Chuck Baldwin (2021)
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    Fifty Years Of Occupation

    Published: Thursday, February 8, 2018

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    On website, Mehdi Hasan had the courage to write what should have been written 50 years ago. Hasan writes, “Fifty years ago, between June 5 and June 10, 1967, Israel invaded and occupied East Jerusalem, the West Bank, the Gaza Strip, and the Golan Heights. The Six-Day War, as it would later be dubbed, saw the Jewish David inflict a humiliating defeat on the Arab Goliath, personified perhaps by Gamal Abdel Nasser’s Egypt.

    “‘The existence of the Israeli state hung by a thread,’ the country’s prime minister, Levi Eshkol, claimed two days after the war was over, ‘but the hopes of the Arab leaders to annihilate Israel were dashed.’ Genocide, went the argument, had been prevented; another Holocaust of the Jews averted.

    “There is, however, a problem with this argument: It is complete fiction, a self-serving fantasy constructed after the event to justify a war of aggression and conquest. Don’t take my word for it: ‘The thesis according to which the danger of genocide hung over us in June 1967, and according to which Israel was fighting for her very physical survival, was nothing but a bluff which was born and bred after the war,’ declared Gen. Matituahu Peled, chief of logistical command during the war and one of 12 members of Israel’s General Staff, in March 1972.

    “A year earlier, Mordechai Bentov, a member of the wartime government and one of 37 people to sign Israel’s Declaration of Independence, had made a similar admission. ‘This whole story about the threat of extermination was totally contrived, and then elaborated upon, a posteriori, to justify the annexation of new Arab territories,’ he said in April 1971.

    “Even Israeli Prime Minister Menachem Begin, former terrorist and darling of the Israeli far right, conceded in a speech in August 1982 that ‘in June 1967 we had a choice. The Egyptian army concentrations in the Sinai approaches did not prove that Nasser was really about to attack us. We must be honest with ourselves. We decided to attack him.’”

    And let’s not forget: Israel not only decided to attack Nasser, but it also decided to attack the USS Liberty (with unmarked aircraft), killing 34 American Sailors and Marines—trying to make it look like Egypt attacked our ship, in the hopes that America would jump into the war on Israel’s side. I am personally convinced that President Lyndon Johnson and Defense Secretary Robert McNamara conspired with Israel to carry out this attack—even going so far as ordering U.S. jets that were responding to the Liberty’s distress calls to turn around and leave the ship to sink. Only an act of God kept that ship afloat. No one was supposed to survive to tell what really happened. But there were survivors. The survivors were ordered to keep silent about the attack, but, thankfully, several brave crew members have spent their lives trying to tell the American people the truth about Israel’s attack on the USS Liberty.

    One of those survivors has become a friend of mine—a Christian man who watches my messages at Liberty Fellowship and follows this national column. His name is Ron Kukal. He recently spoke at Liberty Fellowship. More importantly, he co-authored a tell-all book about the attack on the USS Liberty. The book is entitled “Remember The LIBERTY!” And I am proud to be a distributor of this incredible book. I urge readers to order copies for themselves and for as many friends as they can. Along with the assassination of President Kennedy in 1963, the seizure of the USS Pueblo in 1968, and the 9/11/01 attacks, Israel’s attack on the USS Liberty in 1967 is one of the most egregious examples of a national cover-up that has ever taken place in this country.

    Order the blockbuster book “Remember The LIBERTY!” here:

    Remember The LIBERTY!

    Here is the service at Liberty Fellowship in which Ron Kukal spoke:

    Liberty Fellowship: Your Faith Is Spread Abroad   

    And here is an interview I had with Ron on the 50th Anniversary of the Liberty attack:

    My Interview With A USS Liberty Survivor

    Hasan continues: “The reverberations of that attack are still being felt in the Middle East today. Few modern conflicts have had as deep and long-lasting an impact as the Six-Day War. As U.S. academic and activist Thomas Reifer has observed, it sounded the ‘death knell of pan-Arab nationalism, the rise of political Islam … a more independent Palestinian nationalism’ and ‘Israel’s emergence as a U.S. strategic asset, with the United States sending billions of dollars … in a strategic partnership unequalled in world history.’

    “Above all else, the war, welcomed by the London Daily Telegraph in 1967 as ‘the triumph of the civilized,’ forced another 300,000 Palestinians from their homes and ushered in a brutal military occupation for the million-odd Palestinians left behind.

    “The conflict itself may have lasted only six days, but the occupation that followed is now entering its sixth decade — the longest military occupation in the world. Apologists for Israel often deny that it is an occupation and say the Occupied Territories are merely ‘disputed,’ a disingenuous claim belied by Israel’s own Supreme Court, which ruled in 2005 that the West Bank is ‘held by the State of Israel in belligerent occupation.’

    “Fifty long years of occupation; of dispossession and ethnic cleansing; of house demolitions and night curfews; of checkpoints, walls, and permits.

