Chuck Baldwin (2021)
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    Red Flag To Fly Over White House

    Published: Wednesday, September 9, 2009

    Lest anyone doubt the communist leanings of President Barack Obama, look no further than to his decision to hoist the Red Chinese flag (for the first time in history) over the South Lawn of the White House in Washington, D.C., on Sunday, September 20.

    According to China Daily, “Chinese associations in the United States had applied to hold a ceremony in front of the US President’s residence to celebrate the 60th anniversary of the founding of PRC [People's Republic of China] . . .

    “More than 1,000 people will attend the ceremony and the performances held after it, according to Zhao Luqun, who will direct the performances.

    “Zhao said the performances will demonstrate the friendship, magnanimous spirit and kindness of modern Chinese people.”

    Trying to find words to describe the extreme offensiveness of flying the Communist Chinese flag over the White House challenges my vocabulary. Words such as UNBELIEVABLE, UNREAL, HORRIFIC, OBSCENE, even TRAITOROUS quickly come to mind. Maybe Obama really is the Manchurian Candidate.

    Remember, the communist leaders of Mao’s China are not called the “Butchers of Beijing” for nothing. Since seizing power in 1949, it is estimated that the communist government in China has murdered more than 50 million people (some reports say the number is over 70 million). As many as 3 million were killed in Mao’s initial revolution.

    The historical record of Mao’s murderous march to power staggers the imagination. According to Chinese historian Jung Chang, from 1958-1961, 38 million Chinese people were starved or worked to death, and 27 million died in Laogai death camps through 1976. The Weekly Standard quotes Chinese freedom fighter Harry Wu as saying that 15 million died in China’s labor camps through 1997. According to Agence France Presse, as many as 5 million were killed in rural purges from 1946-1949, and 1 million were killed in urban purges through 1957.

    Then there is Tiananmen Square in 1989, when the Communist Chinese army murdered more than 2,000 college students. The number first reported by Chinese officials was 2,600, but then was quickly retracted. Early American estimates put the number at more than 3,000. The true number of deaths will likely never be known.

    But let’s bring the discussion closer to home. Does the name Chosin Reservoir mean anything to anyone? Obviously, the name doesn’t mean anything to President Barack Obama. However, that name means much to the tens of thousands of American families who lost husbands, sons, and fathers there.

    By mid-1950, the Korean conflict was all but over. U.S. Army and Marine forces had handily defeated the North Korean army. It looked realistic that our fighting men would be home by Christmas. But from October of that year, more than 60,000 communist troops from China crossed the border into North Korea. During the next two months, the invading communist forces killed more than 4,000 American troops. Of course, China’s involvement in the conflict ensured a long, protracted war that resulted in the deaths of more than 50,000 brave Americans. And, of course, don’t forget that Communist China also helped the Communist North Vietnamese kill more than 50,000 U.S. soldiers and Marines.

    Now President Barack Obama is going to hoist the Communist Chinese flag above the White House to “celebrate the 60th anniversary of the founding of PRC.”

    This is the same PRC that murdered 50-70 million of its own people. This is the same PRC that murdered thousands of Chinese students at Tiananmen Square. This is the same PRC that sent tens of thousands of troops to kill American soldiers and Marines in North Korea and Vietnam. This is the same PRC that yet today persecutes, imprisons, tortures, and kills Christians, Buddhists, and other people of faith. This is the PRC that still operates torture chambers, labor camps, and death squads. This is the same PRC that demands that Chinese families have no more than one child: meaning death to children where there is already a sibling present in the home. This is the same PRC that Obama wants to “celebrate” by flying its flag above the White House.

    Why is the mainstream press not all over this story? Where is the outrage by veterans’ organizations (especially Korean War veterans)? Where is the national VFW? Where is the American Legion? Where is John Murtha? Where is John Kerry? Where is John McCain?

    Perhaps one blogger summed it up the best. He said, “It can now be official–leave the [Chinese] flag there.” His point is well taken.

    China already owns more U.S. debt than any other entity. America’s politicians from both parties have superintended over the outsourcing of manufacturing jobs and factories to (mostly) China. America’s business elite at the Chamber of Commerce has willingly traded U.S. business interests to China at unprecedented and dangerous levels. Major banking institutions have enthusiastically orchestrated the commercial and financial buildup of Communist China. America’s military and political leadership have even helped augment Red China’s military apparatus.

    “Made in China” labels appear on almost everything we buy today; perhaps it is appropriate that the Red flag flies over the White House. While we’re at it, let’s hoist the Red flag over the newsrooms of many of America’s newspapers; the headquarters of ABC, CBS, NBC, and CNN; most of the political science classrooms at America’s major colleges and universities; many of our mainline “Christian” denominations; the boardrooms of many major U.S. corporations; and also over many of the smoke-filled parlors of Big Labor. In the end, they all seem to be colored a pale shade of red these days.

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