Chuck Baldwin (2021)
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    Only One Thing Will Save Us Now

    Published: Tuesday, February 12, 2002

    A column written by Brannon S. Howse and published in the February 9 edition of World Net Daily is too significant to ignore. Howse examined the PEERS test put forth by the Nehemiah Institute, which annually grades the worldview of thousands of adults and school children.

    According to Howse, "Results from each category are classified into one of four major worldview philosophies: Christian Theism, Moderate Christian, Secular Humanism and Socialism." Howse's findings are staggering.

    Howse said, "Christian students attending public schools now regularly score in the lower half of secular humanism, headed toward a socialistic worldview. Students in typical Christian schools score as a secular humanist." He also proclaimed, "Based on projections using the decline rate from Christian students, the church will have lost her posterity to hard-core humanism between 2014-2018."

    These revelations help to explain why the United States is adrift in a sea of humanism and moral relativism. America's churches and families have failed and continue to fail! The average church today is intoxicated with entertainment evangelism and politically correct preaching - and they are growing! Families are immersed in materialism - and they are clueless!

    On the other hand, it seems that churches that have pastors who are not afraid to lift their voices like trumpets and show people their sins have been relegated to a permanent state of obscurity and isolation. Their congregations are small; their finances are meager. To aspiring young clerics, the message is clear: if you want to be "successful," you must be an ear-tickling, crowd-pleasing, socially acceptable, curse-nothing pussyfooter!

    One's view of Eschatology is not the deciding factor, either. I know a few pre-millennialists who preach like John the Baptist, while many post-millennialists I know run from controversial issues like Jonah. Regardless of one's view of apocalyptic events, God's men have a duty and obligation to proclaim the truth fearlessly and without favor.

    Think about the liberal politicians who claim membership in thousands of churches across the country. Think about the abortionists, evolutionists, socialists, adulterers, homosexuals, and crooked businessmen who sit comfortably in church every Sunday.

    The above-mentioned school children are not being brainwashed into secular humanism and socialism by public schools alone. Remember that overall there is little difference between the worldviews of those attending public schools and those attending Christian schools. Sure, movies and television play a part, as do modern music and literature. However, the most glaring culprits contributing to America's declining spiritual state are Christian parents and pastors!

    If Howse's prediction that within twenty years America will have lost its Christian worldview is accurate, then Pat Buchanan's prediction that America will have died within the next fifty years is also accurate. Therefore, the only solution to America's certain destruction is a modern day Great Awakening. To that end, we all should pray.

    © Chuck Baldwin

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