Chuck Baldwin (2021)
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    Montana Update

    Published: Thursday, December 9, 2010

    After several weeks of moving and settling in, many readers have been writing me asking for an update on our move to the Flathead Valley of Montana. First, let me say, we love it here! The scenery is spectacular, especially now that winter has arrived. What the snow does to the landscape in this mountainous region is breathtaking! Driving through the mountains is like driving through Narnia. I have never seen such beauty.

    As for the climate, it is not near as cold as people made it out to be. Coming from a warm weather State like Florida, one must learn how to dress in a cold weather State like Montana, of course. We have quickly learned to layer our clothing–and wear the right type of clothing. That is for sure. But in all honesty, I’ve felt colder in the Southeast than I often do here. Obviously, the cold weather lasts longer here, but the dry climate moderates the cold temperatures to a great degree. What I’m saying is, the cold weather of Western Montana is no big deal!

    But the greater treasure of the Treasure State is its people. We love the people here in the Flathead Valley! As I have said before, it is my studied opinion that there are perhaps more freedom-loving people (taken on the whole) in this area than in any area of the country. Our living among the people of the Flathead only confirms my estimation. And even better is the fact that more and more patriots are moving to this area all the time.

    When we first arrived back at the end of October, I discovered a man from Central Florida who, after reading my initial column on our move to Montana, packed up and moved here even before we did. In fact, he was already here waiting on us when we arrived. I had never laid eyes on this man before meeting him here in Kalispell. I’ve met scores of people who have recently moved here from all over America. And if my email correspondence is any indicator of future events, many more are on the way. In fact, we’ve had visitors coming up to “spy out the land” every week since we’ve been here. And several families have already relocated to the Valley.

    I really believe God is doing something in the Flathead Valley of Montana!

    I have said it time and again, if there is any hope for freedom in this country, it is going to be for individual, freedom-loving states to take a strong and determined stand against the ever-growing encroachments of the national leviathan that is Washington, D.C. What Governor Jan Brewer did in Arizona is just the beginning. States will either defend the principles of federalism and independence or freedom will soon be forever lost to our posterity. And as I’ve also said before, it is my opinion that Montana might just be the tip of the spear in America’s future freedom fight.

    Just look at what the feds are doing at our nation’s airports. The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) is turning air travel into a journey into Nazi Germany. And now they are thinking about expanding this insanity to the country’s bus and train stations? Then just this week, we were told that DHS is inundating hundreds of Walmart stores with Nazi-style turn-your-fellow-citizens-over-to-the-authorities television messages to be broadcast at checkout lanes. Even a blind man should be able to see the handwriting on the wall!

    Let me ask you a question, do you believe your State will be willing to stand up for the principles of freedom and independence when the “stuff” hits the fan? Or will it sheepishly and complacently accept this growing Orwellian society that Washington, D.C., is serving up? I’ll tell you this for sure: if you believe you will ever need to move in order to maintain liberty for your children and grandchildren, YOU BETTER MOVE NOW, because it won’t be long and you won’t be able to move. “They” won’t let you! Let me ask it another way: when the stuff hits the fan, do you want to be where you are, or someplace else?

    These are serious and even desperate days requiring serious and desperate action! The everything-will-be-as-its-always-been mantra is ringing more and more hollow every day. In their hearts, people all over America know something very serious is on the horizon. Jobs, homes, security, comfort, etc., will mean absolutely nothing when the curtain falls.

    I’m not saying this will be easy. Since we have moved, people have attacked us (my family and me) in the most vicious ways possible. Connie and I never dreamed that people we thought were our friends would be saying the things they are saying about us. We are beginning to understand what the Scripture meant when it said that Satan is the great “accuser.” But we should not be surprised. After all, America’s founders went through all this and a whole lot more. So don’t be surprised when your “friends” (and even family members) do the same thing to you.

    Remember, Patrick Henry and the boys were called everything from traitor to thief to murderer. This is why Benjamin Franklin said, “We must all hang together, or most assuredly we will all hang separately.” So tell me, will the people where you live “hang together”? Are there freedom loving people ANYWHERE that will hang together? We believe that there might be more such people in the Flathead Valley of Montana than perhaps anywhere else. That’s one reason we are here.

    As soon as we can locate a suitable facility, we will publicly launch our new ministry: LIBERTY FELLOWSHIP. We have not yet found the right building, but we hope to do so soon. I’ve had scores of local Montanans tell me they will be joining us at LIBERTY FELLOWSHIP as soon as we announce the meeting location. And, of course, we hope to also resume livestreaming my Sunday messages as quickly as possible. If you want to help us launch this new outreach, checks may be written to:

    Liberty Fellowship
    P.O. Box 10
    Kila, MT 59920

    Note: contributions are NOT tax-deductible. Liberty Fellowship will not be part of the government-sponsored “non-profit” corporation status. People who support us will do so because they believe in our message and are committed to Christ and freedom, not because they are looking to receive something back from Uncle Sam.

    So, in a nutshell, we are in Montana and glad to be here. And we are praying that many more patriots (especially Christian patriots) will join us. We covet your prayers. As exhilarating as the prospect for the future appears to be, the present attacks against us are often overwhelming.

    I recall preaching a message at Crossroad Baptist Church in Pensacola, Florida, shortly before we left entitled “If I Perish, I Perish,” based on the story of Queen Esther. Sometimes it looks as if I will perish. But if God has a work for us to do here in Montana, He will vindicate and deliver us from these attacks, and prove Himself to be our defense and shield. And if not, may His will be done. This isn’t about Chuck Baldwin. It never was. It’s about the Lord and His principles, and bequeathing liberty to our children and grandchildren. And it’s about helping the freedom-minded patriots of Montana reclaim the constitutional jurisdiction and sovereignty of their State. So, here we are: at the top of the Rocky Mountains and at the tip of freedom’s spear.

    P.S. We are still shipping FREEDOM DOCUMENTS. These are 50 of the great historical documents of America–in one volume, under one title. These are available nowhere else that we know of. Our supply will only last a few more days. Many are ordering multiple copies as patriotic Christmas gifts. If you want a copy, you must order now! For more information, or to order, go to:

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