Chuck Baldwin (2021)
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    Here Comes Da Judge

    Published: Thursday, September 28, 2017

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    Despite the massive efforts of President Donald Trump, Vice President Mike Pence, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, and the entire Washington establishment to try and defeat him, former Alabama Supreme Court Chief Justice Roy Moore won the GOP nomination for the U.S. Senate this past Tuesday by a landslide victory over Washington establishment toady Luther Strange.

    The Washington establishment spent over $30 million trying to defeat Roy Moore in this Alabama primary election. But the same controlled establishment toadies within the State government of Alabama, who sat back and did nothing to help Judge Moore when a tyrannical federal judiciary (with the assistance of the Bush White House) removed Judge Moore from office because he refused a federal judge’s directive to stop acknowledging God, have now been shown the door BY JUDGE ROY MOORE. Who says justice is dead?

    No, Judge Moore was NOT removed from office because of his Ten Commandments displays; he was removed from office for publicly ACKNOWLEDGING GOD. The Ten Commandments plaque and monument were only the manifestations of the acknowledgment of God. If you don’t believe that, below is the video of the actual exchange that took place between the prosecutor (Judas turncoat) Bill Pryor and the defendant Alabama Chief Justice Roy Moore during the trial on exactly why Judge Moore was being removed from office. Count how many times you hear the words “Ten Commandments.” I’ll tell you how many times you will hear them: NONE.

    The trial was not allowed to be televised--except for the public lynching when the verdict to remove Judge Moore from the bench was announced. THAT was carried by every mainstream television newscast in the country. But I was there; I saw it all for myself; and I reviewed the inside story regarding Judge Moore’s removal from office in this column last week. See it here:

    Trump, Pence, McConnell, And Washington Establishment Vs. Judge Roy Moore

    In the column above, I quote the exchange between Bill Pryor and Judge Moore from the actual court transcript (of which I have a copy). But someone who had access to the trial uploaded this video of that exchange to the Internet. I don’t know who it was, but I’m glad they did. Watch it for yourself:  

    Roy Moore Cross-Examined For Acknowledging God

    The election of Roy Moore--much, much more than the election of Donald Trump--is the sign of a citizenry that is fed up with the neocon establishment in Washington, D.C. This election serves to show the American people how important it is to elect true constitutionalists in PRIMARY ELECTIONS. Primary elections are where the establishment elite focus their time, money, and energies. And primary elections are where good candidates are most always defeated. By the time a November general election rolls around, we are usually left with two establishment candidates, and, therefore, it doesn’t matter to a hill of beans which of these lesser-of-two-evils candidates wins: the establishment already won in the primary election.

    This senatorial contest in Alabama was a primary election. And, again, the Washington establishment spent over $30 million (Roy Moore’s campaign spent just over $2 million) and sent the President and Vice President of the United States to Alabama trying to defeat the constitutionalist Judge Roy Moore. Had Luther Strange won this primary election, it would not have mattered one whit who would have won the general election this December (the month this special general election will be held in Alabama). But now the people of Alabama have the opportunity to elect a REAL outsider, a REAL anti-establishment fighter, a REAL constitutionalist: Judge Roy Moore.

    Donald Trump personally campaigned for Luther Strange last Friday evening in Huntsville. Vice President Mike Pence personally campaigned for Luther Strange on Monday evening (election eve) in Birmingham. And Trump was still actively campaigning for the establishment toady Luther Strange on Election Day (Tuesday) via phone calls from the White House. Trump even called the popular Alabama-based Rick & Bubba radio show urging voters to get out and vote for Luther Strange.

    But Luther Strange and his fellow establishment toadies lost--and so did Donald Trump. Consider: this is the very first time that a congressional candidate who was publicly endorsed by the President of the United States was defeated. The very first time.

    I realize it is difficult for many of Trump’s supporters to accept the reality that Trump is NOT an outsider, that he is NOT anti-establishment, and that he is NOT a constitutionalist. But his support for Luther Strange (along with a myriad of other examples that I have noted) PROVES that Donald Trump is nothing but a controlled toady of the Washington establishment--all of his rhetoric notwithstanding. And I suspect that many of the voters in Alabama this past Tuesday already began to figure that out.

    Doubtless, Trump will now publicly campaign for Judge Moore for the general election. He has no choice. But any honest objective person with half a brain now KNOWS that Trump cannot be trusted, that Trump is compromised, that Trump listens to the wrong people (people that he CHOOSES to listen to), and that Trump had no intention of draining the swamp in D.C.

