Chuck Baldwin (2021)
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    Few Christians Have Biblical Worldview

    Published: Tuesday, March 31, 2009

    The prolific pollster George Barna just released another startling survey: among America’s professing “born-again” Christians, only 19% possess a Biblical worldview. That’s right. Some 80% of professing Christians do not possess a Biblical worldview.

    And it’s not as if Barna’s survey questions were all that difficult. Barna’s criteria for determining a person’s Biblical worldview were the following:

    *Believing that absolute moral truth exists;

    *Believing that the Bible is totally accurate in all of the principles it teaches;

    *Believing that Satan is considered to be a real being or force, not merely symbolic;

    *Believing that a person cannot earn their way into Heaven by trying to be good or do good works;

    *Believing that God is the all-knowing, all-powerful creator of the world who still rules the universe today.

    In the research, anyone who held all of those beliefs was said to have a Biblical worldview. And again, even among professing “born-again” Christians, only 19% were shown to have a Biblical worldview.

    See Barna’s research at:

    This survey helps explain a bunch!

    How in the name of common sense can Christians expect to be the “salt” and “light” to a lost and dying world when the vast majority of believers do not even possess a basic Biblical foundation?

    Of course, many mainline Protestant denominations lost their allegiance to Biblical truth decades ago. And now it seems that a majority of evangelical churches are consumed with the politically correct doctrines of Prosperity Theology and Entertainment Evangelism. Old-fashioned Bible Christianity has been replaced with avant-garde movements such as the Emerging Church, Purpose Driven Church, Seeker-Sensitive Church, User-Friendly Church, Meta-Church, ad infinitum, ad nauseam.

    The result of this departure from Biblical Christianity is that some 80% of professing Christians today do not hold a Biblical worldview and are, therefore, impotent at being the “salt” and “light” that our Lord requires.

    Let’s face it: without a Biblical worldview, these modern “born-again” evangelicals are walking around with pagan, Christless worldviews. Instead of the Bible, socialist talking heads, globalist media moguls, hedonistic entertainers, political hacks, and humanistic academicians are the ones to most influence their opinions, philosophies, and mindsets.

    And just whose fault is it that our churches have become so riddled with infidelity and apostasy? The preachers, obviously.

    Instead of standing up on their own hind legs and proclaiming, “Thus saith the Lord,” without fear or favor, they are falling all over themselves trying to emulate Joel Osteen, Rick Warren, and Bill Hybels. Instead of preaching with the fear of God in their hearts, they preach with the fear of the I.R.S. and the G.O.P. in their hearts. Or, worse than that, they “tiptoe through the tulips” for fear of their own church members.

    I will say it one more time, if America’s preachers would stand up in their pulpits every Sunday and not be afraid to preach the truth (and courageously relate it to America’s everyday problems and challenges including our political problems and challenges), the ship of state could be turned around overnight! As the pulpits go, so goes the nation. And right now, the pulpits of America are leading our country over the cliff!

    It is for this very reason that, a few years ago, I began a nationwide campaign to discover the modern “Black Regiment” pastors and churches in America. As a result of this effort, we have already identified scores of pastors and churches across America that have gladly chosen to identify themselves as being part of America’s “Black Regiment.”

    See the Black Regiment web page here:

    If you find a Black Regiment pastor in your area, by all means, join with and support both him and his congregation. How can pastors be expected to courageously proclaim the truth unless people who appreciate the truth support them with both their attendance and offerings?

    It is also for this reason that I am now live-streaming my Sunday morning messages on the Internet. We now have hundreds of thirsty souls watching us every Sunday morning. For the most part, these are people who have tried desperately to find courageous, independent-minded patriot-pastors in their communities, but have failed to do so. Our live-streamed broadcast gives them an online home where truth is preached. If you want to join them, use this url on Sunday at approximately 10:30 a.m. (Central Daylight Time):

    George Barna’s research is tremendously revealing–and disconcerting. It is a sad day when many unbelievers seem to have more character and conviction about the foundational principles of constitutional government, liberty, and independence than do professing Christians. But then again, if Christians cannot be trusted to understand and revere the Sacred Text, how can they understand and revere the Declaration of Independence, U.S. Constitution, and Bill of Rights?

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