Chuck Baldwin (2021)
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    Donald Trump, John Hagee, Zionism And The Chabad

    Published: Thursday, February 14, 2019

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    King Solomon wrote, “Much study is a weariness of the flesh.” (Eccl. 12:12 KJV) I will add that it doesn’t make one a lot of friends either—especially if what one discovers through his studies cuts against the grain of commonly accepted teaching.

    In my message to Liberty Fellowship last Sunday, I made the point that Zionism is one of America’s greatest threats. I do not say that lightly. Many years and untold hours of laborious study have led me to that conclusion. Only the lack of truth-preaching (including truth-preaching about Zionism) from America’s pulpits is a greater threat to our country. Beyond that, Zionism is one of the most politically protected institutions in America. No! It is THE most politically protected institution in the country. Bar none!

    The influence and intimidation that Zionism wields over America’s major institutions and industries are incalculable—and seemingly impenetrable. From the church house to the White House, from Main Street to Wall Street, from Hollywood and Vine to Broadway and from the marbled halls of Congress to the hallowed halls of ivy-covered universities, Zionism reigns supreme. It rules our institutions with an iron fist. And it takes no prisoners against anyone who dares to challenge it. No one, and I mean no one—white or black, male or female, Democrat or Republican, liberal or conservative—can criticize Zionism without incurring the wrath of the combined weight of the media, entertainment, political, business and religious elite falling on them like a ton of bricks.

    When Temple University professor and CNN commentator Marc Lamont Hill (a black man) dared to criticize Israeli violence against the indigenous people of Palestine, he was quickly fired by the giant cable news network. When Republican Senator Rand Paul (a white man) held up $38 billion of U.S. foreign aid to Zionist Israel’s war machine, the Israeli lobby jumped on him like a chicken on a June bug. Rand quickly capitulated. When Democrat Congresswoman Ilhan Omar (an Arab woman) dared to criticize the powerful Israeli lobby group, AIPAC, she was immediately denounced by congressmen and senators from both parties as well as by the President of the United States, who demanded that she resign. She quickly apologized.

    It doesn’t matter who you are, what race you are, what your politics are, what your religious beliefs are, what school you graduated from or where you work; you cannot criticize Zionist Israel or any of its surrogates: not in any shape, manner or form.

    And speaking of the President of the United States, Donald Trump’s connections to the Jewish mafia (the same mafia that Vladimir Putin is connected to, by the way) cannot be denied. In this column on August 10, 2017, I wrote:

    Trump’s association with Jewish mafia billionaires—among whom Trump’s son-in-law Jared Kushner (Ivanka’s husband) and his family belong—is easily documented. I’m talking about men such as Alexander Mashkevich, Tevfik Arif (not Jewish by birth but a strong Zionist), Felix Henry Sater and Lev Avnerovich Leviev. Look them up for yourself. Jewish Zionist Wilbur Ross (Bilderberg), whom Trump appointed as Secretary of Commerce, was one of the Jewish billionaire Rothschild bankers who bailed Trump out of one of his bankruptcies.

    What I did not include in that column was Trump’s official proclamation of endorsement of the Zionist Chabad (on this occasion, ultra-Zionist John Bolton also met with the Chabad):

    US President Donald Trump signed the 40th annual proclamation marking National Education and Sharing Day, in honor of Rabbi Menachem Mendel Schneerson, the late Rabbi of the Lubavitch Hasidic movement.

    “NOW, THEREFORE, I, DONALD J. TRUMP, President of the United States of America, by virtue of the authority vested in me by the Constitution and the laws of the United States, do hereby proclaim March 27, 2018, as ‘Education and Sharing Day, U.S.A.,’” Trump said in a statement on Tuesday.

    “I call upon government officials, educators, volunteers, and all the people of the United States to observe this day with appropriate programs, ceremonies, and activities.

    A delegation of Rabbis from the Lubavitch (also known as Chabad) Hasidic movement attended the signing ceremony, which took place in the Oval Office.

    If you study (there’s that dirty little word again) the Chabad, you will find that it is nothing more than a branch of the Ashkenazi Jewish mafia that actually has very little to do with real Jewish people at all—just as Zionism has almost nothing to do with the ancient Jewish religion or real Jewish people.

