Chuck Baldwin (2021)
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    Conspiracy, Anyone?

    Published: Thursday, March 12, 2015

    I have said for decades that at the highest levels of leadership in Washington, D.C., both Democrats and Republicans are in collusion. At the leadership levels, both parties are working in concert together. The differences between the parties are only at the lower levels, where party members are more idealistic and ignorant of the conspiracy taking place above them.


    Yet, NO ONE, not Glenn Beck, not FOX News, not Rush Limbaugh, not CNN, not MSNBC, NO ONE will allow any discussion on this subject. Anyone who dares talk about it is immediately censored or lampooned as a "conspiracy nut."


    The latest example was Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's speech before Congress. is reporting that House Speaker John Boehner (R) and former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D) colluded on the speech for the purpose of providing distraction (cover) for the vote on congressional funding for DHS without any exemptions for President Obama's executive amnesty order. It worked perfectly.


    Almost overnight, Boehner garnered enough Republican votes to help Democrats pass the funding bill. Now, with conservative Republicans riled at the Speaker's sellout, Boehner is counting on Pelosi's help to garner enough support from among Democrats to fend off any potential coup by GOP House members. And you can bet that Pelosi will come through for him.


    This kind of conspiratorial conduct has been going on for decades. Plus, big-government, police-state elitists in D.C., get the added benefit of New World Order puppet Bibi successfully beating the war drums against Iran.


    Iran and Syria are the last two holdouts among the Muslim states still resisting the New World Order. The CIA/Mossad-manufactured terrorist group, ISIS, is providing the West with the beheadings and such. (Even though we now know some of the infamous beheadings are phony and not real. Plus, have you noticed that the U.S. media pays NO ATTENTION to the beheadings being committed by Saudi Arabia or Mexican drug gangs--beheadings that have been going on for much longer and with much greater frequency?) And Bibi is pulling on the heart strings of the American people (Christians in particular) by creating the new monster that must be destroyed, namely Iran (and Syria).


    In the aftermath of Bibi’s speech, we now have warmongering GOP senators threatening a declaration of war against Iran, even though Iran has not threatened a country in over 250 years.


    Shortly after Bibi’s speech, the Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif gave his country’s side of the story to the American press. According to this report, “The Iranian FM urged Netanyahu to refresh his knowledge of history as his comments have not only ‘distort[ed] realities of today,’ but also go against the Bible and Jewish sacred texts.


    “‘He even distorts his own scripture. If you read the book of Esther, you will see that it was the Iranian king who saved the Jews…’ Zarif said.


    “The Iranian Minister called Netanyahu’s accusations ‘truly regrettable’ stressing that they refer to ‘an entire nation which has saved Jews three times.’


    “‘It is truly, truly regrettable that bigotry gets to the point of making allegations against an entire nation which has saved Jews three times in its history: Once during that time of a prime minister who was trying to kill the Jews, and the king saved the Jews; again during the time of Cyrus the Great, where he saved the Jews from Babylon, and during the Second World War, where Iran saved the Jews,’ he said.


    “‘We’re not about the annihilation of Jews,’ Zarif stressed, reminding the channel that 20,000 Jews reside in Iran ‘in peace’ and even have their own representative in parliament.


    “‘We have a history of tolerance and cooperation and living together in coexistence with our own Jewish people, and with Jews everywhere in the world. If people want to espouse fear mongering to fan such hysteria in the world, that’s to their detriment,’ Zafir said.”


    The report goes on saying, “On the contrary, he stressed, the current Israeli regime ‘is a threat’ to Iran as it’s a regime ‘that engages in the killing of innocent children, a regime that engages in acts of aggression.’


    “‘Israel threatens to use force against Iran almost on a daily basis… Of course, if they did use force against Iran, we would defend ourselves, as we have done with great sacrifice in the past. But we are not invading, we are not threatening anybody. We have not threatened anybody for 250 years,’ the Iranian FM said.”


    The report went on saying, “Zarif has once again turned down accusations by the West that the Iranian authorities are trying to develop nuclear-weapons capabilities, but Tehran insists that its program is for peaceful purposes.


    “‘We never had the bomb. We will never have a bomb. We’re not looking to have a bomb. We do not believe a bomb is in our interest. Whereas [Netanyahu] does have a bomb. He has 200 nuclear weapons,’ he said.”


    See the report here:


    We Saved Jews 3 Times, Netanyahu Should Revise History Lessons--Iranian FM


    And Professor Yakov Rabkin has this to say regarding Bibi’s speech to Congress: “Israel’s Prime Minister is well-placed to explain to the U.S. Congress the alleged danger of a nuclear Iran. After all, it was Israel and its allies in Washington who fabricated this issue to begin with. It is thus incumbent upon Mr. Netanyahu to try to give credence to that allegation even as U.S., European--and even Israeli--intelligence agencies agree that Iran is not trying to produce nuclear weapons. Some may remember that the claims that Iraq possessed weapons of mass destruction had come largely from the same people close to Israel’s right-wing Likud party.


    “The role of this Likud lobby has been seminal in stirring the campaign against Iran. It was at the AIPAC meeting in Spring 2006 that Iran was made a special target, with giant screens alternating clips of Adolf Hitler denouncing the Jews and then the Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad threatening to ‘wipe Israel off the map’. The show ended with a fade-out to the post-Holocaust vow ‘Never Again.’ Within months, the lobby distributed anti-Iran press kits to thirteen thousand journalists in the United States alone, durably embedding these emotionally charged images in mainstream media.