    Roy Moore’s victory Tuesday has already sent shock waves throughout the Washington establishment. Fellow swamp creature Senator Bob Corker (R-TN) suddenly announced Tuesday that he would not seek re-election. Corker knows that Roy Moore knows all about his sweetheart backroom deals with Luther Strange that are bilking Alabama taxpayers out of millions of dollars. Corker knows that Judge Moore’s election means the jig is up. Rumors are also circulating that fellow swamp creature Senator Lamar Alexander (R-TN) is not going to seek re-election. This is not good for Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell. Both of these men are major McConnell allies, and Corker holds the Senate’s most powerful chairmanship: he is chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee.

    On the campaign trail, Judge Moore said that if he wins the U.S. Senate seat, McConnell and his allies should “run scared.” It looks like they are already taking him seriously. I predict Mitch McConnell’s days as Senate Majority Leader are numbered too--especially if Moore wins this Senate seat. And it can’t happen soon enough.

    But as I said, Roy Moore not only beat Mitch McConnell and the Washington establishment, he also beat President Donald Trump. Moore’s victory is a clear signal that Trump’s base is beginning to see through his phony anti-establishment rhetoric. Trump’s endorsement of Luther Strange fell on deaf ears. Alabamians KNOW Roy Moore is a fighter; they KNOW Roy Moore cannot be bullied or bribed; they KNOW Roy Moore will stand up to the Washington establishment; they KNOW Roy Moore does more than TALK. And they chose Roy Moore’s proven record of ACTION over Donald Trump’s all-talk-and-no-action faux anti-establishment masquerade.

    Judge Moore’s victory Tuesday night is also going to inspire hundreds--maybe thousands--of genuine staunch anti-establishment outsiders to seek elected office in 2018 at virtually every level of government: municipal, county, State, and federal.

    Donald Trump is kaput. And that’s okay. I was willing to give Trump the benefit of the doubt when he was campaigning. After all, Trump was untested. We had nothing to go on except his rhetoric. But since being elected, Trump has shown me that he never meant what he said about draining the swamp. Trump is a master salesman and has always known how to “close the deal” by being whatever he needed to be to come out on top. The problem is, Trump is way in over his head now. He never knew what he was talking about; and he never intended to bring down the Washington establishment. After all, he’s been buddies with most of them for his entire life. And much of his base is already beginning to wake up to him.

    Judge Moore did more than win a primary election: he is going to inspire a national movement. And unlike Donald Trump, Roy Moore means what he says. He truly believes God is the source of our liberties; he truly believes the Washington establishment is totally corrupt and needs to be rooted out; and he truly believes in honoring his oath to preserve, protect, and defend the U.S. Constitution. I know Roy Moore personally; and I can attest to the fact that he absolutely believes those things.

    Roy Moore is the REAL DEAL. He is a genuine Christian and a committed constitutionalist.

    You can bet that the establishment is not finished trying to destroy Roy Moore--not by any stretch of the imagination. When Trump stumped for Luther Strange last week, he said that Judge Moore would have a hard time winning the general election. He said that because he knows that not only will Roy Moore have to defeat the Democrat establishment, he will also have to again defeat the Republican establishment. So, Roy’s fight is far from over.

    But at least this time we have a REAL FIGHTER in the ring.

    P.S. People have already written me with concerns about Judge Moore’s comments during his victory speech that even though Trump didn’t support him, he would support Trump. People are concerned that Judge Moore was indicating that he would be willing to sacrifice his principles to go along with Trump. Not on your life, folks.

    In that victory speech, Moore was also QUICK to say that he would support Trump only when it was constitutional. As I have said before, Judge Moore is nobody’s toady. He cannot be bullied or bribed--and he is a constitutionalist through and through. Obviously, Judge Moore needs to win the upcoming general election, and picking a fight with the President at this point serves absolutely no purpose. He’s already come out on top against Trump by winning the primary election in spite of the President supporting his opponent.

    I expect Judge Moore to campaign in support of Donald Trump’s stated agenda to drain the swamp in Washington, D.C. We can all support that agenda. Whether Donald Trump actually ever believed it or not misses the point: Judge Moore DOES believe it, and he will do his part to accomplish it. I am convinced of that.

    Pray for Judge Moore’s protection, because right now he just might be the most dangerous man to the Washington establishment in America.

    P.P.S. If you listened carefully to Roy Moore’s victory speech Tuesday night, you heard him quote from memory a portion of George Washington’s Farewell Address. Roy has large portions of our historical documents (such as Washington’s Farewell Address), as well as our U.S. Constitution and the Bible, committed to memory.

    I believe Washington’s Farewell Address is the greatest political address ever delivered to the American people, which is why I ordered a special printing of this address. The price is very affordable, and if you order three or more, there is no shipping cost (for domestic orders only). Get your personal copy of Washington’s Farewell Address and give away as many as you can to your friends and relatives.

    If the principles contained in Washington’s Farewell Address were followed today, most of our political problems in Washington, D.C., would be resolved.

    Order your copy (or copies) of George Washington’s Farewell Address here:

    George Washington's Farewell Address

    © Chuck Baldwin  


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