Chuck Baldwin (2021)
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    New Video Sermons Now Uploaded

    Published: Monday, June 12, 2006

    Our web site is exploding! We now register some 200,000 hits every month to Chuck Baldwin Live ( One of the reasons for this phenomenal growth is that thousands of people are viewing and downloading my video sermons (

    I am please to report that my fine staff has just uploaded several new video sermons to this page. Titles include:

    "Jochebed: Mother Of A Giant." This was a message I brought this past Mother's Day.

    "Regeneration: A Spiritual Birth." This video sermon has only been posted a little while, and already it is among our most popular.

    "A Savior, Christ The Lord." A relevant reminder of who Jesus is and what He accomplished through His death and resurrection.

    We also have five other video sermons currently online. They include:

    "If Christ Be Not Risen." My Easter sermon.

    "Hezekiah's Folly." This is one of our most popular sermons, as I compare the foolish decisions of America's current leaders to the folly of the Old Testament king of Israel, King Hezekiah.

    "What Can I Do?" My church just about came unglued when I preached this message. A visiting preacher told me after the service in which this message was preached, "Chuck, that's the first time I ever saw a church congregation give a pastor's sermon a standing ovation."

    "The Sanctity of Human Life." This was my most recent pro-life message in which I used Scripture and science to prove that life begins at conception and that it is the duty and responsibility of government to protect innocent human life.

    "Is God Judging America?" This is our most popular video sermon to date! I preached this message to a packed auditorium soon after Hurricane Katrina slammed into the Gulf Coast.

    As always, there is no cost to view these video sermons. You should also know that we have three different links for each sermon in order to accommodate whatever type of web connection you use. Therefore, you may view my sermons with a dial up or high speed modem, and for those who wish to download or archive these sermons onto their hard drive or computer disk, there is a special premium quality link for that.

    To watch my video sermons, go to:

    My staff has also compiled two of the most thorough and exhaustive pages regarding the true record of President George W. Bush ( and the truth about illegal immigration ( that you will find on the Internet. Check it out, and see for yourself.

    Again, thank you for visiting my web site (

    Please keep those emails coming. I do read them. In fact, very soon I plan to begin reading and answering many of my emails via video on my web site. Watch for it! And as always, thank you for reading my commentaries.

    © Chuck Baldwin

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