Chuck Baldwin (2021)
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    My TV Debate On Homosexual Marriage

    Published: Friday, July 6, 2007

    I was recently invited to participate in a television debate with a member of the homosexual advocacy group, Parents, Families and Friends of Lesbians and Gays (PFLAG). This debate was broadcast on the Pensacola/Mobile ABC affiliate WEAR TV 3. Debate content included whether homosexuals are born that way, homosexual and lesbian marriage, and the legacy of the late Dr. Jerry Falwell as it relates to homosexual issues.

    I am pleased to announce that my fine staff has just uploaded the video of that TV debate (minus the commercials). To view this video, go to

    In addition, my Independence Day Sunday address is also uploaded. The message is entitled "Independence Now and Forever." It, too, may be viewed online using either a high speed or dial up modem. Plus, each of our videos may be downloaded as an MP3 file for use in one's IPOD. And, as always, there is no charge to view or download these videos.

    In my Independence Day address, I chronicled the roots and heritage of our country, with special focus on America's founding documents: the Declaration of Independence, the U.S. Constitution, and Bill of Rights. I also documented the courage and influence of America's colonial pastors and preachers and the role they played in the American Revolution. Hopefully, you will find the video address challenging and inspiring. To view or download this video sermon, go to

    One more thing: because of the heavy demand for THE FREEDOM DOCUMENTS, we have extended our offer. However, this is the last call to obtain 50 of America's most notable historic documents in volume. If you want to obtain a copy of THE FREEDOM DOCUMENTS, you must send your payment now. For details, go to

    May God help each of us to join the fight to preserve and defend the freedom and independence that our forebears bequeathed to us at such great sacrifice. I believe these resources will help readers do just that.

    © Chuck Baldwin

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