Chuck Baldwin (2021)
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    Two Reports Many Christians And Conservatives Won’t Want To Read

    Published: Thursday, February 23, 2017

    Report One:

    In this column two weeks ago, I asked the question, “Is Netanyahu finished?” I said:

    Benjamin Netanyahu is one of the most corrupt political leaders on the planet. He is also one of the most heavily financed political leaders on the planet.

    In spite of his billionaire friends and supporters, however, he is facing almost certain political destruction. His many crimes are being intensely investigated by Israeli authorities. The only reason he hasn't been removed from office already is due to the immense political and financial support he has from bankers, casino owners, land developers, etc., from other countries--especially in the United States.

    But it is doubtful that Bibi will be able to tread water much longer. It appears that his political demise is inevitable. And you haven't heard a word about it from the controlled mainstream media in the U.S., have you? Of course, not. The men who own the mainstream media are among Bibi's largest contributors.

    Neither have you heard anything about it from the so-called “conservative” publications, periodicals and websites. There is one common denominator that links the mainstream media with the so-called conservative media: infatuation with the modern State of Israel.

    See the column:

    Is Netanyahu Finished?

    My faithful readers know that after writing the above, Zionists of all stripes launched an intense media and personal attack against me.

    How dare you say what you said about Benjamin Netanyahu? We’ve never heard anything about this from the media, whether mainstream or independent, so you, Chuck Baldwin, must be full of horse manure. Plus, modern Israel is God’s anointed nation-state, and since Bibi is the anointed nation-state’s national leader, he, too, must be an anointed man who would be incapable of the corruption you accuse him of.

    There was much more, of course. And much worse. But these attacks only served as an encouragement for me to bore deeper. I figure the more flak I am receiving, the closer I must be to exposing the real enemy. The closer one is to the enemy’s headquarters, the more intense the firepower against him becomes. So, I must be getting REALLY close.

    Here’s a fact: if all you watch, read, and listen to are news outlets, radio talk shows, websites, and news publications from America, you are pretty much clueless as to what is happening in the world. Globalists almost totally dominate the American media; and even most of the so-called independent patriot news outlets filter everything through a pro-Zionist bias that removes or ignores real news. If one truly wants to find news that is not controlled by the globalists, one will need to look offshore.

    I regularly scour foreign news services for information. As such, I’ve known for a long while what was happening with Netanyahu. His corruption has been well known and much talked about for years among people outside of the United States. So, for those folks who ignorantly accused me of being full of horse manure (and many other kind, Christian offerings), let me bring them up to speed with a source that even most Christian Zionists will have to accept: The Jerusalem Post.

    Here is the title of an article that appears in the February 16, 2017, edition of The Jerusalem Post: “Game Of Thrones: Israel Prepares For Netanyahu’s Potential Departure.” The subtitle of the article says, “As corruption investigations pile up, Benjamin Netanyahu’s potential early departure is likely to produce an early election with unpredictable results.”

    The report states, “PROCEDURALLY, ALL [emphasis in original] are waiting for the police to complete its investigations, a process that Inspector General Roni Alsheikh has said should take no more than ‘weeks,’ though he was referring only to the affairs involving Milchan and Mozes. The submarine probe, which had yet to be publicized when Alsheikh spoke, will likely take longer.”

    The report continues, “Though nothing will happen before these two processes mature, the political system is already swarming with calculations, scenarios and theories concerning what might unfold should the investigations piling up around him lead Netanyahu to resign.”

    See the JPost report here:

    Game Of Thrones: Israel Prepares For Netanyahu's Potential Departure  

    Of course, I do not expect that the revelation about Bibi will do anything to open the eyes of the blind (much less to inspire them to offer yours truly an apology). I fully anticipate that most of them will call this “fake news,” dismiss it, yawn, and carry on in their blindness. But for those who have “eyes to see” and “ears to hear,” this is what Benjamin Netanyahu is beginning to reap for his many crimes, most of which he will not pay for until he meets God.   

    Bibi has been a pawn of the globalists ever since before he was elected Prime Minister. And, just as with Hillary Clinton (and a host of others), when a globalist lackey outlives his or her usefulness he or she is fed to the sharks of political opposition. That’s what’s happening to Bibi.

    Oh, mentioning Clinton’s name reminds me: if you are not following Pizzagate, you might want to start paying attention to this one. This international pedophile ring is MASSIVE. Some speculate that as many as 30% of the people in the U.S. Congress are connected to it. I noted on my Facebook page that anonymous FBI sources within the investigation said that many arrests were coming soon and that several major political, media, and entertainment figures would be included. The source said that Israel and Saudi Arabia are also involved.

    I supplement this column with regular posts on my Facebook page. To read and make comments, go here and “Like” my page:

    Chuck Baldwin's Facebook Page

    Soon after writing that post, I discovered that over 400 people were arrested in California (mostly in the Los Angeles area) on pedophile-related charges. And the names have not yet been released, which means there are probably some big-name celebrities included. Don’t be surprised if arrests are forthcoming on the East Coast (New York City and Washington, D.C., mostly) as well. And don’t be surprised if at least a few of these arrests involve big-name politicians in both parties and also big-name media personalities. Truly, if Donald Trump is honest and clean, he has already instructed Attorney General Jeff Sessions to proceed with all haste. But I digress.

