Chuck Baldwin (2021)
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    Is America The Revived Roman Empire?

    Published: Friday, February 14, 2003

    Biblical prophecy foretells of a coming revived Roman Empire. Many Bible students, including me, assumed that this future evil empire would come from old Europe. It is still very possible that the emergence of the European Union will yet be the fulfillment of that prophecy.

    However, during the last 50 years, it is the United States of America, more than any European nation, that has developed a propensity to act as world sovereign. Such an attitude has led us to the brink of empire status.

    The desire for world dominion is certainly nothing new. Since the dawn of time, tyrants of all creeds and colors have attempted to assert their authority globally. Some have even succeeded-for awhile. Ultimately, however, all empires are doomed to disaster, because God alone is sovereign and will share His sovereignty with no man.

    Emperors of antiquity were largely motivated by power and dominion. Would-be emperors of today seem to be motivated by wealth. In either case, an emperor is an emperor, and any emperor is the enemy of freedom.

    From the time of Babel to the present, God's established plan is that nations remain free and independent. As nations turn their backs on God, they become slaves of men who lose their liberty and their independence.

    The principle of independence is the cornerstone of our republic. It is clearly articulated in our founding documents and in the statements of the Founding Fathers.

    In his First Inaugural Address, the "Father of the Constitution" and fourth U.S. President James Madison said, "To cherish peace and friendly intercourse with all nations having correspondent dispositions; to maintain sincere neutrality toward belligerent nations-to exclude foreign intrigues and foreign partialities-to foster a spirit of independence too just to invade the rights of others, [and] too proud to surrender our own." Madison's sentiments reflected the philosophy of the founders as a whole.

    It should be obvious to everyone that this philosophy has been totally repudiated by modern politicians. Instead, America's leaders continue to escalate the process of taking our country into ever-increasing foreign intrigues and partialities.

    The list of dictators and cutthroats that the U. S. government has supported and then destroyed is too long to count. For example, it was America's CIA that initially trained and armed Osama Bin Laden and al-Qaida. Now, we must send American soldiers to fight and die attempting to kill them.

    Beyond that, the United States is the largest arms dealer in the world. That means when American soldiers confront its enemies, the weapons used against them were many times provided by our own government! In addition, American troops are currently found in nearly 100 foreign countries. Charley Reese correctly noted that we have "a national government that has gradually evolved into an empire in a permanent state of war."

    The independent and neutral nation envisioned and created by the Founding Fathers is dead! We have become a meddling, global Big Brother that desires to make the world safe for international merchants. Our politicians are not national leaders; they are pawns and dupes for a new, emerging empire.

    If America does not evolve into the prophetic Revived Roman Empire, it's not because we are not trying.

    © Chuck Baldwin

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