    “Iranian leaders have been routinely portrayed as deniers of the Holocaust who threaten to wipe Israel off the map. These two claims have been reproduced in thousands of newspapers, depicting Iran as a rogue state and a danger to world peace. They have also been used to impose Western sanctions on Iran for allegedly trying to produce nuclear weapons. Millions of Iranians suffer from these sanctions, and many more may suffer from military action that remains ‘on the table’ in Tel-Aviv and Washington. This is why these claims, which present Iranian decision-makers as irrational Jews-haters, deserve closer scrutiny.


    “The issue of Iran’s nuclear programme requires cool-headed analysis. However, conflation of Israel and Zionism with Jews and Judaism has long stifled rational debate concerning the Middle East. This is how critics of Israel, whether Gentile or Jewish, are routinely accused of anti-Semitism. Such accusations have come to impact international relations on a larger scale, and ‘Iran’s nuclear bomb’ is a case in point. Mr. Netanyahu arrives in Washington pretending to speak on behalf of world Jewry rather than as an elected representative of Israeli citizenry, at least one third of whom are not Jews.”


    See the report at:


    Netanyahu Is The “Right Man” To Address The US Congress On Iran


    I further recommend readers regularly read the Global Research website. I find these fellows have no axe to grind and no dog in the fight. Their main goal is the honest, objective reporting on global news. In doing so, they have garnered some of the most well-researched and intelligent reporters on the Web. Readers will learn a lot from this web site relative to international affairs. But a word of caution: you may not like what you read. In fact, if you don’t have an open mind for truth, you probably won’t appreciate the website at all.


    Here is the main page for Global Research:


    Global Research


    And, no, I am absolutely NOT minimizing the persecutions and bloodlust being demonstrated by Muslim extremists in the Middle East. But even most of those would disappear if the United States would totally GET OUT of the Middle East (and the United Nations) and stop meddling (assassinating, bombing, sending drone attacks, etc.) in the internal affairs of those countries. (Have you noticed we don't send bombers and drones to attack North Korea or China or Sudan? Why not? These regimes are every bit as evil--or more so--as any Middle Eastern country we have waged war against. Think it through, folks.) Our Founding Fathers were adamant that the United States should stay clear of "entangling alliances" with foreign nations. America has been foolish to ignore their counsel.


    All the while, the conspirators in D.C. also get what they want at home: amnesty for illegal aliens and a coming new war, which will lead to an ever-growing Police State in the U.S. You must admit, these folks are really smart.


    If the American people (and especially America's pastors) do not awaken to this devilish conspiracy soon, these conspirators are going to lead the world into a nuclear war, because Russia will not stay on the sidelines indefinitely. At that point, Huxley's “Brave New World”--and Bush's New World Order--will be a reality.


    Oh, and what if all of us Christians are NOT raptured to heaven before all of this happens? Will we still be glad we beat the war drums in the Middle East? Will the likes of John Hagee still be regarded as a great champion of Bible prophecy?


    Speaking of John Hagee, he represents a whole host of evangelical Christians who are America’s biggest cheerleaders for war against the Muslim states, which is entirely predicated upon a misinterpretation of Genesis 12:1-3.


    In fact, the misinterpretations of Genesis 12 and Romans 13 form the catalyst for a whole host of problems that are currently plaguing both the Church and U.S. government foreign and domestic policies. And if these misguided Christians, and Republican politicians whom they elect, aren’t real careful, they are going to be responsible for starting the first global nuclear war in world history. And when the fallout has cleared and millions of people lay dead and dying, the Christians might find out that they were not “raptured” out at all and that the Lord God actually needs no help from us mere mortals in order for Him to fulfill His ultimate intentions for the human race. If Jesus didn’t need our help when He came the first time, He certainly doesn’t need our help when He comes the second time--all the “know-it-all prophecy experts,” notwithstanding.


    I invite readers to order my 7-DVD package entitled The Israel Package. The package includes 15 messages all related to what the proper Christian understanding of Israel ought to be. I promise you, this series of messages will serve to balance the bloated spirit of warmongering being demonstrated by so many Christian evangelicals under the rubric of “blessing Israel.”


    I challenge readers to obtain the DVD package and listen to these 15 information-packed messages dealing with a proper scriptural perspective regarding Old Testament Israel, the modern State of Israel, and future Israel. All I can say is, like it or hate it, THIS NEEDS TO BE SAID.


    To order The Israel Package containing 15 messages on 7 DVDs at a HUGE DISCOUNT, go here:


    The Israel Package


    But what should not be lost to this discussion is the way leaders in both the Democrat and Republican parties collude together to orchestrate both U.S. and international affairs based on duplicity, conspiracy, and downright chicanery. The way Boehner and Pelosi conspired to use Bibi’s speech before Congress as cover to fund Obama’s executive amnesty order is just the latest example.


    P.S. Once again, I am in touch with a group of patriot Christians near BRADENTON, FLORIDA, who very much desire to start a new non-501c3 fellowship. As soon as this group can grow a little more, I will take my team and conduct a Liberty Church Project conference for these folks. This group is inching very close to being ready for us to come and conduct our Liberty Church Project conference for them. In fact, we are already looking at dates late in April to conduct the Liberty Church Project conference in BRADENTON--OR PERHAPS SARASOTA--FLORIDA. If you live in or near BRADENTON, FLORIDA, and would like to join this group, here is an email that you can use to connect with them. Hopefully, there will soon be enough people that we can see a brand new non-501c3 church established in BRADENTON, FLORIDA.

    The email address is:

    © Chuck Baldwin

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