Chuck Baldwin (2021)
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    “Kill The Infidels!”

    Published: Thursday, December 17, 2015

    So, let’s see: all over America this Sunday, millions of Christians will gather in their churches to celebrate the birth of the Prince of Peace. Adult choirs, children’s programs, teen choirs, orchestras, bands, Sunday School lessons, pageants, and sermons will all laud the birth of the Prince of Peace. They will hear messages about love and peace and brotherhood. They will raise their hands in “worship,” smile and laugh, shout “Amen,” and get warm and fuzzy feelings all over as they celebrate the day that the Prince of Peace was born.


    No doubt, pastors all over America will quote Luke 2:13, 14. “And suddenly there was with the angel a multitude of the heavenly host praising God, and saying, Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will toward men.”


    But as soon as the Christmas celebration passes, their vocalizations of peace and goodwill will be buried amidst a cacophony of hatred for their fellow man: specifically, for their fellowmen who call themselves Muslims. We might hear “Kill the infidels!” from the mouths of certain Islamic jihadists, but that same cry is heard by God from the hearts of, perhaps, millions of America’s Christians.


    Currently, Donald Trump is riding a wave of bigotry and hatred against the Muslim people to a potential Republican nomination for President. I have no idea whether Trump hates Muslims or not, but there is no doubt that millions of Christians and “conservatives” have been whipped into a frenzy of anti-Muslim hatred by FOX News, pastors, and thousands of conservative Internet bloggers, writers, journalists, and radio talk show hosts. Trump’s anti-Muslim campaign rhetoric has harnessed that hatred into frontrunner status in the GOP presidential race. And Ted Cruz has done the same thing, which has vaulted him to the current runner-up position.


    In the following video, we see Cruz walking out on a group of persecuted Middle Eastern Christians where he had been invited to speak. This meeting was all about showing solidarity for persecuted Christians. There is no way Cruz could not have understood the group he was speaking to. The meeting was not a political event. It was simply an event to demonstrate support for persecuted Christians--regardless of who was doing the persecuting.


    But it didn’t take Ted Cruz long to turn his speech into a political stunt. He quickly became an apologist for Israel, which brought boos from the audience. What most of America’s Christians do not understand is that the government of Israel has committed more than its fair share of persecution against Christians. When Cruz heard the boos, he accused members of his audience of being consumed with hate and then said, “If you will not stand with Israel and the Jews, then I will not stand with you,” and stormed off the stage.


    Really, Ted? These were Christians who are being persecuted by Muslims and Jews. They were looking to a fellow Christian to encourage their hearts. Instead, you brazenly took the side of their persecutors.


    Mr. Cruz, are you standing with Israel when it stoned Stephen to death in Acts 7? Are you standing with Israel when it beheaded James in Acts 12? Are you standing with Israel when it crucified the Lord Jesus Christ? If you would stand with Israel when it persecutes Christians today, then I guess you are.


    See the video here:


    Sen. Ted Cruz Booed Off Stage


    Every day, my email inbox fills up with anti-Muslim hatred--and much of it from professing Christians. These are the same ones that will celebrate the birth of the Prince of Peace next week.


    As justification for their bigotry and hatred, Christians love to quote passages from the Koran that speak of jihad against “infidels.” But, it never ceases to amaze me that these same Christians seem to have never read the Jewish Talmud--or even the writings of many Christian leaders from years gone by.


    For example, here are some excerpts from the Talmud:


    “Since God already gave the Torah to the Jewish people on Mt. Sinai we no longer pay attention to heavenly voices. God must submit to the decisions of a majority vote of the rabbis.”  (BT Bava Metzia 59b)


    “All gentile women without exception are: ‘Niddah, Shifchah, Goyyah and Zonah’ (menstrual filth, slaves, heathens and prostitutes).” (BT Sanhedrin 81b - 82a)


    “The best of the gentiles: kill him; the best of snakes: smash its skull; the best of women: is filled with witchcraft.” (BT Kiddushin 66c)


    “Regarding bloodshed the following distinction applies: If a non-Jew killed another non-Jew, or a non-Jew killed a Jew, the killer is liable for execution; if a Jew killed a non-Jew, he is exempt from punishment.” (BT Sanhedrin 57a)


