Chuck Baldwin (2021)
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    Dr. Baldwin's 2/01/19 Interview with Chuck Carlson and Craig Hanson of We Hold These Truths

    Published: Monday, February 4, 2019

    Pastor Chuck Baldwin rejoins us with an appeal to his fellow, evangelical, Christian leaders, who have been blinded by President Donald Trump and his cast of appointed “swamp creatures” to his administration.

    In this 32 minute podcast, Pastor Baldwin is interviewed by Craig Hanson of We Hold These Truths. Referenced in this podcast are: WHTT’s interview with Dr. Baldwin about his journey out of Christian Zionism – "Pastor Dr. Chuck Baldwin Rejects Christian Zionism," and two articles by Chuck Baldwin – "Now It’s William Barr: When Will Christians And Conservatives Stop Making Excuses For Donald Trump?” and “Declare A State Of Emergency To Build The Wall?"

    Listen to the interview here.  


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