Chuck Baldwin (2021)
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    US Troops Wearing UN Colors

    Published: Tuesday, November 17, 2009

    According to a report in World Net Daily, “Troops in the United States’ USNORTHCOM ranks appear to have adopted a shoulder patch showing a North American continental design, with an emphasis on United Nations colors, giving evidence of the strength to integrate North America.

    “The patch reveals the continent of North America in the orange and blue colors typical to the U.N.

    “It also carries the image of a mosque to designate the unit’s service in North Africa in World War II.”

    The report also states, “The design of the patch with the U.S. eagle image superimposed seems to imply a hierarchy in which the U.S. 5th Army exerts its military command under the authority of USNORTHCOM, with its domain defined as all North America, including the U.S., Mexico and Canada, for the United Nations, as implied in the orange and blue motif.”

    See the report at:

    As most of my faithful readers know, USNORTHCOM is a combatant command “created to respond to national emergencies in North America.” Readers should also be aware that the US and Canada signed an agreement earlier this year allowing the armed forces from one country to assist the armed forces of the other country during a “domestic civil emergency, EVEN ONE THAT DOES NOT INVOLVE A CROSS-BORDER CRISIS.” (Emphasis added.)

    Creation of a North American Union has long been the goal of the elitists at the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) and sister organizations. This objective is so far along now that anyone who would question it simply isn’t paying attention–or has an ulterior motive for denying it.

    In fact, I have chronicled much pertinent information relative to this burgeoning North American Union on my web site. I encourage readers to review (and share) the information I have accumulated on this page. See it at:

    Readers will recall that former President George W. Bush, then-Canadian Prime Minister Paul Martin, and then-Mexican President Vicente Fox signed the Security and Prosperity Partnership (SPP) on March 23, 2005, in Waco, Texas. The SPP was based upon the CFR’s Task Force report entitled “Creating a North American Community,” which was issued just prior to the Waco gathering. Remember, too, that the SPP was signed without any knowledge, oversight, or consent of the US Congress–or any Canadian or Mexican legislative body either, for that matter.

    As the WND report states, “The unannounced goal of the SPP was to create a North American Union by advancing the trade integration realized in NAFTA into continental political integration through the creation of some 20 trilateral bureaucratic working groups and the North American Competitiveness Council, or NACC, composed of 30 North American business executives–10 each hand-picked by the chambers of commerce in the three countries.”

    In this regard, it makes absolutely no difference whether a Republican or Democratic President sits in the Oval Office. President Barack Obama is pushing forward with the same internationalist policies as did his predecessors, George W. Bush, Bill Clinton, and George Herbert Walker Bush. (And, no, Martha, nothing would have changed had John McCain been elected last year.)

    For the most part, the leaders of both major parties in Washington, D.C., are globalists. With few exceptions, they have all bought into the CFR’s philosophy of internationalism. The fact that we even have such a military command as USNORTHCOM–and even more, that the unit is wearing insignia with UN colors and a three-nation, North American patch–without the slightest protest from virtually any US congressman or senator, demonstrates the apathy of Washington elitists regarding America’s merger into a multinational governing structure.

    Add to the compliance of Washington politicians the US Chamber of Commerce, the US military Joint Chiefs of Staff, the mainstream news media (with the exception of Lou Dobbs, and look what happened to him: CNN reportedly paid him $8 million to leave the network), the National Education Association–along with the vast majority of America’s top educational institutions, and even America’s leading churchmen (for example: mega-church pastor and Pied Piper author, Rick Warren, and Southern Baptist spokesman, Richard Land, are both members of the CFR). In other words, virtually every major institution in America is betraying our country’s sovereignty and independence.

    Even Big Labor is, for the most part, silent in its opposition against international unification. Where is the union-led protest of President Obama’s policy reversal to continue President Bush’s plan allowing Mexican trucks to roll down US highways? Where is Big Labor’s opposition to Obama’s decision to continue pushing the goals and objectives of the CFR and Chamber of Commerce via the SPP and related supranational agreements?

    Without a doubt, the attempted merger of North America is well underway. But this, too, is part of a much bigger picture. The destruction of the dollar, the formation of a global currency, the development of a new UN army (of which USNORTHCOM is the prototype), perpetual war, state-sponsored fear mongering over super-hyped “pandemics” such as the Swine Flu, the push for universal health care, etc., all serve the purpose of collapsing US sovereignty and independence, and creating global government.

    Of course, one thing the elitists driving this global merger are counting on is the continued apathy and indifference of the American people. Obviously, an awakened, energized, and angry populace could seriously jeopardize their pernicious plans. They are somewhat rattled at the success of grassroots Tea Parties, etc., but they are counting on the major news media and establishment churches to keep the sheep asleep.

    If America’s pastors would wake up and begin sounding the clarion call for freedom and independence (as did their brave forebears), they could–almost single-handedly–turn the country around. Until they do, it is left to the rest of us to keep Thomas Jefferson’s “spirit of resistance” alive.

    As for me and my house, we plan to do our part by pledging no loyalty to the North American Union, the UN, or any other globalist entity.

    P.S. We are shipping THE FREEDOM DOCUMENTS now! Our supply will only last a couple of weeks. These make terrific Christmas gifts. To order, go to this page.

    Or, to read my initial column that describes THE FREEDOM DOCUMENTS, go here.

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