Chuck Baldwin (2021)
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    One Good Thing The Reelection Of Barack Obama Has Accomplished

    Published: Thursday, November 15, 2012

    Many people across the country are rightly concerned as to what another four-year Obama administration is going to accomplish. According to the UK’s Daily Mail Online, “Although America carried President Obama confidently into a second term last Tuesday–not everyone is jumping for joy at the prospect of four more years.

    “Tens of thousands have put their names to secession petitions in 20 states, asking that they peacefully become independent from the rest of the country.

    “The documents have been lodged on a government website We The People–and Texas has almost enough people behind its petition to warrant an official White House response.

    “Along with the Lone Star state, petitions were filed from Alabama, Arkansas, Colorado, Florida, Indiana, Kentucky, Louisiana, Michigan, Mississippi, Missouri, Montana, New Jersey, New York, North Carolina, North Dakota, Oregon, South Carolina and Tennessee. So keen are the folks in Georgia for a separation, that they filed their petition twice.

    “Unsurprisingly, the majority of these states voted for Republican nominee Mitt Romney although petitions were also lodged in Democrat strongholds such as New York and Oregon.”

    See the report at:

    A report just released as this column is going to distribution states that over 675,000 signatures have been gathered from all 50 states. Plus, at least 7 states (including Texas) have accrued more than the minimum of 25,000 signatures necessary for the Obama administration to honor with a staff review.

    See the report at:

    Does anyone believe that these states are really going to secede from the union? Of course not. At least, not yet. Citizen petitions are just that. In order for a State to secede it would have to be formally declared by an act of the State’s legislature and governor. Good luck finding many of those.

    However, I, for one, applaud the hundreds of thousands of Americans who have signed their State’s petitions for secession. If nothing else, it demonstrates the resolve and determination of freedom-minded people throughout the country who are more than “fed up.”

    Plus, I do believe these petitions are significant. That the federal government has become a monstrous leviathan that is trampling the liberties of the people, usurping the authority of the states, and making a mockery of the Constitution is the understatement of the year. Both major parties in Washington, D.C., are led by a cabal of Big Money, globalist elites. Barack Obama might be the point man, but he has a supporting cast of hundreds from both sides of the aisle, from Wall Street, and from Corporate America. And let’s not forget labor unions, the education establishment, Big Media, and Big Religion. They are all standing in line to get their share of milk from the government teat. Hardly anyone in a position of authority and influence gives a tinker’s dam about constitutional governance or the Bill of Rights.

    At least Steve Stockman was elected to Congress. The undisputed champion of the Constitution and personal liberty, Ron Paul, has retired, and his absence leaves a void on Capitol Hill the size of the Grand Canyon. Steve’s presence will help fill at least some of that void. Go, Steve, Go!

    However, the problem is much bigger than one seat in the US House of Representatives. Washington, D.C., has become more than a monster; it is a menace; it is a plague. And it is destroying everything that was good and decent in America. Most of the problems that our states and local communities are dealing with were caused by the miscreants in Washington, D.C. And, unfortunately, instead of serving as a guardian of the liberties of the people of the several states, most State governors, legislators, senators, etc., have jumped on Washington’s big-government bandwagon. So, where does that leave the people? It leaves them frustrated, fearful, angry, and signing citizen petitions for secession. Who can blame them?

    Obamacare is going to bankrupt an already bankrupt nation. It’s going to put sick people on an assembly-line, one-size-fits-all healthcare disaster. To get an idea of what’s coming, take a close look at our VA clinics. It’s going to drive tens of thousands of very competent and qualified physicians out of practice. And remember, Mr. Romney barely made Obamacare a campaign issue. Why? Because he and his staffers helped create the dumb thing. That’s why.

    Furthermore, most everyone is predicting that Obama will coerce the US Senate (yes, enough Republicans will go along with the Democrats) into signing the UN Small Arms Treaty. Many say that this treaty could pave the way for outlawing personal firearms–maybe even the attempted confiscation of personal firearms. Not surprisingly, the sale of guns and ammo has gone through the roof since Election Day.

