Chuck Baldwin (2021)
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    New Pages Uploaded To My Web Site

    Published: Monday, April 17, 2006

    I am pleased to announce that my fine staff has recently uploaded several new pages to my web site. I believe you will find these pages to be a wealth of useful information. First, we now have a page devoted entirely to illegal immigration. Here you will find news and information relevant to this vitally important issue. If you are looking for the truth regarding illegal immigration, go to: We have also uploaded a new page devoted to the USA Patriot Act. This dangerous piece of legislation lays the foundation for future tyranny and oppression in America. It is fraught with copious machinations intended, not to protect Americans, but to steal their liberties. This page will give you the information and material you need to intelligently discuss and debate this crucial issue. To access the Patriot Act page, go to: While looking at the Patriot Act page, remember to listen to my interview with former congressman Bob Barr regarding the dangers of the Patriot Act. To listen to that interview, go to:

    In addition, we have uploaded a brand new page called New World Order. On this page, you will find a plethora of information on how internationalists, including those within our own country, are working to achieve their devilish vision of global government. Again, this page is a treasure-trove of pertinent information. To access the New World Order page, go to:

    Remember, too, that we constantly update our Bush Record page. This page might be the most comprehensive page chronicling the track record of President George W. Bush on the web. To learn the truth about G.W. Bush, go to:

    Also on my web site is a page devoted to helping alcoholics. My father was a reformed alcoholic, and though he passed away in 1993 at the age of 86, his remarkable life-story is still an inspiration to thousands of men and women who struggle with alcohol addiction. In fact, we will mail a cassette tape that tells the true story of my father's miraculous deliverance totally without cost to anyone who requests it. To access this page, go to:

    We also have a page devoted to my video sermons. With the click of a computer mouse, one can sit in the congregation of Crossroad Church in Pensacola, Florida, and watch my Sunday messages. To watch my video sermons, go to:

    Of course, these are only some of the many pages that are available on my web site. To access the index page of my site, go to:

    I trust you will visit these pages soon and often. And when you do, please drop me a line and give me your comments. And as always, thank you for reading my columns. And speaking of my columns, they are archived on my web site as well. To access my archived columns, go to:

    © Chuck Baldwin

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