Chuck Baldwin (2021)
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    We Are Launching!

    Published: Thursday, July 31, 2014

    The Liberty Church Project Is Underway!



    I am excited to announce that we have met our goal, and we are launching the Liberty Church Project!


    Just a little over two months ago, I told readers of my plans to launch a project through which we would be able to travel the country and help people start independent non-501c3 churches and Christian fellowships--and help established pastors resurrect the patriot pulpit. Thanks to the generous contributions of the readers of this column, we are now prepared to begin the application process.


    If you have a group of Christian people (even a small group), with or without a pastor, and are serious about wanting to start a non-501c3 church or fellowship, I encourage you to go to the Liberty Church Project website and fill out the online application. If you are a pastor who has a congregation of believers (even a small one) and want help in starting a non-501c3 church or fellowship, please fill out the online application on the website. If you are a pastor of an existing church and would like to have help in schooling your people in withdrawing from the government 501c3 non-profit status, or in helping to educate your flock in the Biblical Natural Law principles of liberty, I encourage you to fill out the online application also.


    Another element of this project is the desire to help patriot pastors and liberty churches get together. Kind of like an for pastors and churches. (Chuckle) I know of scores of ordained ministers who are extremely desirous to pastor a group of freedom-loving Christian people. And I also know of hundreds of Christian people who are desperately looking for a patriot pastor and cannot find one. This part of the project might involve a pastor to move to a location where a small group of Christian patriots are anxious to help, and stand with, a patriot pastor. If you are a layman or ordained minister such as this, I encourage you, too, to fill out the online application.


    A note about the application process is in order at this time. First, we will take the time to thoroughly analyze each application in order to determine the seriousness and commitment of each applicant. We only plan to invest the kind of time and money that this project requires on people who are truly serious about this, and who are committed to seeing it accomplished. I am very serious about being a good steward of the money that folks have invested in this project and of my time away from home. Frankly, only folks who are serious about this project should apply. Second, the priority determining the time and place of these conferences depend on several factors, and we will take as much time as we need to properly study and plan each visit. This is a marathon to me--not a sprint. Some events will take weeks, others months, before coming to fruition. Applicants should be prepared for that.


    Here is the online application form for the Liberty Church Project:


    Liberty Church Project Application


    Now, there is one more appeal I am impressed to make. And before I make the appeal, I realize that I may be speaking to, perhaps, only one person in the entire country. Then again, perhaps there is no one at all in a position to do what I’m asking. But, for the sake of the work that we are undertaking, I will make the request nonetheless.


    The accomplishment of the Liberty Church Project will require a tremendous amount of flying. In the last few years, I have flown commercially over a quarter-million miles, and I don’t mind telling you I detest it. It’s not the flying I mind; it’s the entire airport/TSA experience. I can tell you that you probably could not suggest a TSA-nightmare scenario that I have not experienced firsthand. Couple the TSA-Nazi treatment with the problems that routinely come up when flying with the major carriers, and, well, this is the part of the task that I truly dread. Not to mention the tremendous amount of time wasted sitting in airports waiting on connecting flights.


    Therefore, I am asking for a qualified IFR, multi-engine rated pilot who is financially independent--and who owns his own plane--that would be willing to fly me and my staff to these Liberty Church Project meetings. The plane should probably be a twin-engine turboprop with a range of at least 1,000 miles that can seat at least six people. I am not offering a salary; hopefully, I would be able to pay for the fuel--and, of course, the meals and lodging of the pilot--at the events. The complete cost of a plane such as this would quickly consume all of the funds that we have for the entire project; and I want to visit as many places and help as many people as possible to help start liberty churches. I, myself, am not receiving a salary from the project; the money is being used to help start churches.


    Believe me, I realize what I am asking. And I almost talked myself out of asking it, but the Lord seemed to impress upon me the need to ask. I further realize that there might not be such a person in the entire country who is willing and able to help me with such a request. Not only does this person need to be a qualified pilot with the appropriate plane and financial independence, he must also share the burden we have to help plant non-501c3 churches and help resurrect patriot pulpits across America. That’s more than a tall order. It’s a Mount Everest kind of order. But this entire project is a Mount Everest kind of project. So, as I initially left the funding for the project in the hands of God and the readers of this column, so I leave this need. If this person does not exist, we will gladly bear the burden of commercial flying.


    If you believe you are the kind of person I am looking for, please email my assistant at and I will be happy to speak with you further.


    So, the Liberty Church Project is underway!


    Once again, I want to thank all of you folks who gave so generously to the project. And I covet your prayers. Now, the hard work begins. The Lord willing, we will be able to help folks start liberty churches for at least the foreseeable future.


    Those of you who would like to continue to support the Liberty Church Project, you may certainly do so. If you are writing a check or money order, here is where to send it:


    Liberty Church Project

    P.O. Box 610

    Kila, Montana  59920


    Or, if you prefer to use a credit card, go to the website here:


    Liberty Church Project


    I truly believe that the only permanent answer to America’s woes is to resurrect patriot pulpits and liberty churches, such as existed in Colonial America, throughout the United States. I also believe that the Liberty Church Project is at the tip of the spear in what might lead to the next great spiritual awakening in our country. Please pray for us as we launch the Liberty Church Project.


    © Chuck Baldwin


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