or congressman or senators, for that matter) since at least the end of World War II. 

    That Christians and conservatives overlook, defend, excuse and justify the immoral, illegal and unconstitutional conduct of Donald Trump only serves to further ensconce future illegitimate and rogue presidencies. Each presidency (regardless of party) tends only to build upon the worst of its predecessors.

    Each time a president is allowed to violate his oath to the Constitution and run roughshod over the Bill of Rights, it only makes it easier for the next president to do more of the same.

    Should Donald Trump be impeached? You bet he should be. On at least 20 counts. 

    In fact, I think we should impeach EVERY president, regardless of party, until one of them decides to actually take his oath to the Constitution seriously. As long as the American people don’t take the Constitution seriously, neither will our elected civil magistrates. 

    © Chuck Baldwin

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