Chuck Baldwin (2021)
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    My Response To The MIAC Report

    Published: Tuesday, March 24, 2009

    By now, readers should be familiar with the Missouri Information Analysis Center (MIAC) report dated 02/20/09 and titled, “MIAC Strategic Report: The Modern Militia Movement.” In this dreadfully malicious and slanderous “law enforcement sensitive” secret police report, Governor Jeremiah (Jay) Nixon; John Britt, Director of the Missouri Department of Public Safety; James Keathley, Colonel, Missouri State Highway Patrol; and Van Godsey, Director of MIAC categorize certain citizens as being potential violence-prone “militia members.” I would venture to guess that more than 75% of the entire population of the United States would fit the MIAC’s broad definition of someone who would fall into the aforementioned category.

    According to the MIAC report, if you oppose any of the following, you could qualify for being profiled as a potential dangerous “militia member”:

    The United Nations
    The New World Order
    Gun Control
    The violation of Posse Comitatus
    The Federal Reserve
    The Income Tax
    The Ammunition and Accountability Act
    A possible Constitutional Convention
    The North American Union
    Universal Service Program
    Radio Frequency Identification (RFID)
    Illegal Immigration

    Again, I would bet that at least 75% of the American people would oppose at least one or more items on the above list. Well, according to the MIAC report, that is sufficient to make them potential dangerous “militia members.”

    However, it is the following statement contained in the MIAC report that is particularly disturbing to yours truly. Under the heading “Political Paraphernalia,” the report states, “Militia members most commonly associate with 3rd party political groups. It is not uncommon for militia members to display Constitutional [sic] Party, Campaign for Liberty, or Libertarian material. These members are usually supporters of former Presidential Candidate [sic]: Ron Paul, Chuck Baldwin, and Bob Barr.”

    The obvious inference of the above statement links Ron Paul, Bob Barr, and myself to potential dangerous “militia members.” The broader implication is that the millions of people who supported Ron Paul, Bob Barr, or myself are likewise categorized as potential dangerous “militia members.” This is a classic case of broad-brushed police profiling. Can you imagine the fallout of this preposterous report had the names Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton, and Maxine Waters been used instead of the names Ron Paul, Chuck Baldwin, and Bob Barr?

    Accordingly, Ron Paul, Bob Barr, and I wrote a formal letter to the above-named Missouri officials demanding “that the following-described document be immediately removed from any and all websites associated with or maintained by the state of Missouri or any agency thereof, including the MIAC; that the said document no longer be circulated by the state of Missouri or any agency thereof or associated therewith; and that the state of Missouri repudiate its references to the three of us contained therein.”

    To view the full text of our letter to Governor Nixon of Missouri, go here:

    Ladies and gentlemen, we simply cannot allow this kind of police profiling to continue. I assure you, this phenomenon is not limited to the State of Missouri. Every state that has a “Fusion Center” is being fed this kind of nonsense on a regular basis. You and I are commonly referred to as “extremists” in these secret police reports. This has been happening in earnest for the past couple of months and is operating under the auspices of the federal Department of Homeland Security. And people with a public platform (such as myself, Ron Paul, Bob Barr, and a host of others) are now being singled out by name. How long will it be before police agencies begin “picking up and hauling away” those people whose names are mentioned in these reports? It may be sooner than we think.

    To see if your state has a “Fusion Center,” go here:

    The only thing that will stymie this nonsense is a huge public outcry opposing it. Yes, the people of this country (that means YOU) still have the power to put a stop to this kind of totalitarian thinking. If we do nothing, however, it will soon be too late to stop it. We either stop it now, or it will quickly mushroom into a leviathan that will both monitor and control the personal opinions and speech of every man, woman, and child in this country. No, I am not exaggerating.

    The Feds already monitor virtually every phone call, email, and public speech in the country. How long before these secret police reports will be used as justification to arrest and incarcerate people because of their ideas and opinions, labeling them as a “threat” or as “dangerous” to society?

    Here is the contact information for the appropriate officials in Missouri:

    Email address:

    Missouri Information Analysis Center
    Division of Drugs & Crime Control
    P. O. Box 568
    Jefferson City, MO 65102-0568
    Phone: 573-751-6422
    Toll Free: 866-362-6422
    Fax: 573-751-9950

    And while you are at it, you should also contact the state police agency as well as the governor’s office in your state, especially if your state has a “Fusion Center” (see web site above). Mark it down: if you have ever publicly opposed any of the above-mentioned issues or organizations, or have ever publicly supported an independent Presidential candidate, YOU ARE BEING PROFILED RIGHT NOW!

    We await the State of Missouri’s response. In the meantime, what are you going to do?

    P.S. Even as this column is being distributed, we have just received a reply from the Director of the Missouri Department of Public Safety, John Britt. I will analyze and respond to this statement in my next column.

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