    Chabadism is linked to sexual child abuse, drug running, human trafficking, organized crime, financial fraud, tax evasion, money laundering, and political intimidation and manipulation of civil institutions, court cases and political elections. The above and what follows are reported on the Yehudim Neged Chabad (Jews Against Chabad) website:

    Does Chabad engage in racketeering activity? A racket is an illegal business, usually run as part of organized crime. Engaging in a racket is called racketeering. Racketeering activity means, among other things, any acts of kidnapping, robbery, bribery, extortion, counterfeiting, theft, fraud, obstruction of justice, embezzlement of funds, bankruptcy or securities fraud, money laundering and related offenses, bringing in, aiding or assisting aliens in illegally entering the country (if the action was for financial gain).

    Chabad is engaged in ALL of the illegal activities mentioned above.

    Whatever they do is crooked. Many have done jail time, especially the guys in nursing homes, jewelry, trucking and government programs administration. The lawyers among them are gangsters. They don't need a license to lie and hurt people, but they went to school to get one anyway. No hotel, gambling casino [Donald Trump’s business] or show is off limits to these chayas. OK, let's get real. In your heart of hearts you know I am right. If you live in Brooklyn [where Trump worked], take a good look at the guys you interface with. Read the newspapers. Check court records. Check out the supermarkets and see how many shaina Yiden are using food stamps. Visit some prisons; see how many guys are there that would never daven without a gartel. Speak to pediatricians that you may have as friends or family; find out how many babies are being born with drug addictions and sexually transmitted diseases. No, not from the baalei tshuvas you miserable slobs, but from the yeshiva and chassidishe communities. Speak to marriage therapists that you may have as friends or family; ask them what percentage of marriages are being destroyed because the yeshivishe/chassidishe husband is banging anything that moves. When your home is burglarized, don't even bother going to the cops looking for your silver and jewelry; just take a stroll down Thirteenth Avenue; they will be on full display at the silver and jewelry stores, right there in the window. On a TV talk show recently, hookers described these guys down to their filthy talis koton. (Can't leave home without it.) It's not one or two guys; this is symptomatic of a tradition and a [Chabadic] culture that failed miserably.

    And President Trump invites these monsters to the White House to officially honor and recognize them and calls on “all the people of the United States to observe this day with appropriate programs, ceremonies, and activities.” Of course, Trump’s son-in-law and presidential advisor, Jared Kushner, is a rabid Chabadist.

    But Donald Trump is not the only President to pay homage to the Chabad. Every President since Jimmy Carter has done the same thing. This, again, shows the immense power and influence that Zionism has in American politics.

    Then there is Zionism’s control over the entertainment industry. Perhaps no one personifies Zionist debauched and demonic derangement like Sarah Silverman.

    On February 1 [2018], the Lady Parts Justice League, (founded by Daily Show creator Lizz Winstead) held a “telethon,” called Life Is a Living Nightmare: A Telethon to Fix It. The fundraiser, hosted by Winstead herself, along with comedian Sarah Silverman, featured almost 4 hours of bizarre content, including abortion charades, an interview with abortionist Willie Parker, and political rants. During one of the charades, Silverman announced that a conscience clause law that prevented aborted fetuses from being used in manufactured food products would be something that “would make her want to eat an aborted fetus.”

    Sarah Silverman blurted out, “if anything has ever made me want to eat an aborted fetus, it’s this law.” The law in question, legislated in Oklahoma, was created in response to a claim that a food lab was considering using stem cells to create artificial flavors.

    Silverman has also said, “I hope the Jews did kill Christ. I’d do it again in a second!” (That’s the quote without her filthy language.)

    Where was the uproar from congressional leaders or the “Christian” President of the United States (who never misses an opportunity to publicly condemn and ridicule anyone who says a negative word about HIM) over Silverman’s blasphemy? It was nonexistent. But say something against Israel or one of its scullion organizations such as AIPAC, and you will incur the chastisement of the most powerful political potentates in Washington, D.C., including President Trump. Do you voters really think that you are changing things when you replace one Zionist with another Zionist? You aren’t—and you are delusional to think otherwise.  

    And don’t forget Zionist influence and power over the mainstream media:

    A national politics correspondent for Newsweek, Nina Burleigh, tweeted that Israeli- and Jewish-linked organizations — along with Israel itself — are on “the third rail of American journalism.”

