Chuck Baldwin (2021)
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    My Independence Day Sermon Now Online

    Published: Tuesday, July 11, 2006

    My fine staff informs me that two of my recent Sunday sermons are now uploaded to our web site. The first is my Independence Day sermon entitled, "Independence Now, And Independence Forever." If I do say so myself, this message is a "barn burner." I invite readers to view this online sermon at

    The second sermon just uploaded is my Father's Day sermon entitled, "Counsel For Fathers And Children." It can also be viewed at

    As always, my video sermons may be viewed with either a dial up or high speed modem, plus we have added an exciting new feature! Each sermon is now available with MP3 technology, so people can download the audio file to their IPODS. Now, you can record the audio portion of my Internet sermons to an IPOD, and take it with you wherever you go!

    And, once again, there is NO CHARGE to access my video or audio sermons. All I ask is that you tell as many people as you can about these sermons.

    Please know, too, that we are still shipping FREEDOM DOCUMENTS. This offer has been extended due to the high volume of requests that we have received. If you want to obtain your copy of THE FREEDOM DOCUMENTS, which contains 50 of America's great historic documents in one volume, please go to

    Remember, too, my web site contains one of the most complete Internet concordances pertaining to Illegal Immigration at

    In addition, we are also constantly uploading the latest information regarding the emerging police state in America at

    We also have one of the Internet's most thorough information pages regarding the emerging North American Union, which President Bush is quietly but aggressively pursuing. See

    Furthermore, please don't forget that my radio interview with Jerome Corsi regarding the North American Union is still online at

    Once again, thank you for reading my columns.

    © Chuck Baldwin

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