    “Jews may use lies (‘subterfuges’) to circumvent a gentile.” (BT Baba Kamma 113a)


    “On Passover Eve they hanged Jesus of Nazareth. And the herald went out before him for 40 days and proclaimed, Jesus of Nazareth is going to be stoned because he practiced sorcery, incited and led Israel astray. Whoever knows of an argument that may be proposed in his favor should come and present that argument on his behalf. But the judges did not find an argument in his favor, so they hanged him on Passover Eve...Did Jesus of Nazareth deserve that a search be made for an argument in his favor? Surely he incited others to idol worship.” (BT Sanhedrin 43a)


    Celebrated ancient religion historian Peter Schafer, who is now the director of the Jewish Museum of Berlin, wrote this commentary on the Babylonian Talmud (BT) Grittin 57a, “...Jesus shares his place in the Netherworld (hell) with Titus and Balaam, the notorious arch enemies of the Jewish people. Whereas Titus is punished for the destruction of the Temple by being burned to ashes, reassembled, and burned over and over again, and whereas Balaam is castigated by sitting in hot semen, Jesus’ fate consists of sitting forever in boiling excrement.” (Peter Schäfer, “Jesus in the Talmud,” Princeton University Press, p. 13)


    Amazingly, I don’t hear Christians screaming the accusation that “there is no such thing as a peaceful Jew,” based on the writings of the Talmud and its apologists. Yet, Israel’s Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu recently promised that Talmudic law is the official law of Israel.


    Report: Netanyahu Promises Talmud Will Be Israeli Law


    Make no mistake about it: the Talmud, NOT the Torah, is the Bible of the Zionists. The “Oral Law” of the Pharisees who crucified Christ formed the basis for the Talmud. This was exactly what Jesus was referring to when he scolded the Pharisees for placing their “traditions” ahead of the Law of Moses (the Torah). I propose that the Talmud is FAR WORSE than the Koran; and I believe I can prove it.


    The Pharisees hated the Lord Jesus then, and their spiritual descendants, the Zionists, still hate Him today. Yet, there is not a peep from the Christian community at large about the threat posed to Christian America from Zionists.


    But in reality, Zionists have done more to expunge America’s Christian heritage than perhaps any other single force. Islamic jihadists don’t even come close. For the most part, Zionists control America’s television news networks, America’s major newspapers, the Federal Reserve and most of America’s major banking interests--as well as America’s entertainment and educational institutions--and even our legal institutions. An argument can also be made that the extraordinary wealth of the Zionists has exerted a significant influence over America’s political institutions.


    Yet, there is nary a peep from today’s Christians regarding the attack against America’s Christian heritage from Zionists. Neither is there any mention of Israel’s attack against the U.S.S. Liberty, which took the lives of dozens of American sailors and Marines. It’s as if it never happened. Imagine if that attack had come from a Muslim country.


    I invite you to watch this video (caution, bad language is used) of an atheist Jew (yes, a sizeable percentage of Jews are atheists) who goes berserk with rage against a Christian man on the campus of the University of California, Berkeley. Had this man been a Muslim, this video would have gone viral as “proof” of how all Muslims hate Christians. But since the man is a Jew, you are probably seeing this video for the first time:


    Jew Confronts "Dirty Goyim" Christian Man On University Campus


    Does this young Jewish man represent all Jews? Of course not. No more than Islamist militants represent all Muslims.


    In addition, Christians should do some careful research regarding what some of their own institutions have done and what some of their own renowned leaders have said. What follows is a summary of one Christian researcher, with my comments in brackets:


    For over 300 years during the Dark Ages, between 10,000-100,000 [some say 1 million, but that is probably an exaggeration] people were savagely tortured and killed--and thousands more persecuted--by the Roman Catholic Church. But the Roman Catholic Church is not alone.


    The Lutheran towns of Lubeck, Bremen, Hamburg, Luneburg, Stralsund, Rostock and Wismar all voted to hang Anabaptists and flog and banish Catholics and Zwinglians from their homelands.


    Martin Luther said of Roman Catholic leaders, “If I had all the Franciscan friars in one house, I would set fire to it . . . To the fire with them!”


