Chuck Baldwin (2021)
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    Playing The God-Card

    Published: Thursday, June 1, 2006

    It never ceases to amaze me how politicians play the God-card every election cycle. "Vote for me, I teach a Sunday School class." "Vote for me, I am a member of such-and-such church." "Vote for me, I am a conservative Christian." Ad infinitum. Ad nauseam. Unfortunately, these tactics work! Why else would intelligent people pay thousands and even millions of dollars to promote these kinds of ads?

    That Christians have become stupendously gullible is the understatement of the year! Just about all a politician has to do is say, "I'm a conservative. I'm pro-life and pro-family," and Christians sing his or her praises all the way to the voting booth. That is, if he or she is a Republican.

    You see, in the eyes of many Christians, the Republican Party is "God's Party." In fact, many Christians have come to regard partisan (translated "Republican") politics as much more than a political exercise. It is sacred, even holy to support the Republican Party, and in recent history, to support President G.W. Bush in particular.

    I could not count the numbers of emails I have received that have ascribed my future soul as suffering the torments of the damned because I have dared to challenge the policies and political decisions of President Bush. My commitment to the Lord Jesus Christ and the Holy Scriptures means nothing! I am the devil's disciple because I believe President Bush to be in serious neglect of constitutional governance. (Can anyone say, "Heil, Bush"?)

    However, does not the President of the United States put his hand on an open Bible and take an oath before God and the American people to "preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States"? (U.S. Constitution, Article. II. Section. 1. Paragraph. 8.) Of course, he does.

    To "preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States" is the sworn duty of any president! Being a Christian does not give the President a right to violate his oath to the Constitution. In fact, if he took his Christianity seriously, it would only cause him to adhere more punctiliously to the Constitution, because his Savior commands that one keep his word!

    Yet, deceit, duplicity, fabrication, and constitutional indifference is the modus operandi of Republican and Democratic administrations alike, including the present one! Furthermore, for the most part, it is a complete waste of time to replace a Republican with a Democrat and vice versa!

    No matter which party is in power, nothing changes! Taxes continue to strangle the life out of the American people. American jobs continue to be outsourced overseas. The American military continue to be used as pawns for international bankers and oil companies. Millions of illegal aliens continue to invade our country with impunity. Encroachments continue upon private property rights. Government schools continue to indoctrinate our children in secular humanism. Unborn babies continue to die.

    Americans not only need a choice; we need a change. I mean a complete overhaul! The first thing we can do is throw out every incumbent in Congress, with the exception of Ron Paul, Tom Tancredo, and a few others.

    The next thing we can do is demand that whoever we vote for is a constitutionalist. Which party they represent and which church they attend matters little. What matters is that they take their oath to the Constitution seriously. It would be much better to have an unbeliever who obeys the Constitution in office than a believer who doesn't!

    The thing that insures our liberty, including our religious liberty, is the willingness of a Chief Executive, members of Congress and the Judiciary to "preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States." Without constitutional government, our country will be quickly reduced to a gargantuan police state, which is exactly what America is becoming!

    Christians need to wise up! Instead of succumbing to trite, meaningless cliches and marketing propaganda by the "God-card" professionals, we need to demand fidelity to constitutional government as the chief requirement for public service. This should be done even if that means voting for someone outside our religious persuasion or from another political party! Try it this November. The results cannot be worse than what we have already!

    © Chuck Baldwin

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