    The phrase “third rail” refers to the untouchable rail on mass transit systems, suggesting negative stories about Jews and Israel are too hot to handle.

    The tweet was in response to a thread by author Sarah Kendzior listing several stories she said were “undercovered.” A few of the stories involved President Donald Trump and Chabad, the Hasidic outreach movement; Black Cube, a private intelligence firm that employs former agents of Israel’s Mossad spy agency; and Jeffrey Epstein, a Jewish financier and registered sex offender.

    Kendzior asserted that “the press seems particularly reluctant to pursue these [stories]. Which is not surprising since those who do write about them are threatened.” By whom, she did not say.

    “Interesting thread,” Burleigh replied. “To answer your final question, Israel, [M]ossad, Chabad and black cube … you’re hitting the third rail of American journalism, Sarah.”

    If you don’t believe that, Ms. Kendzior, just ask Marc Lamont Hill.

    But worse than Zionism’s control of America’s political, media and entertainment establishments is its control of America’s evangelical churches. Christian Zionists such as John Hagee have been propagandizing America’s Christian people on behalf of Zionist Israel for decades:

    Christians United for Israel [CUFI] is no stranger in this city [Washington, D.C.]: It has become a key player in recent years in Congress’ passing of pro-Israel legislation, often of the kind favored by the more hawkish elements of the pro-Israel community.

    It’s that reputation that this week brought a small delegation to the capital — but not to advance any new bill. Instead, two top officials were meeting with officials of one of the country’s most liberal Jewish communities in order to assure them that whatever else they’ve heard, CUFI is on their side.

    Reaching out to Jewish communities is hardly unprecedented for the organization: CUFI instructs its new chapters to make local federations their first stop, coordinate pro-Israel strategy and reassure local Jewish communities about their intentions. Jewish groups are historically leery of evangelical support for Israel, and CUFI insists that its love for Israel is not about converting Jews or bringing about the end times, a theology of small “millennialist” groups that mainstream evangelicals say they have long disavowed.

    [CUFI] helped pass last year’s Taylor Force Act, which slashes funding to the Palestinians as long as Palestinian authorities continue to compensate Palestinians who attack Israelis. Last month, followers unnerved Sen. Rand Paul, R-Ky., with newspaper ads and phone calls after he placed a hold on $38 billion in defense assistance to Israel. Paul, who had complained about the CUFI onslaught, on Tuesday voted to advance a version of the legislation for the new Congress.

    CUFI represent[s] evangelicals who are not interested in converting Jews or bringing about the end times. CUFI’s founder, Texas megachurch Pastor John Hagee, has argued in evangelical forums for formally dropping policies that have alienated Jews.

    At the CUFI summit held here last summer, he said, “98 percent of congressional representations had pre-set meetings with us, both sides of the aisle. We find common ground because it’s Israel and Israel only.” [Emphasis added]

    I’ll say it straight out: John Hagee and his ilk are helping to damn the souls and poison the minds of millions of churchgoers (not to mention synagogue attenders) by preaching the ghoulish gospel of Zionism. These “Christian” Zionists are also culpable in Israel’s wanton murders of tens of thousands of innocent men, women and children (including multitudes of Christians) throughout the Middle East. Tell me how they are any better than the Pharisees of Jesus’ day or the Judaizers of the Apostle Paul’s day.  

    Face it, folks: We have a White House, federal Congress, news media, entertainment industry and a host of evangelical churches that are heavily influenced—if not controlled—by Zionism. I tell you the truth: Nothing will ever change the direction of our country or cure our nation’s ills until we break free from the chains of Zionist bondage.

    P.S. I spent over 30 years believing and teaching the fallacious Israel-based prophecy doctrines. But, thankfully, God opened my eyes to the truth a few years ago—and I asked God to forgive me for my participation in promoting that unbiblical teaching. And now I am determined to spend the rest of my life telling the truth about the scriptural teaching on Israel.

    I have a 16-message, 8-DVD series entitled The Israel Package available at a huge discount. This package is not exhaustive. I will be delivering more messages on the subject in the near future, but this package contains the foundation necessary to understanding the truth about the scriptural teaching on Israel. Anyone who has an honest heart to know the truth and who is willing to reject the falsehoods they have been taught (I know it’s not easy) should start by listening to these messages.

    © Chuck Baldwin


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