    Luther taught that dissenters (those who disagreed with him) should be banished and said that “The peasants (involved in the Peasants’ War) would not listen; they would not let anyone tell them anything; their ears must be unbuttoned with bullets, till their heads jump off their shoulders. ... On the obstinate, hardened, blinded peasants, let no one have mercy, but let everyone, as he is able, hew, stab, slay, lay about him as though among mad dogs, . . . . so that peace and safety may be maintained....” Note that he was speaking of German peasants.


    Luther was even more vicious toward Jews. He said, "First to set fire to their synagogues or schools and to bury and cover with dirt whatever will not burn, so that no man will ever again see a stone or cinder of them. This is to be done in honour of our Lord and of Christendom, so that God might see that we are Christians, and do not condone or knowingly tolerate such public lying, cursing, and blaspheming of his Son and of his Christians....”


    [Would anyone dare suggest that there is no such thing as a peace-loving Lutheran because of the words of Martin Luther?]


    A man was arrested for writing on one of John Calvin’s tracts the words, “all rubbish,” and was put on the rack twice a day for a month. He was beheaded on July 26, 1547.


    The Spanish Reformer Servetus had dared to criticize Calvin's Institutes of the Christian Religion and Calvin declared: "If he comes here and I have any authority, I will never let him leave the place alive."


    Servetus, an anti-Trinitarian, had  disagreed with Calvin via correspondence and when he visited Geneva on August 13, 1553,  he went to hear Calvin preach. Calvin saw him in church and had him arrested. Calvin drew up forty charges against him including Servetus’ opposition to infant baptism and his attack upon the preaching of Calvin. On August 20, 1553, Calvin wrote: "I hope that Servetus will be condemned to death" and in October the Geneva Council ordered that he be burned alive the next day.


    “Heretics” were hanged then burned in Zurich, Basil, and Geneva for disagreeing with Calvin’s teachings.  During the first five years of Calvin's rule in the small town of Geneva, 13 people were hanged, 10 were decapitated, and 35 were burned to death. A citizen could go to prison for smiling during a baptismal service or sleeping during a church service. [I know a LOT of Christians who would be in jail right now, if that were still the case.]


    [Would anyone dare suggest that there is no such thing as a peace-loving Presbyterian because of John Calvin’s statements?]


    In England, Henry VIII was head of the Church of England (that Henry formed after his break from Rome) and doctrinal disagreements now became high treason to be punished by disembowelment while still alive, hanging, and quartering. In the end, even failing to denounce anyone else who criticized these things became treason.


    Those who left England and Europe to find religious freedom were guilty of imposing their own convictions upon others, even non-believers! Virginia had established the Anglican Church (Church of England) and forbade Quakers and Baptists to assemble, and to “rub salt into open sores,” Virginia citizens were forced to pay the salaries of Anglican preachers.


    The Puritans demanded freedom for themselves in England but in America they greatly restricted freedom of religion. They tried to outdo what they had endured. In Massachusetts and Virginia, Baptists and Quakers were often whipped, jailed, and had property confiscated. [By the way, these atrocities were the impetus for the First Amendment to our U.S. Constitution.]


    [Would anyone dare suggest that there is no such thing as a peace-loving Episcopalian because of the actions of some Puritans?]


    [End of summary]


    The incredible phenomenon of professing Christians torturing, jailing, and killing their fellow Christians is almost unknown by most Americans; but we all know how Muslims kill Muslims and non-Muslims and we are horrified as they behead their enemies. All right, we should be horrified and repulsed at such barbarity, but remember, professing Christians did the same and worse to their “enemies”, i.e., those who disagreed with them.


    Jews, Muslims, Catholics, and Protestants all have a history of killing in the name of God. No group has a monopoly on hatred.


    Furthermore, if one wants to start comparing savagery in the modern world, Islamic jihadists do not hold a candle to Mexican drug gangs. The numbers of people beheaded by Mexican drug gangs FAR EXCEEDS those by Islamic militants.


    See this report:


    The Street Gangs More Vicious Than ISIS


    Donald Trump is absolutely correct when he points out the problem of an unsecured U.S. border. But why doesn’t he go on a mission to root out the Mexican drug gangs from America? There are FAR MORE of them in the United States than Islamic jihadists. FAR MORE. (Plus, he should mention that if the federal government stopped giving handouts to illegals, the flow of illegals into America would soon dry up.)


