Chuck Baldwin (2021)
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    “A Threat To All Humanity”

    Published: Thursday, July 28, 2016

    When it comes to constitutional government, the whole left-right, conservative-liberal, Republican-Democrat, even Christian-secular paradigms are, for the most part, an illusion. Over most of the last century, conservatives and liberals, Republicans and Democrats, and Christians and secularists have collectively jettisoned constitutional government in favor of a Welfare State, a Warfare State, a Nanny State, and a Police State.

    So-called conservative Republicans like to talk about “limited government,” but in reality Republican presidential administrations and Congresses have equaled or sometimes even surpassed Democrats in exploding the size and scope of government. Likewise, liberal Democrats like to talk about ending foreign wars and so-called free-trade deals that favor international corporations, but in reality Democrat presidential administrations and Congresses have done nothing to bring the troops home or dismantle job-killing “free-trade” deals. After all of the campaign rhetoric, both major parties in Washington, D.C., have become nothing more than water boys for the 1 percent donor class.

    Over the past several decades, Republicans and Democrats, conservatives and liberals, Christians and secularists have, for the most part, supported the creation of the Patriot Act, the Military Commissions Act, the indefinite detention sections of the NDAA, the militarization of our local and State law enforcement agencies, the draconian, liberty-killing, blatantly unconstitutional Department of Homeland Security (DHS), ubiquitous government spying of the American people, endless wars of aggression overseas, “the war on terror” at home, ad infinitum.

    It seems that the vast majority of liberals and conservatives, Democrats and Republicans, secularists and Christians want bigger, more intrusive government. It is not just inner city blacks (who often vote Democrat) who are taking advantage of America’s monstrous welfare system, so are a huge percentage of whites (who often vote Republican) from suburbia. I will make an educated guess that one will find as many so-called Christians living on the government dole as those who profess no faith. Plus, if you think that only liberals and secularists are getting abortions, think again. Some studies indicate that over half of the people asking for abortions are professing Christians. The paradigms mentioned above are all but useless.

    Look at how Democrat and Republican presidential candidates feel they must go kiss the rings of the Zionists in Tel Aviv; look at how they grovel and pander to the globalist elite at the Council of Foreign Relations (CFR), Trilateral Commission (TC), and Bilderbergs; and look at how quick they all are to go to war--and STAY at war.

    When the Patriot Act was being rushed through Congress by G.W. Bush, I was living in a rather large metropolitan area in the southeast. There were over 100 Southern Baptist churches in my area. That’s JUST Southern Baptist churches. That doesn’t count all of the other brands of Baptist churches and all of the other denominations in town. Hundreds and hundreds of churches. Guess how many pastors joined together to oppose the Patriot Act. You’re looking at him, pal. In my town, it was me and the ACLU that stood in opposition to the passage of the Patriot Act. You read it right: the “conservative” Chuck Baldwin and the “liberal” ACLU. So much for labels. In fact, when it comes to Big Brother and the Warfare State, labels mean absolutely nothing.

    This is what most people just don’t understand: the Constitution is neither a “conservative” nor “liberal” document. The Natural rights of man are neither “conservative” nor “liberal,” neither “Christian” nor “secular.” Our Declaration, Constitution, and Bill of Rights were meant to protect the Natural rights of ALL men. And when it comes to opposing America’s burgeoning Police State and endless wars of aggression, throw political and ideological labels away: they mean absolutely nothing.

    I have often said that when it comes to voting for candidates for federal office, we should focus much more on whether one is a globalist or nationalist than whether they are conservative or liberal. And I hesitate to use the word “nationalist,” because too many people associate that word with the phony “American exceptionalism” philosophy that is used to foment most of these endless international wars that the U.S. engages in. I actually prefer to say one is either a globalist or an AMERICAN, because historic American ideology (until the Twentieth Century at least) considered foreign entanglements anathema.

    However, since World War II, globalists have controlled every presidential administration of both parties (with the possible exceptions of John F. Kennedy’s and Ronald Reagan’s) and most of the U.S. Congresses. This reality has brought America to the brink of a Police State and World War III. And, again, neither Republican nor Democrat, conservative nor liberal, Christian nor secularist means diddlysquat when it comes to stopping this juggernaut.

    Preventing the complete implementation of a Police State and the advent of World War III is going to take a consortium of strange bedfellows--such as what happened when Bob Barr (representing the ACLU) and I teamed up to oppose the Patriot Act.

    For example, I find it incredible that the only people I’ve heard who are trying to warn the world of how close we are to global nuclear war are “progressives” (aka “liberals”). And they are warning that if Hillary Clinton (a “liberal”) is elected, World War III is almost inevitable. I remind you the following report is produced by progressives, NOT conservatives. Plus, at least some of the people who report for this organization would identify themselves as atheists or agnostics. And THEY are warning us about the liberal, Hillary Clinton.

    Listen to what THEY say in this video report:

    “The leading likes of the so-called progressive movement argue that it is the left’s duty to vote for this neocon warmonger. But the consequences of this strategy may well lead directly to nuclear war.

    “Hillary Rodham Clinton is a Wall Street-backed warmonger whose potential election as President of the United States this November poses an existential threat, not just to Americans, but to all of humanity.

    “As First Lady and then as Senator, she actively supported the US’s illegal wars of aggression abroad.”

