Chuck Baldwin (2021)
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    When Do Bad Policies Become Treasonous?

    Published: Friday, April 13, 2007

    That America's two most recent presidents, Bill Clinton and George W. Bush, have been guilty of egregiously flawed and fallacious decisions and activities is obvious. However, at what point do bad policies and conduct become treasonous? At what point do we conclude that our country's Chief Executive has crossed the line of mere inanity or naïveté and has actually become a threat to our national security and survival?

    Those who listened to my radio talk show when Bill Clinton was in office know how I daily chronicled what I believed were acts of treason. No, I am not talking about his numerous sexual affairs. I'm talking primarily about what became known as Chinagate.

    There is a plethora of evidence to support the accusation that then-President Bill Clinton deliberately facilitated the transfer of military (including rocket and satellite) technology to Communist China in exchange for large donations via highly placed Chinese operatives. That, more than the Monica Lewinsky affair, should have been the basis of impeachment. However, the Republican majority in Congress chose to do absolutely nothing about Clinton's treasonous conduct in Chinagate. Now it is President George W. Bush who is pushing the envelope.

    As I have already stated in this column, I believe an independent investigation should proceed aggressively in order to determine whether or not President Bush and Vice President Dick Cheney deliberately manufactured evidence to support a preemptive invasion of Iraq. If it is proven they did, they should both be impeached.

    However, I believe there is another area of malfeasance committed by G.W. Bush that is equal to anything Bill Clinton did: his determination to facilitate a Mexican invasion of the United States and the decision to merge America into a trilateral North American Community.

    It is no hyperbole to say that Bush's infatuation with Mexican immigration and uniting the economy of the U.S. with those of Canada and Mexico threatens the sovereignty and independence of our country, not to mention our national security.

    One former military analyst is quoted as saying, "We are under attack. Twenty million have already entered the country, and more are to come. And sadly, many of our leaders are siding with the invaders. They are willing to spend billions of dollars to deport foreigners from Iraq and defend Iraq's borders, but won't lift a finger to save the USA."

    William Calhoun wrote, "We know that Hispanics in the Mexican military are helping Arab terrorists sneak into the United States. We know that many Mexican gangs have already made alliances with terrorist cells in India."

    Calhoun continued by saying, "In short, Hispanics plan to retake the Southwest United States. Reconquista, is what they call it, and their aim is for Aztlan to live once again. As Mexican activist Ricky Sierra said, 'We are recolonizing America . . .. It is time for us to take back what is ours.'"

    Not only has President Bush turned a blind eye to the gigantic national security risks posed by unfettered illegal immigration, he has become the most outspoken expeditor of illegal immigration.

    For example, just recently, President Bush gave a directive to the Texas Court of Criminal Appeals demanding that a convicted Mexican rapist and murderer on death row be given another hearing. In what is obviously an attempt to grovel before and appease the Mexican government, Bush used an International Court of Justice ruling to justify this presidential intrusion into the State of Texas's judicial affairs.

    The murderer's name is Jose Ernesto Medellin. He was one of six gang members convicted of brutally raping and killing two Houston teenagers Jennifer Ertman and Elizabeth Pena, who stumbled upon a violent gang initiation. But George W. Bush wants him taken off death row and given another hearing.

    Thankfully, the Texas Court of Criminal Appeals has no intention of being bullied by this rogue president. Judge Michael Keasler wrote that Bush "exceeded his constitutional authority by intruding into the independent powers of the judiciary." Presiding Judge Sharon Keller said that Bush's "unprecedented, unnecessary, and intrusive exercise of power over the Texas court system cannot be supported by the foreign policy authority conferred on him by the United States Constitution." (Source: The Fort Worth Star-Telegram)

    Remember, this is the same president that, at the behest of the Mexican government, turned the U.S. Attorney's office loose on two U.S. Border Patrol agents and a Texas Deputy Sheriff. According to Jerome Corsi, "Investigators had no plans to bring charges against Texas Sheriff's Deputy Gilmer Hernandez until the Mexican government intervened and demanded it, the officer's supervisor told WND.

    "Sheriff Don Letsinger of Rocksprings, Texas, said the Texas Rangers were not going to recommend prosecution, but federal law enforcement took over the case in response to the Mexican government's intervention."

    I trust that readers are also aware that in continuing to accommodate illegal immigration and placate the Mexican government that promotes it, President Bush is ignoring the fact that, according to Congressman Steve King (R-Iowa), illegal aliens murder twelve Americans each day. That equates to more Americans being killed by illegal aliens each year than have been killed in Iraq and Afghanistan to date.

    Now we hear that "the Bush administration is fully committed to beginning within weeks a pilot test that will allow Mexican trucks to operate freely across the U.S." (Source World Net Daily) Think of the thousands of U.S. workers that will ultimately be displaced by Bush's decision to launch Mexican trucks all across America. Not to mention the potential safety and security problems that will ensue.

    I ask the question again: At what point do bad policies and conduct become treasonous? At what point do we conclude that our country's Chief Executive has crossed the line of mere inanity or naïveté and has actually become a threat to our national security and survival? I believe Bill Clinton crossed that line. I believe that George W. Bush has also crossed that line.

    The problem is, hardly anyone in Washington, D.C., has the guts to do anything about it. For one thing, many of our congressmen and senators from both major parties are equally culpable in both Clinton's and Bush's chicanery.

    Let's face it, folks: we are living under a government that, regardless of whether Republicans or Democrats control it, is sated with corruption. It's time we admitted it. No! It's time we did something about it. I hope and pray that the American people will wake up and realize that they have the authority and power to throw off this bunch of scoundrels. It's called the ballot box, and we need to use it to thoroughly clean house. And we need to do it while we still can.

    As Winston Churchill said, "If you will not fight for the right when you can easily win without bloodshed, if you will not fight when your victory will be sure and not so costly, you may come to the moment when you will have to fight with all the odds against you and only a precarious chance for survival. There may be a worse case. You may have to fight when there is no hope of victory, because it is better to perish than to live as slaves."

    © Chuck Baldwin

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