Chuck Baldwin (2021)
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    Christians Awaken For Duck Dynasty Flap

    Published: Tuesday, December 31, 2013

    America is tumbling out of control toward a crash-and-burn impact with disaster, and, for the most part, pastors and churches are asleep--I mean in a coma. Both major parties in Washington, D.C., are selling-out our liberties faster than Chris Christie can swallow a Big Mac, and Christians don’t even roll over; George W. Bush and Barack Obama have created the largest surveillance society in the history of mankind, and pastors lie comatose; Dianne Feinstein and her Constitution-hating collaborators in Congress try their best to expunge our right to self-defense, and Christian organizations don’t open an eyelid; the right of Habeas Corpus, the Fourth and Fifth Amendments, and our very right of privacy have, for all intents and purposes, been eviscerated by the miscreants in Washington, D.C., and most pastors and Christians remain fast asleep. But let a Christian TV star get the axe for telling a magazine reporter that he views homosexuality as sinful, and Christians storm out of their beds like firemen answering the bell for a five-alarm fire.

    Don’t get me wrong. The politically-correct entertainment and news industries are hyper-paranoid about anything deemed to be “anti-gay.” Homosexuals currently enjoy more protected status than the spotted owl. That A&E would attempt to suspend a long-bearded, redneck Christian for saying homosexuality is a sin should shock no one. Liberal actor Alec Baldwin (no relation to this writer)--a darling of the left-wing establishment--lost his TV show on MSNBC for comments he spoke that were considered to be anti-gay.

    Am I glad so many people rallied to the support of Phil Robertson? Yes, of course. Was the Cracker Barrel restaurant chain stupid to pull Duck Dynasty products from their stores as punishment for what Robertson said? They sure were. Are Christians who want to boycott Cracker Barrel and other companies that cater to political-correctness within their rights to do so? You bet. People such as Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton have made careers (not to mention millions of dollars) intimidating private companies with all kinds of boycotts. But I must be honest: this whole episode burns the stew out of me.

    In the first place, it doesn’t seem to dawn on the vast majority of pastors, churches, and most of these non-profit Christian organizations what the source of all of this politically-correct bull manure really is. The source of all of this dung is that Cesspool by the Potomac: Washington, D.C. It is the policies, laws, and public statements from the White House, Congress, and Supreme Court--not to mention all of the politically-correct propaganda being taught in the government schools and universities--that pressure private companies (especially big companies) to stay on the smiley side of Washington. The IRS can make life a living hell for anyone--and that includes big companies. It wasn’t that long ago when the federal government almost closed down Cracker Barrel for what it perceived as acts of discrimination. Take away the intimidation of Washington, D.C., from most of these companies, and the majority of these politically-correct issues (including the homosexual issue) would disappear.

    If Christians really wanted to boycott the institution with the biggest pro-homosexual agenda in the world, they would boycott paying taxes to the IRS. Through the US State Department and Pentagon, the homosexual agenda is not only being advanced domestically but internationally. Our State Department hires open homosexuals as diplomats and sends them to countries that hold deep religious and cultural aversions to that lifestyle. More than one country has the homosexual lifestyle thrown in their face through the diplomatic corps of the US State Department. The Pentagon has put homosexuals in the closest of confines with US troops in virtually every military assignment and theater. Various agencies and departments of the federal government spend billions of taxpayer dollars advancing or even demanding a militant homosexual agenda.

    Plus, a little intellectual honesty is in order at this point. Not every individual homosexual is a proponent of the militant homosexual agenda. In fact, many homosexuals joined in the chorus of those who were insulted by A&E’s flagrant disregard for Mr. Robertson’s freedom of speech.

    I read Robertson’s controversial comments in GQ magazine, and he did NOT single out homosexuality any more than many other acts of immorality. The reporter asked him, “What, in your mind, is sinful?” Robertson simply answered the question by noting a variety of acts he deemed to be sinful by Holy Writ, including sins which he, himself, had committed earlier in his life. He also said that no sin was greater than another sin. He then went on to say that Christ came to redeem men from all of their sin--whatever it was. Has this not been the message of the Gospel for over 2,000 years?

    But I remind you that it has been the federal government that has done more to expunge Christian ideology from US society than any other entity in the world--especially since 1962 and ’63. And, unfortunately, the CEOs and CFOs of most major corporations are mostly government toadies who will do anything to avoid falling out of the good graces of Washington. Yet, all of this seems lost to the vast majority of pastors, churches, and Christian organizations.

    In the second place, it seems to me that the vast majority of pastors and churches only get exercised over two issues: abortion and homosexuality. And lately, most pastors and churches won’t even break a sweat opposing abortion. Where are they on the right of self-defense? Where are they on the right to own property? Where are they on the right of privacy? Where are they on the right to be secure in their own homes? Where are they on the Biblical Natural law principles of self-determination, limited, jurisdictional government, and personal liberty? Every one of these issues is a moral issue. Every one of these issues is a fundamental tenet of Biblical Natural Law. Yet, for the most part, none of these issues warrant even the slightest peep of exhortation from the vast majority of pastors, churches, and Christian organizations today.

    Christians by the millions verbally descended upon A&E and Cracker Barrel for the politically-correct firing of one man over his personal opinion. But where are they when the politically-correct culture in Washington, D.C., turns into the force of law? Where are they when unconstitutional and, yes, un-Biblical federal mandates threaten the existence of our liberties and our very way of life? Where are they when the politically-correct usurpers in DC abuse the power and force of law that results in the violation--not just of one man and one man’s opinion--but of the liberties of every man, woman, and child in the United States? Where are they? They are sound asleep.

    If pastors, churches, and Christian organizations would be as vocal and vehement in opposition to turning our country into a giant police state, we would have our privacy back almost overnight. If pastors, churches, and Christian organizations would be as vocal and vehement in their opposition to DC’s attacks against our right of self-defense, there would never be another gun control bill put forward and the vast majority of prohibitions against the Second Amendment already in place would be overturned almost immediately. If pastors, churches, and Christian organizations would be as vocal and vehement in their opposition to the rampant misuse of our military and police, justice would be restored almost at once.

    Let’s be brutally honest: the reason this country is in the dung heap it is in is directly due to the sluggish indifference of America’s pastors, churches, and Christian organizations. And I think the flap at A&E and Cracker Barrel proves it.

    The massive outcry of millions of pastors and Christians around the country influenced A&E to rehire Phil Robertson. This same outcry influenced Cracker Barrel to return Duck Dynasty products to their stores. If the same kind of massive outcry from millions of pastors and Christians would target the destruction of our Natural God-given liberties emanating from Washington, D.C., the course of our country could be turned around almost overnight. But now that Phil is back on the show and Duck Dynasty products are back on the shelves at Cracker Barrel, I’m confident most of these pastors and Christians are already back in their beds.

    P.S. One more time let me remind everyone that we are offering both “Romans 13: The True Meaning of Submission,” and “To Keep or Not To Keep: Why Christians Should Not Give Up Their Guns” at a significant discount. These books, written by my constitutional attorney son and me, normally sell for $14.95 each. But for a limited time, the cost is only $17.95 (plus shipping and handling) for BOTH BOOKS.

    To order “Romans 13: The True Meaning of Submission,” go here:

    Romans 13 Truth

    To order “To Keep or Not To Keep: Why Christians Should Not Give Up Their Guns,” go here:

    Keep Your Arms

    (c) Chuck Baldwin

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