    “Fifty years of bombings and blockades; of air raids and night raids; of ‘targeted killings’ and ‘human shields’; of tortured Palestinian kids.

    “Fifty years of racial discrimination and ethnic prejudice; of a ‘separate but unequal’ two-tier justice system for Palestinians and Israelis; of military courts and ‘administrative detention.’

    “Fifty years of humiliation and subjugation; of pregnant Palestinian women giving birth at checkpoints; of Palestinian cancer patients denied access to radiation therapy; of Palestinian footballers prevented from reaching their matches.

    “Fifty years of pointless negotiations and failed peace plans: Allon, Rogers, Fahd, Fez, Reagan, Madrid, Oslo, Wye River, Camp David, Taba, Red Sea, Annapolis. What did they deliver for the occupied Palestinians? Aside from settlements, settlements, and more settlements? Consider: In 1992, a year before the Oslo peace process began, West Bank settlements covered 77 kilometers and housed 248,000 Israeli settlers. By 2016, those settlements covered 197 kilometers and the number of settlers living in them had more than tripled to 763,000.”

    Hasan concluded: “It wasn’t just the 1967 war that was launched on a lie; so too was the occupation that began after it. It was never supposed to be temporary, nor were the Palestinians ever supposed to get their land back. If Israel had planned to withdraw from the Occupied Territories, as some of its supporters suggest, then why was the first settlement in the West Bank, Kfar Etzion, established less than four months after the Six-Day War, in defiance of ‘top-secret’ advice from the Israeli Foreign Ministry’s legal adviser that ‘civilian settlement’ in the territories would contravene ‘the explicit provisions of the Fourth Geneva Convention’? Why has it revoked the residency rights of hundreds of thousands of Palestinians from Gaza and the West Bank over the past 50 years? Why has the Jewish state spent the past five decades exploiting the charade of a ‘peace process’ to gobble up more Palestinian land and build more illegal settlements? The truth is that the Jewish state, from the very beginning, ‘used negotiations as a smokescreen to advance its colonial project,’ to borrow a line from imprisoned Palestinian militant and activist Marwan Barghouti. Fifty years on, it is time for both the Palestinian leadership and the international community to stop pretending otherwise.

    “The legendary Israeli general and Defense Minister Moshe Dayan, who was one of the architects of Israel’s victory in 1967 and was adamant that the country should hold onto the territories it had seized, best summed up the cynical attitude of Israeli governments of both right and left over the past five decades. ‘The only peace negotiations,’ pronounced Dayan, when asked about the possibility of a peace deal with the Palestinians in November 1970, ‘are those where we settle the land and we build, and we settle, and from time to time we go to war.’”

    See Mehdi Hasan’s report here:

    A 50-Year Occupation: Israel’s Six-Day War Started With A Lie

    Of course, Israel would have never gotten by with these lies and murders—much less the 50 years of horrific occupation that have followed—except that America’s Christians have been hoodwinked into believing that the Rothschild Zionist State of Israel created in 1948 is a fulfillment of Biblical prophecy; that the Zionists in Israel are “God’s chosen people”; and that the land of Palestine (extending to the boundaries of Old Testament Israel under kings David and Solomon) has been given to Rothschild’s Israel by God. Therefore, they believe anything Israel does—no matter how evil and murderous it is (including murdering 34 American servicemen)—is sanctioned by God, and Christians must support it.

    The erroneous misapplication of prophetic scriptures to the modern Zionist State of Israel has created a political and military monster that is devouring the entire planet. Israel’s military invasion of Egypt (including the attack against the USS Liberty) should have awakened the Christian world to the diabolical plans and purposes of Zionism, but instead it enveloped the eyes of the Christian world with the darkest of blindfolds.  

    Millions of Christians became Zionists in 1967.

    I cannot count the number of times I’ve heard well-meaning Christians say, “The modern State of Israel must be a fulfillment of Bible prophecy. After all, look at what happened in 1967.”

    Well, look at what happened in China in 1949. I guess the communist revolution in that country must have been the fulfillment of some kind of Bible prophecy, because look how “God” gave communists the victory in China. And make no mistake about it: China’s communists are no more atheist than Israel’s Zionists.

    Thanks to beguiled Christians in America, along with the sheer power and force of the U.S. military, C.I. Scofield’s dispensationalism has been the single most influential factor in turning the old American republic into a new American empire—an empire devoted to fighting endless wars for Zionist Israel abroad, while also allowing Zionism to destroy America’s Christian culture at home.

    The vast majority of America’s televangelists and radio broadcasters are Christian Zionists. Many, if not most, of the largest churches in America are led by Christian Zionists. A large percentage of America’s Christian colleges, universities, and seminaries are led by Christian Zionists. And these Christian Zionists continue to regurgitate the lie that Israel was invaded during the Six-Day War, when actually Israel was the invader. And they also continue to ignore Israel’s brutal fifty-year occupation of Palestine.


    © Chuck Baldwin


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