    For one thing, one cannot capitalize politically upon religious bigotry when addressing Mexican drug gangs. For another thing, the motive of the gangs has nothing to do with religion: it is pure greed from (mostly) the sale of illegal drugs. And speaking of greed, NOTHING COMPARES to the international bankers in New York City and the politicians in Washington, D.C. NOTHING! In truth, those miscreants in Washington, D.C., and New York City pose a far greater risk to our liberties than Muslim terrorists or Mexican gangs. FAR GREATER!


    I have documented several times in this column the fact that the Islamic terror groups ISIS, al Nusra, etc., were created by the United States, Saudi Arabia, Turkey, and Israel. Anyone could find this evidence with only a few hours research. For the most part, ISIS is comprised of Sunni Muslims from Saudi Arabia (America’s great “ally”). In addition, Israel is the number one purchaser of smuggled oil from ISIS. Turkey is the middleman, but Israel is far-and-away the primary purchaser. Do the research yourself, folks.


    In truth, Sunni and Shia Muslims have been fighting each other for hundreds of years. And until the United States decided to inject itself directly into the conflict, it was almost exclusively a Muslim vs. Muslim issue. It was America’s wars of intervention that brought the Muslim conflict home to the United States.


    It was the military force of the United States that replaced secular Muslim governments in Iran and Iraq with radical religious ones. And it is the United States (via ISIS) that is currently attempting to do the same thing in Syria.


    President Assad has the support of most Christians in Syria. That is a FACT. So, how can Assad be this great monster and enemy of Christians when the Christian people that live there support him, fight for him, and pray for him?


    I have Christians in America now writing me defending their hatred of Muslims by using verses of Scripture (taken out of context, of course). They are not even timid about their hatred. So, what’s the difference between a religious Muslim who hates America and a religious Christian who hates Iran and Syria?


    Do Christians not remember the story of Jonah? The prophet Jonah was sent by God to the Assyrian capital of Nineveh. Jonah refused to go because he hated the Assyrians. Remember, the Assyrians had ruthlessly pillaged and plundered Israel. No doubt, Jonah had lost friends and loved ones to these atrocities. Yet, God sent him to Nineveh in order to give the Assyrians an opportunity to repent. After a submarine ride in a great fish, Jonah went to Nineveh and preached. And it was in Nineveh (located in what is now Iraq) where the greatest spiritual revival in human history took place. As a result, God spared the Assyrians from divine judgment for over 100 years.


    If the story of Jonah teaches anything, it teaches God’s great love for ALL people and the responsibility of God’s men to rid hatred from their hearts and to be willing to take the message of God’s love to even those we consider our enemies.


    I remind readers that ISIS no more represents a majority of the Muslim people than Bibi and his fellow Zionists represent a majority of the Jewish people or Barack Obama and the neocons represent a majority of the Christian people. These wicked leaders are manipulating the masses by fueling the flames of hatred and bigotry in our hearts to further their own selfish nefarious purposes.


    I urge folks to watch this video of an elderly Muslim lady courageously scolding a truckload of ISIS fighters face-to-face. She told them in the name of Allah to STOP the violence they were perpetrating.


    See the video here:


    MUST WATCH : Wise Old Lady Stands Up Against ISIS!


    Plus, if Christians want a verse of Scripture to condone hatred, the ONLY verse of Scripture I can find that places God’s hatred against individuals and not actions is Psalm 11:5. (Please spare me the other verses you want to send me. I’ve read them, and they are all talking about a person’s actions, NOT personal or religious bigotry.) “The LORD trieth the righteous: but the wicked and him that loveth violence his soul hateth.” (KJV)


    I am personally convinced this verse speaks of God’s divine retribution against the souls of the damned in everlasting judgment. However, if one wants to interpret that verse to the here-and-now, they need to be careful. Note God’s hatred for those “that love violence.”


    I submit that many Christians have themselves become lovers of violence. Who are the ones that are singing John McCain’s chorus of “Bomb, bomb, bomb, bomb, bomb Iran”? Christians. Who are the ones that vehemently rejected Ron Paul’s message of peace and goodwill in 2012? Christians. Who are the ones who enthusiastically support the neocon wars of aggression in the Middle East? Christians.