    “She not only admitted the US’s role in creating Al Qaeda:

    “[Hillary Clinton speaking] ‘When the Soviet Union invaded Afghanistan, we had this brilliant idea that we were gonna come to Pakistan and create a force of Mujahideen, equip them with stinger missiles and everything else to go after the Soviets inside Afghanistan.’

    But then, despite this admission, as Secretary of State, her support of the war on Libya and the jihadis in Syria directly led to the rise of ISIS and the migrant crisis in Europe.”

    “She was the one who announced the US’s so-called Asia Pacific Pivot that has seen more US military forces being placed in the Asia Pacific as a direct military threat to China.”

    “And she has stated in no uncertain terms that Russia and Iran will be militarily targeted in a Clinton Presidency and that the nuclear option is as always ‘on the table.’”

    “Hillary Clinton is a neocon, a war hawk, a liar, and unindicted criminal and a Wall Street puppet. Why is it then, that those on the so-called progressive left, who would be warning against her if she had an ‘R’ next to her name, are instead lecturing other leftists that it is now their duty to fall in line and help her get elected?”

    “[Michel Chossudovsky speaking] ‘In so many words, Hillary Clinton’s foreign policy stance is to “blow up the planet.” She has made statements to the effect that a first-strike nuclear attack against Russia or Iran is on the table, so that if she is in the White House she could in fact unleash the unspoken which is World War III. I think this is something we have to address, both in terms of analysis, but in terms of political choice. So that anybody who wants to blow up the planet is not progressive. Secondly, she has a criminal record. Not only in regards to the email scandal but also in relation to the Clinton Foundation which is involved in fraud, money laundering, political cronyism, etc. It is amply documented. So that, in effect, the choice of the American people is to elect a war criminal.’”

    “It is no hyperbole to say that the election of Hillary Clinton as President this November would be one of the greatest tragedies in the history of the United States and perhaps the world. It is incumbent on people of all stripes, American and non-American, Republican and Democrat, progressive and libertarian, anarchists and those who have never thought about politics a day in their life to protest her nomination at the Democratic National Convention, work against her campaign for President, and divert the nightmare that is now coming into view.”

    Watch the video here:

    Hillary Clinton: A Threat To All Humanity.

    I have been trying to warn people for decades about the threat that the Clinton and Bush families pose to the future of the United States. In reality, the Clinton and Bush families are ONE CRIME FAMILY. They represent corruption, criminality, corporatism, cronyism, and global cannibalism to the nth degree. For twenty out of the last twenty-eight years, America has had either a Bush or a Clinton in the White House. And to the chagrin of Democrats who thought they were getting “change” with Barack Obama, for the past eight years, he has simply treaded water for the Bush/Clinton regime. And with Hillary winning the Democrat nomination, they are back. And as Ted and Heidi Cruz are ardent GW Bush disciples, had Ted won the GOP nomination, globalists would have had the presidency locked up. (Despite the allegations of some, I am still unconvinced that Donald Trump is a globalist; I tend to think he is not. However, I suspect Mike Pence might be a closet globalist. If Pence is a globalist, we could be looking at another Reagan/Bush scenario--and we all know what happened to Reagan, don’t we? But I will leave that subject for another column.)

    Hillary (along with Bill, and GHW, and GW--and never forget to include Newt Gingrich among the globalist elite) is the globalists’ globalist. She is EVERYTHING the CFR, TC, and Bilderbergs want. And there is nothing that enriches globalists like war. The Bushes and Clintons have kept America at war for over two decades (and Obama did nothing to change it; in fact, he escalated it), but World War III is what the global gamemakers long for.

    Let me pause here to encourage readers to purchase the book “War Is A Racket” by Major General Smedley Butler (USMC). Read this short book, and you will understand how the top 1 percent is enriched by war. Nothing enriches the elite like war. Nothing. And the bigger the war, the bigger the riches.

    Find General Butler’s book in my online store here:

    War Is A Racket

    A Hillary victory puts the Bush/Clinton Crime Family back in the White House. And let’s be clear: the two main goals of Hillary’s administration would be the full implementation of a Police State in America (including gun confiscation) and the advent of World War III. And right now, it seems that some progressives understand the danger more than many Christians and conservatives.

    Again, throw the labels and the paradigms away. Hillary Clinton is a threat to all humanity.

    P.S. As the DHS continues to escalate Police State training tactics throughout America’s law enforcement agencies, it means the chances of citizens being subjected to all kinds of bullying by police officers also escalates--not to mention the “shoot first, ask questions later” mentality that is growing exponentially among law enforcement personnel. It is very incumbent on citizens to have a good grasp of their constitutional rights when confronted by a policeman. In these days and times, knowing what to say and what not to say and what to do and what not to do can literally save your life.

    My constitutional attorney son, who was a prosecutor before becoming a defense attorney, has put together an outstanding video that teaches people the do’s and don'ts when contacted by police, whether it be a traffic stop or something else. What Tim teaches will help citizens better protect liberty in their communities and will help policemen to be better peace officers. Yes, I recommend this video for honest lawmen as well.

    The video is called “Police Contact: How To Respond.” I highly recommend this video to everyone. Order the DVD here:

    Police Contact: How To Respond


    © Chuck Baldwin  


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