Chuck Baldwin (2021)
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    Please Watch This Video

    Published: Tuesday, March 14, 2006

    My fine staff has just uploaded my newest sermon video. It is entitled, "Hezekiah's Folly." It is taken from the life of Old Testament King Hezekiah. What is amazing is how closely the story parallels the kind of foolishness that America's leaders are engaging in today! Watch and see if you don't agree.

    To watch the video, go to:, and click the video sermon banner in the middle of the page.

    I think it is safe to say that America is now apostate, all the rhetoric to the contrary notwithstanding. We have most definitely entered into the post-Christian era of America. It also appears that we have now entered the post-Constitution era of America. Neither the Bible nor the U.S Constitution has much influence over the affairs of state today, especially at the federal level. Leaders from both political parties govern recklessly and lawlessly. For the most part, the American people are mired in selfishness, pride, and indifference. And there appears to be no end in sight.

    How long will God be patient with us? We have ignored His warnings and rejected His prophets. Certainly, His judgment will not wait forever. The storm clouds are already ominous.

    We have borrowed our country into such debt (debt that is owned by foreign nations, and many of these nations are our enemies) that it is doubtful America can ever dig herself out. We are hopelessly and endlessly committed to numerous foreign conflicts, any number of which could result in terminal war and nuclear annihilation.

    Even worse, the church, though rich with material substance, has become a slavish lackey to political parties and material gain. The result of which is that, on the whole, it possesses neither truth nor power.

    A return to America's founding principles could possibly yet save our republic, but who is willing to sound forth such a call? And when the call is given, who is willing to heed it? Hardly anyone.

    One dear preacher friend (one who is not afraid to preach the truth) told me recently, "I have never felt more alone in all my life. I think I now know how the prophets of old must have felt." I share the feeling.

    Again, to watch my newest sermon video, "Hezekiah's Folly," go to:

    As always, there is no charge to watch or download my videos, and one may access these video sermons with either a dial up or high speed modem. And while you're at the web site, please be sure and look at the other videos and audio interviews which are available. I believe you will find my web site filled with relevant and inspiring information.

    And once again, thank you for reading my commentaries.

    © Chuck Baldwin

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