Chuck Baldwin (2021)
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    What Every Christian Should Know About The New World Order

    Published: Tuesday, February 24, 2009

    I am amazed at how ignorant and seemingly unconcerned many of my Christian brethren appear regarding the very real threat to our liberties that a burgeoning New World Order presents. I have previously written two columns on this subject that I trust all my readers will share with their pastors and fellow churchmen (along with others, of course). See the columns at:

    After writing the above columns, I proceeded to preach a full-length sermon entitled “What Every Christian Should Know About The New World Order.” I am happy to report that this sermon is now available as an online video. It can be viewed free of charge by going to:

    Furthermore, the video may be purchased as a DVD or audio CD. Instructions for purchasing this sermon are plainly given on the above web page. These would make excellent gifts to pastors and Christians, by the way. In fact, some people have already ordered them in bulk for just that purpose.

    In addition, if readers want to purchase audio MP3 files or Windows Media Video files for immediate download, this may also be done by going to the abovementioned web page.

    It is critical that God’s people begin waking up to this very serious and dangerous threat. After all, “judgment must begin at the house of God.”

    I am confident that if enough pastors were awakened and energized sufficiently to rally their congregations to resisting this sinister and devilish New World Order, they could change the course of our country posthaste.

    Will you help me spread the word about this video sermon regarding a very real New World Order? Please go to the web site to view, hear, and order this very important and timely message.

    Here is the web link again:

    Thank you.

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