Chuck Baldwin (2021)
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    My Interview With Navy Chaplain Lt. Klingenschmitt Now Online

    Published: Thursday, February 1, 2007

    Readers should know that my fine staff has recently uploaded my radio interview with Navy chaplain Lt. Gordon James Klingenschmitt. As you may or may not know, this is the man who was court-martialed and then forced out of the U.S. Navy because he prayed in Jesus' name in uniform outside a chapel setting.

    Lt. Klingenschmitt is a graduate of the Air Force Academy and was offered a job at the Pentagon at the rank of Lieutenant Colonel. However, Klingenschmitt desired to become a military chaplain, and since no chaplain positions at his rank were available in the Air Force, he took a voluntary demotion and entered the U.S. Navy as a Lieutenant in order to become one.

    My interview with Lt. Klingenschmitt runs for about 26 minutes. Listen to him tell of the Navy's policy forbidding chaplains from praying in Jesus' name. Hear him tell of how uproar over his court-martial caused senators and congressmen to strongly pressure the Pentagon to change its policy-which it did. However, Klingenschmitt's expulsion from the Navy stands.

    To listen to my radio interview with Navy chaplain Lt. Gordon James Klingenschmitt, go to:

    My staff has also uploaded some of my most recent video sermons. Titles include: "What Is Your Life?" and "The Road Less Traveled By." To view these videos, go to:

    Videos may be viewed with either a dial up or high speed modem and all our recordings may be downloaded as an MP3 file for one's IPOD. And as always, there is no charge to listen or to view these materials.

    And once again, thank you for reading my commentaries.

    © Chuck Baldwin

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