    Report Two:

    In several previous columns, I have tried to warn people about Donald Trump’s son-in-law, Jared Kushner. After being elected President, Mr. Trump elevated Jared to the position of personal presidential advisor. In practically every photograph we see of President Trump in the Oval Office, Jared is standing directly behind him. Jared might be the most influential advisor Mr. Trump has.

    Of course, Jared is a radical Zionist who comes from one of Israel and America's most influential and most corrupt Zionist families. Jared's father even served time in prison for corruption. Well, now we learn that Jared Kushner and the entire Kushner clan are financial partners with the notorious anti-freedom billionaire, George Soros. No, I’m sure you haven’t heard about this from the mainstream media or even from Alex Jones these days.

    According to Jewish Business News, “It turns out that George Soros is the money behind a new real estate venture called Cadre which was founded by Donald Trump’s son in law Jared Kushner and his brother Joshua Kushner.

    “The Real Deal has uncovered the fact that George Soros was the man who provided Cadre with a $259 million line of credit. A source told the publication, ‘Soros has had a long and productive relationship with the Kushner family.’”

    See the report:

    George Soros Backed Jared Kushner Venture Cadre With $250 Million

    Yes, the supposed "enemy" of Donald Trump, George Soros, is a major financial partner and backer of fellow Zionist Jared Kushner, the President’s son-in-law.

    Whether Soros is a real enemy of Donald Trump or whether the American people are being played by both Soros and Trump is hard to tell right now. But we do know that Soros is a for real enemy of freedom. And now we also know that Soros and Kushner are financially joined at the hip. Follow the money, folks. Follow the money.

    Insiders say that there is an internal battle going on right now within the U.S. intelligence communities between those loyal to the CIA and the Israeli Mossad (international partners in crime) and those loyal to President Trump. But if Trump is truly going to stand foursquare against these dark and evil forces, he will FIRST have to stand against his son-in-law, Jared Kushner. And if that was going to be the case, why did Trump give Kushner such a powerful position in his government in the first place?

    Along with many CFR globalists that Trump has placed in his administration, Jared Kushner might prove to be Trump's undoing. The enemy is ALWAYS most effective within the camp. Forget that hackneyed expression, “Keep your friends close and your enemies closer.” Remembering the Greek’s Trojan Horse is much more relevant.

    And for those of you who understand that one of the biggest reasons why nothing much changes no matter who is elected President is because of the numerous CFR members (either individual or corporate affiliate) that presidents of both parties place in their administrations, by selecting Army Lieutenant General Herbert Raymond "H. R." McMaster as National Security Advisor, Mr. Trump is up to CFR member number 22. And if he follows through with what he said he would do by appointing John Bolton (UGH!) to his administration, it would be CFR member number 23. As a comparison, Bill Clinton had 39 CFR members in his administration; G.W. Bush had 27; and Barack Obama had 21. And Donald Trump’s appointments are far from over.

    To Trump’s credit, his first Supreme Court appointment MIGHT turn out to be a good one. Time will tell. The man is largely untested on matters that will help decide our country’s future freedom. So, I’m NOT doing cartwheels just yet. But I am cautiously optimistic about Judge Neil Gorsuch. Here is an excellent review of the judge from two men I trust and respect:

    Judge Neil Gorsuch: Some Cause For Concern

    I know it is painful for some people to accept the truth--especially when it challenges a person’s long-established beliefs and opinions. Believe me: it wasn’t easy for me to discover that just about everything I had been taught about the modern State of Israel was totally unscriptural and untruthful. I guess it all depends on whether one is genuinely a truth-seeker or not.

    Therefore, I am confident that the two reports contained in this column are ones that many Christians and conservatives will NOT want to hear, and after having heard them, will totally ignore--after they shoot the messenger, of course.  

    The good news is that more and more people are awakening to truth; more and more people are seeing through the façade; and more and more people are being delivered from the spirit of deception that has enveloped many of our churches and much of our country for far too long. I guess that is why other people react so violently to what I write.

    P.S. Once again, I have a 15-message, 7-DVD series entitled The Israel Package

    As I said in this column, I believed and preached “Israel First” theology and prophecy for over 30 years. But the more I taught it, the more uncomfortable I became with it. I then began a truly honest and objective search of the scriptures for understanding. I purposely avoided studying what men had written on the subject, regardless of position. I studied the BIBLE. And what I believe now cannot be pigeon-holed into any theological “ism.” So trying to put me in any prophetic “camp” is a complete waste of time.  

    What I can tell you is that through my recent years of study, I became convinced that what I had been taught and what I had believed for so long was egregious error. These 15 messages serve as a basic tutorial of what I believe God taught me through His Word regarding the truth about Israel.

    To order The Israel Package containing 15 messages on 7 DVDs at a HUGE DICSOUNT, go here:

    The Israel Package

    © Chuck Baldwin


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