    At this juncture, I simply must make this studied prediction: treaty or no treaty, UN or no UN, law or no law, there are millions of able-bodied Americans all over the fruited plain who are not going to surrender their firearms to anybody. They just flat aren’t going to do it! If the federal government truly wants to legitimize and explode what is now merely citizen petitions for secession into full-fledged, honest-to-God, bring-it-on, declarations of independence by numerous State legislatures analogous to 1776, let them attempt to outlaw and confiscate people’s firearms. With no disrespect to my friends north of the border and overseas, this is not Canada or Australia. This is America, and we will never surrender our guns! Period!

    And as an aside, a friend of mine, not in military service, just shot a bull elk over the weekend with a .300 Winchester Magnum rifle at a distance of 960 yards. One shot. One kill. And he is only one of thousands of Montanans that know how to do that. Let me ask all of the would-be tyrants in Washington, D.C., some questions: what’s Montana worth to you? What’s Idaho worth to you? What’s Wyoming worth to you? What are the Dakotas worth to you? What’s Texas worth to you? What’s Arizona worth to you? What’s Louisiana worth to you? What’s Oklahoma worth to you?

    And for all of my freedom-loving friends out there, it’s time RIGHT NOW to make up your mind and decide how much freedom is worth to you, because the only thing separating you and me from slavery is “the people’s liberty-teeth” (George Washington’s characterization of guns). You can’t make up your mind when federal troops are standing on your doorstep. You’ve got to make up your mind NOW. And I’m saying that there are tens of millions of Americans whose minds are already made up on this matter. Furthermore, it’s time for our men and women in uniform to decide what side of the line they are going to be standing on when the order is given to seize Americans’ firearms. That decision must be made in your hearts RIGHT NOW.

    Add to Obamacare and potential gun confiscation an economy that everyone is saying is headed “over the cliff.” Boys and girls, America is one national disaster away from a total economic meltdown, or at the very least hyperinflation. And Mr. Obama has no intention of bringing the troops home. He is as much the servant of war profiteers as was G.W. Bush. America’s wars of aggression in the Middle East are only going to escalate–further devastating our economic well-being.

    And all the while, Russia and China continue to build their militaries (with America’s assistance, no less), salivating over the opportunity to launch a nuclear attack against us.

    In addition, there is absolutely nothing I have stated in this column that is not being commonly discussed in dining rooms, restaurants, and taverns all over America. Just about everybody sees the handwriting on the wall.

    If you would like to sign the secession petition in your State, the White House has a petition website where you can participate. Go to:

    I am absolutely convinced this is just the tip of the iceberg. Underneath the surface is a waking giant that is just beginning to arouse from slumber. Just exactly what this means and how it will all play out is anyone’s guess. But one thing is for sure: if the federal government wants to see another Civil War, just let it begin confiscating people’s guns. That’s what started the first one, and that’s what would start the second one.

    In the meantime, these citizen petitions demonstrate that people are truly beginning to wake up. Mitt Romney would have put them to sleep; Barack Obama has awakened them. That’s the one good thing the reelection of Barack Obama has accomplished!

    P.S. I am happy to announce that Liberty Fellowship now has its own website. Furthermore, readers should know that there are hundreds–maybe thousands–of people across the country who are thoroughly fed up with these feel-good, stand-for-nothing churches and are gathering together in small groups to watch Liberty Fellowship’s livestreamed service each Sunday afternoon at 2:30pm Mountain Time.

    Included on the Liberty Fellowship website is a page entitled, “Find Groups.” This page will be devoted to those people who are gathering together, or who want to gather together, to watch Liberty’s livestream service online. I already know of groups like this in Virginia, South Carolina, Arizona, California, and several other states.

    The Liberty Fellowship website is:

    If you are already meeting in a group and would like others to know about it, so that they might join you, please submit your CITY, STATE, and EMAIL ADDRESS to this email address:

    We will add this information to the “Find Groups” page, so you can begin connecting with like-minded folks who want to join Liberty Fellowship online in your area.

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