Chuck Baldwin (2021)
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    My Speech In New Hampshire Now Online

    Published: Wednesday, February 21, 2007

    I am pleased to announce that the video of the speech I gave to the National Committee Meeting of the Constitution Party in Concord, New Hampshire is now online. One may view this speech using either a dial up or high speed modem. One may also download the speech as an MP3 file for use in his or her IPOD. And as always, there is no charge to view or download this video. To access this speech, go to

    I believe readers will find this speech very informative. In the speech, I review the November elections results and identify the critical issues confronting voters in 2008. I also delve into the issue of why America's pastors and churches are largely disengaged and ineffective in providing crucial leadership for our country. In addition, I spend some quality time in this video address reviewing the history of constitutional government with special attention to the First Amendment, which protects religious liberty.

    I believe this video address would be very helpful to anyone concerned about the direction our political and commercial establishments are currently taking America and what we can do about it. I further believe it would be very beneficial if the speech was viewed by our nation's churchmen. Perhaps, after viewing this video, the reader may want to make a copy for his or her pastor or other church leader.

    Again, my speech given in Concord, New Hampshire is now online. Feel free to view it and share it with others. And, once again, thank you for reading my commentaries.

    © Chuck Baldwin

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