    In truth, U.S. taxpayers have funded the killings of over 1.5 million people in the Middle East, the vast majority of whom are innocent civilians. How would we react if alien warplanes and drones killed hundreds of thousands--and even millions--of our mothers, fathers, sons, daughters, brothers, sisters, neighbors and friends here in America? Come on, think!


    This report is not the only one where the truth about the casualties the U.S. has inflicted in the Middle East has been told--and what the neocon-controlled U.S. media will never tell us:


    US Kills 1.5 Million In 'War On Terror' - Then Lies About '30 Civilian Casualties' In Russian Airstrikes


    Again, do the research for yourself.


    One West Point graduate and former U.S. Army officer is even more condemning in reporting the number of U.S. war victims. Joachim Hagopian claims that U.S. wars have killed over 30 million people since the end of World War II.


    See his report here:


    It’s Time To Stop “Supporting Our Troops”: Thirty Million People Killed By U.S. Since The End Of World War II


    If even a fraction of his claim is accurate, that is a lot of blood on the hands of U.S. taxpayers. Remember that the next time you want to single out Muslims for God’s hatred upon those that “love violence.”


    Donald Trump says he wants to close mosques, and Christians cheer. Really? The responsibility of the President is to faithfully execute the laws of the United States and to preserve, protect and defend the Supreme Law of the land: the U.S. Constitution. Freedom of religion is sacrosanct in our Constitution and no religious test regarding constitutional liberties can be allowed. We either have freedom of religion, speech, assembly, etc., for all, or we have it for none. Plus, it is a very small step from the government closing mosques to closing synagogues and churches, folks.


    False religion is a curse from God upon the Church for abandoning truth. Therefore, the answer to America’s Muslim problem lies with the CHURCH, not unconstitutional discrimination by government against religion. Faith cannot be exported at the point of a gun. Christians, of all people, should understand that. Christian missionaries are evangelizing Muslim people in the very heart of Muslim countries today. I know a few of them personally. In fact, Christianity is growing faster in Middle Eastern countries than in the United States.


    Christians need to remember that our federal government has ALREADY categorized Christian people as being “extremists,” “radicals,” “fringe,” etc. Do Christians really want to open the door for our federal government to start selectively outlawing religion? Talk about handing the hangman the rope; that’s it.


    Instead of singling out people of one religion, Trump should have focused on his original idea of securing our borders from all illegal immigration and, as President, on faithfully enforcing the immigration laws already on the books--or even asking Congress to further restrict ALL immigration until as such time as we can get a secure handle on our immigration problem. But singling out ONE religion for selective discrimination is a GIANT step in the proverbial slippery slope into oppression--and truly violates everything the First Amendment stands for.


    And please don’t write me with the hackneyed hyperbole that Islam is not a religion, but only a political entity. Tell me modern American Christianity is NOT political! Get real! 501c3 churches operate DIRECTLY under the political government of the United States. By their very charters, they are government organizations.


    If Christians truly believe they are justified in hating and discriminating against Muslims, why don’t they stop beating around the bush and start actually doing something about it? Why don’t they follow the dictates of the hatred of their hearts and round up every Muslim in the United States, imprison them, and then execute them? In their hearts, that’s what they WANT to do. And didn’t Jesus say something about hatred in the heart being the same as murder? So, get on with it, brethren.


    Oh! And Merry Christmas! Let’s all go to church this Sunday and celebrate the birth of the Prince of Peace. You know, the One whom God the Father sent to Bethlehem because of His great love for the whole world.



    P.S. Given the current propensity of the U.S. government to declare American citizens as “extremists” and such, I invite readers to order James Jaeger’s brand new film, “Midnight Ride: When Rogue Politicians Call For Martial Law.” Distinguished patriot luminaries such as Pat Buchanan, Larry Pratt, Ron Paul, G. Edward Griffin, Sheriff Richard Mack, Stewart Rhodes, Edwin Vieira, Jr., and several others are featured in this film. I am honored to also be featured.


    I invite readers to go to my website and order the DVD of this brand new film. And please tell your friends. Order “Midnight Ride” here:


    Midnight Ride: When Rogue Politicians Call For Martial Law

    © Chuck Baldwin

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